Prussia x lonely reader

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You were walking down the very many hallways of Gauken High, your baggy clothes and hard stare scaring people away. "Hey, Frau!" You sighed deeply at the annoying, overconfident voice of the so-called 'Prussian'. "What do you want Gilbert?" You asked.

"Hey, zhat isn't any vay to talk to a friend, especially one as awesome as me!" You tensed up at the word friend. You had never had a friend before and the thought of finally having someone to rely on made butterflies erupt in your stomach. "Hey Frau, are jou okay? Kesesese. Did mein awesomeness make jou fall in love vith zhe awesome me?" He asked laughing that strange snake like laugh.

"No! I just... I've never had a friend before." The word friend feels strange on your tongue, and the butterflies fluttered around your stomach again. "Vell zhen, I guess zhe awesome me vill be jour awesome first freund!" Gilbert laughed, slinging a long pale arm over your shoulders. You look up into his ruby red eyes and smile.

Prussia's POV.

Wow, how do she survive without friends? I think to my awesome self. She looks really pretty when she smiles, her e/c eyes aren't in their usual glare. I stare into my new awesome friend's eyes and laugh as she blushes slightly. She's so cute~ oh shit, I can't be falling for her already can I? "Hey, Gilbert, who's the chica?" One of my awesome friends, Toni, asks me from over the hallway.

"Hey frau, do jou vant to see mein awesome freunds?" I ask the h/c haired girl beside me. She nods a bit shyly. I steer her in Toni's and Francis' way. "Hey guys, zhis is mein new awesome friend Y/n Kesesesesese!" I laugh as Francis greets Y/n, earning a huge blush and a punch to the stomach from you. "Honhonhon, you got a feisty one zhere, Gilbert!" Francis tells me laughing. Toni introduces himself next. "Hola chica, I'm Antonio, but you can just call me Toni!" Toni chirps happily. I watch as Y/n and Toni begin to have a conversation. "So Gill, do you have feelings for zhe girl?" Francis asks me whilst wiggling his eyebrows. "Nein, how could zhe awesome me have feelings for her? Ich have only just met zhe Frau..." I tell him.

"Honhonhon, zhen why are you blushing, zhere is somezhing called love at first sight," Francis tells me whilst looking at Y/n's ass. I slap him over his head when I notice, glaring at him. "Honhonhon, jou know jou like her~" I blush looking at the way she tucks a piece of h/c hair over her shoulder. Toni whispers something in her ear, and she blushes heavily. Toni had better not be messing around with mein frau.Wait, since when was she mein? Damn, don't tell me I have fallen for her! I am snapped out of my thoughts when Francis pats me on the back. "Scheiße, Francis, I zhink zhe awesome me has fallen for zhe frau,"

"Don't worry Gill, just wait a while to get to know her, and zhen ask her out,"

"If jou're sure..."


It's been about 8 months since I became friends with Y/n, and today is the day that I love her! I think to mein awesome self. Over 8 months, I have fallen more in love with Y/n. I run to Y/n's house, which is thankfully just over the street to mine. I have been planning this day for 4 months, I will walk up to her door and ask to hang out, then I will take her to the park and we will sit and watch the sunset together, and then I will kiss her and ask her to be mine. I knock at Y/n's door and wait impatiently for her to answer. When the door finally opens, my breath is taken away. There is Y/n with her hair up in a pretty bun, wearing dark wash skinny jeans, with a f/c t-shirt on. "Hallo, Y/n do jou vanna hang out today?" I ask her

"Yeah, why not." She says slipping on a leather jacket, fingerless leather gloves and knee length black boots. Damn, she looks hot like that! I grab her arm and pull her towards the park, with her laughing all the way. At the park, there is a band playing. Y/n giggles and runs now dragging me behind her. I twirl her around smiling before bringing her close. We sway to the music before she pushes me away playfully twirling around. I laugh and decide to give her a surprise hug. She jumps and looks up at me. I grip her hand and walk to a bench. "Hey Frau, look at zhe sky," I tell her. Okay, this is the hardest part. I look at her face, she is staring up at the sky. Beautiful like always. I grip her chin in my hands and lean forwards. Y/n does too. When our lips meet it's like there are fireworks, I feel whole. The way her soft lips feel against mine, the way her body fits into mine. I pull reluctantly away from her.

"Y/n, be mein awesome Frau?" I ask hopefully.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that." She mutters before pulling me back in for a kiss, more heated than the last. I grin against her lips before standing up and lifting her into my arms bridal style. "Do jou vanna take zhis to zhe bedroom?" I ask her. She nods and smirks up at me.

Kesesesesese, I can't wait to hear her moan mein name~

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