German brothers X Sister reader.

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Your POV

They have their way. I have my way. As for the right way. The correct way. Or the only way. It does not exist. I am Luxembourg, my human name is Y/n Beilschmidt, and I am the youngest sibling of the German Trio, including the eldest Prussia, the middle child Germany, and the youngest child me. The time is World War 2, and all the countries are arguing. Prussia has been suffering for a while now, I feel bad that I can't help him, and Germany, well, Germany is growing crueler every day. Hitler's antics are growing on him. Only a few days ago, he commanded me to dye my hair blonde. I understand that his country is going through a hard time. But he needs to understand that mine is too! My country has been turned into a battlefield. My people are hiding in fear of the endless gunshots and yells, I am trying to get them to a safer place. But in dark times like these, safe is an unknown word. My uniform no longer represents my tiny country, but represents Germany's. My country no longer is a happy, free place, but one of endless sorrow. It's taking a toll on my body too. With every day that my country grows weaker, so do I. It's only a matter of time before I fade for good. I haven't told Prussia and Germany yet. They need to concentrate on winning the war. Not on me. Not the very smallest country in all of Europe. I'm unimportant, in the grand scheme of things,I don't matter. If my country perishes, it shall become one with another country, and shall (hopefully) thrive under their care. And truly, that's what really matters. Don't get me wrong, I do not want to die. But if I do, and I most likely will, I can be sure that my country will be protected.

Prussia's POV

I am worried. Terrified even for Luxembourg. Although my awesome little sister is very good at hiding it, there can be no mistake that she is suffering. And all because of Germany's and mine bad decisions.  With any luck she won't fade away like Holy Rome. I don't think I could take that. I know Germany is scared too. His country is in no way going through an easy time, and he hasn't had enough time to check up on little Luxembourg. And neither have I. I know that my country will soon fade away and become a part of Russia and Poland. I understand that the Empire of Prussia will soon no longer exist, but I don't want Luxembourg to have to deal with that and her own economic issues. But I have a feeling about today. And it is not a good one either. Well I suppose I will just have to wait and see. 

Big Mistake. Waiting and seeing was the worst decision I could have ever made. Another scream and a convulsion ripples through now deadly pale Luxembourg. I can't... I just can't bare to see her like this. It's only a matter of time, but I have yet to inform Germany. "Prussia. Please Bruder call Germany." Despite her apparent weak state, Y/n's voice is amazingly strong. She always was one of the strongest countries I had ever known. My thoughts are interrupted by her back arching and a loud cry emitting from her mouth. I nod quickly and pick up a phone nearby. I press down all the numbers for Germany's phone quickly, not even making a mistake once. "Hallo Bruder? Vhat is it? Jou know zhat I am busy." Germany's deep voice sounds on the other end of the line. Oh god. W-what if she...? Nein, I can not think about such things. Liechtenstein needs me and Germany, and if I panic now, the chances are higher of her fading. "Germany it's Liechtenstein, she's becoming veaker by ze second. She can barely even breath vithout being in pain. She needs you and I don't care how important this vork is to your country, our little sister needs us!" I practically yell into the phone. I hear Germany's voice begin to tremble as he thinks about what could happen. "I vill be zhere in 2 minutes. Just don't let her die." And with that he hangs up on the phone. 2 minutes Germany. Any longer and she could die. 

~Timeskip to when Germany arrives~

"Prussia! Vhat is vrong vith Luxembourg?" Finally, it's about time he got here. I look at him in the eye, holding the trembling feminine country in my arms. "Germany, Prussia, it's too late. I'm sorry." What no! "NEIN! Luxembourg jou vill not die! Jou can't, I von't let jou!" She chuckles slightly raising a blood stained hand to caress my cheek. " Entschuldigung." Her voice is cracking. I hear a loud sob and turn my head to see Germany. Thick tears are rolling down his pale cheeks dropping down onto the marble floor. I shake my head sorrowfully and look down at the younger nation laying on my lap. "Ich habe dich liebe." The words barely escape her blood coated mouth before her once bright e/c eyes roll to the back of her head. Her body becomes limp and heavy in my arms. A choked sob emits from my mouth as I lift her up in my arms, holding the dead body close to my chest. Hoping, praying even, for a sign that she could still be alive. "NEIN! No p-please, vake up!" I cry. I let her die. She no longer exists. She's just like... Holy Rome. Germany pulls me into a hug. "Bruder, vhy?" He asks, sobbing into my shoulder. "I don't know Bruder," I feel guilt claw at my chest as I hold onto Germany as if he is my lifeline. "I-I zhink ve should stop zhis var before ve lose anyvone else." I mutter. I hate this. I hate it that I could do nothing but watch as my sister died.

Germany's POV

No, why? Why did it have to be her? Why did they have to take away my sister? Prussia is correct. We must prevent this war from getting worse. "Ja jou are vright Bruder. For Luxembourg."

"For Luxembourg."

I promise that one  day we'll meet again little sister. And when we do, I won't let you go away. I see a faint outline of a feminine figure. Luxembourg. She smiles sadly and waves a last goodbye to us, and in an instant she's gone. I will always remember you. I promise.

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