Norway x Violinist Sad Reader: The Sea and the Rock.

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Norway's POV

I walk down the gritty beach, staring at the sea, which is glimmering in the light of dusk. Oh how I miss the Viking Days, where we would all just be together and sail until we had to go back home. I miss the sea too. Lately there has been a lot of pressure on my country, and in all truth I am scared. I am scared of what might happen. If I might fade away. A melodious sound fills my ears. Violin. I look at the person playing, and I realise. I realise that even if I am to fade away, beauty shall still exist. It shall exist in my country, in other countries. Even if I am to fade away, life will continue to go on the way it should. Even if I am to fade away, I will be remembered for the good things I have done. The woman playing looks so sad though. A crestfallen expression upon her beautiful features. She has shiny, h/l h/c hair and from what I can tell from such a distance, amazing e/c eyes. She is very talented, her fingers playing the notes, as the bow sails across the violin in a way that can only suggest that she has been doing this for years. I unconsciously begin to walk towards the girl. When I am about 1 foot away from the girl, I notice the tears that stain her cheeks. As another one falls, I reach up my hand to brush it away. Her cheeks are soft, I note as she looks up at me with a startled expression. "I am sorry to startle you  Min kjære, it's just that you looked very sad and the song is wonderful." I tell her sitting down beside her staring out at the falling sun. "It's alright." We sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. "It's beautiful don't you think? The sunset I mean. It reminds us that even through light, there must be a time when dark things must rise. But even so, after those dark things, it can only get better." I smile a little at her words.

"That, I find, is completely correct. Life is beautiful in that way." She smiles at me slightly before looking back at the sunset. The lights reflect off of her face, and somehow makes her look even more astounding than she originally did. "Y/n L/n. That's my name, what's yours? Else I will have to continue to call you 'The Sunset Man' in my head." I chuckle a little at that. This girl seems to have a smart mouth on her. "It's Lukas Bondevik. I am happy to know that you will no longer have to call me 'The Sunset Man' in your head any more." Y/n laughs slightly at this.

"Well, despite our slightly odd meeting, It is a pleasure to meet you on this woeful day. You certainly have managed to chase me out of my sorrows, if not forever, for an hour or two."

"The worst thing about bad things, is that as hard as you try, you can never truly forget them. Perhaps for a week they may slip out of your mind, but soon later they will come back and haunt you, whether said bad thing was your fault or not, they will always make sure that you can never forget what happened." I look at Y/n, who at the moment has tears dripping from her eyes. 

"I may not know you very well Lukas, nor do you me, but I thank you greatly for allowing me this moment to reflect on everything. Although despite not knowing you, perhaps, if you would like to, we could meet again. Same spot, same time, tomorrow?" She asks me. In truth, I am quite happy she asked because I am sure that I would not be able too. "Of course Y/n. Tomorrow will be a day I look forward too greatly."

"And I the same Lukas." With that we go our separate ways.

~Timeskip to the next day~

I arrive at exactly the same time as I did yesterday, not in the least surprised to see Y/n already there, but very surprised to see a bruise on her cheek. I sit, once again beside her, and trace my thumb across the bruise. "What happened?" Is the only question I can think to ask at the moment. A few tears make there way down her face, and onto her open palms. "My ex-boyfriend was abusive. I am not sad about splitting up with him though, more afraid of what my friends might think. I believe that the only reasons they befriended me was to get close to him." I sigh and pull her in for a side-hug. We sit there, watching the waves hit the shore, and retreat back to the sea in which they belong. "Thank you Lukas. You may not know me, but in two days you have shown me more compassion than anyone else in my entire lifetime." I can feel myself tense slightly at her words, but despite tensing up, I lay my head on top of hers. "Thank you too Y/n. You do not know me, nor do you know of the things I have done, but in two days you have made me understand the ways of life, more than I have ever known." I can feel her smile. "It is quite strange isn't it? We met because of music as complete strangers, and yet now I am here wishing to know more about said stranger." Her voice has an odd factor in it, that just instantly calms me down, and washes away my stress. "You are like the sea." I say before I can stop myself. "Huh? How so?" 

"You are beautiful and give me the same feeling of serenity as the sea does," That causes her to blush. "From what I can tell you are also very calm and understanding of the ways of life, you seem to understand nature and it you." I finish.

"And yet every sea needs a rock to hold it down. I would like you to be that rock Lukas. You understand me more than anyone ever could." I can feel myself smile.

"I would love to be that rock, come home with me?"

"I could not imagine anything better than that Lukas."

Together we are like rock and sea, both calm and both strong. And she will always be the sea to my rock, and I wouldn't like it any other way.

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