Denmark x Reader: Stranger

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C/n stood in front of the familiar house, no emotion seeming to pass on her face as she inspected the house that she had given to Denmark whilst she fought against England. Denmark and she did not appear to be friends, not even on mildly friendly terms, which is why it made no sense to the other countries as to why she would give him her house. Not many of them knew of the long history the two shared, in fact, only Norway and Sweden knew entirely. Finland and Iceland didn't know of their relationship before the Kalmar Union, the thing that tore the two apart. How C/n despised Denmark during those years that she was under his rule. Although, who didn't? Power hungry, overly proud and snapped Denmark was something that no one ever wanted to encounter. Mainly because of fear that they would come out bathed in their own blood, or they would not come out alive at all. The second was the most likely out of the two, considering how violent the childish nation could act when it came to it. 

C/n opened the front door to her house, walking in and slipping off her shoes. She shut the door behind her with a slam, hoping to avoid anyone else and just fall asleep. "C/n?" Said woman groaned in aggravation at the sound of the Danish males fairly deep voice calling out her name in surprise. "What do you want Denmark?" Her voice sounded harsh and unforgiving, two things that Denmark didn't seem to recognise ever hearing in her voice before. "You're home, C/n this is great!" He walks closer to her, opening his arms wide, revealing the light pink and frilly apron that he was wearing. C/n gives him an annoyed look as he comes close to wrap her up in a friendly hug. "Don't touch me, Dane." She pushes past him, leaving the Danish man with a shocked and hurt expression as he stared at her. "C/n, what's wrong?" His loud voice had turned into a quiet and fragile one. "None of your business idiot." At that moment, as the woman walked away from him and up into her bedroom, anyone looking could see his heart tearing in two. Why was she treating him like a stranger?

"C/n, I made you some dinner. I thought you might want something to eat after fighting for so long." Denmark called out from the other side of the door. Receiving no answer, he resorted to opening the door to see if she was okay. A smile crossed his face, enlightening his entire face when he saw her position. She was laid down on her front, shirt climbing up her back. It took him a whole 20 seconds to see the scars that littered her body. He had heard the news that her country had almost fallen halfway through the war, but he never imagined- he never wanted to imagine! It hurt him to even know that she had been hurt under his rule, that was what had caused her to hate him so in the first place, but for her to be hurt when he could do nothing to stop it? It destroyed him on the inside. He had always loved her, even when it seemed as though she detested every fibre of his being, he couldn't help but remember times when she would smile at him and playfully give him a shove, or when she would stand up for him when Norway would try and strangle him. 

"I guess I should wake her up, I don't want my Queen to be hungry, after all!" Denmark grinned as he placed the food on the bedside table as he moved to awaken the beautiful sleeping country. He brushed a lock of hair behind her ear, blushing slightly as he saw her full calm sleeping face. He shook his emotions off and lightly pushed her shoulder to wake her from her deep slumber. "C/n, C/n. I made you dinner, I thought you might want to eat some f/f, so I made you some!" The woman's alluring e/c eyes flickered open at the mention of food. Denmark had to admit that she looked adorable in that state, drowsy from sleep, wearing a shirt and trousers, both being messy and unkempt. "Denmark...? Food...? You can cook?" Denmark pouted at her disbelieving face. "What's that supposed to mean?!?" He exclaims, slightly offended. C/n allowed a small smile to show up. "Okay, I'll eat some." Denmark instantly brightens and grabs the tray with all the food on it, thrusting it into her hands and happily walking out of the room. C/n shook her head at the childish nation but continued to shovel the admittedly delectable food into her mouth.

C/n awoke with a scream of terror, body breaking out in sweat and shaking terribly. No longer than 5 seconds later did Denmark slammed open her door, prepared to kill whoever was hurting her. When he found no danger, he dropped his axe and sighed in relief. He sat down next to the quivering woman and pulled her onto his lap, rocking her back and forth soothing the frightened woman with soft spoken words and warm embraces. "Shh, you're okay now, you're safe with me. I am here, nothing can hurt you with me here." The sobs that had consumed her entire body began to cease, leaving sniffles and whimpers in its wake. "Stop, leave me alone! I don't need you!"She yelled in frustration. Denmark would have none of it. "Don't treat me like a stranger C/n. You need me now and I'm not leaving. What happened?" She leant back, her head resting on Denmark's shoulder as he ran his fingers through her hair. "He found me, he hurt my people." Her frightened whisper made the man sigh and squeeze her tighter. "I'm scared Den." Denmark turned her to face him fully, C/n now technically straddling him. "He won't do that, I'll protect you. England will never be able to hurt your people again, skat." The term of endearment slipped past his lips before he could even think about what he was saying. He knew that C/n knew his language to some extent, her language being very similar, but he didn't know what he would do if she knew what he just called her. "Thank you, Matthias. Stay with me for tonight?" Denmark grinned and blushed at the sound of his human name on her lips.

"Of course Y/n." He smiled and fell back onto the bed, pushing C/n lightly off of him, instead wrapping his strong arms around her waist and entangling their legs. Her head buried in his chest and arms wrapped comfortably around his broad shoulders. He smiled as her her eyes fluttered close, finding the sleepy woman adorable. When her breathing became deep and slower, he absentmindedly curled her h/l h/c h/t hair around his finger. He presses a sweet, chaste kiss to her forehead before finally settling down and falling to sleep himself.

Denmark awoke to sunlight peeping through the f/c curtains on his face and the smell of freshly made breakfast. C/n stood in front of him, holding a silver tray with a mug of hot coffee and danish pastries. Denmark's stomach growled obnoxiously and he blushed slightly. "For the king." C/n laughed a little, giving the hungry man the food she had made, watching him as he ate ravenously. "Slow down Matthias, you'll choke otherwise." Her soft tone made the male look at her with curious eyes. "I wanted to thank you for staying with me last night, I was really scared," Denmark grinned at the blushing woman and pulled her onto his now empty lap, nuzzling his head into her neck. "It's okay, I'd do anything for my Queen!" C/n's face burst out in a bright crimson colour, and she turned into a stuttering mess. "E-eh? Denmark, what are you talking about?" The Danish man just grinned and hugged her tighter. "I love you Y/n, so will you be my Queen? The Queen of Northern Europe?" C/n smiled, cheeks still painted red, and kissed the Danish man's forehead. "Okay," Denmark cheered out loud and pressed a long kiss on his new girlfriends' lips. "I love you, Matthias." Denmark grinned and peppered her face with kisses. "I love you more."

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