Sweden x Male Reader

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Sweden's gaze locked on the beauty of  C/n. The  young males messy/tidy hair looked wonderful as always and his large e/c eyes shined with glee. The stoic country could not deny that he loved him. And it was painfully obvious to everyone except for C/n himself. C/n was known to be an oblivious but kind-hearted country, and so was also known to be wanted by many other countries. "Ohonhonhon~ 'ello zhere C/n~ Would you like to see zhe Eiffel Tower tonight?" Sweden felt his shoulders tense as the flirtatious French man flirted with C/n. "No thank you France, I actually like someone else." Sweden felt his heart crack in two at the males words. There was no way that the sweet country could ever like someone like himself. No emotion passed on the stoic nations face, and he failed to notice a certain h/c male glancing at him.

C/n's POV

I shoot a glance at Sweden, hoping that he would finally get the hint. Of course he wasn't looking in my direction at all, why would he? He's a strong and brave nation, whilst I am pitiful and weak. France looked in the direction that I did, trying to see who I turned him down for. "Ohonhonhon~ Good look with getting Monsieur Sweden mon cherie." My eyes widen and I look at the French man in shock. "Oh petit fleur, it's pretty obvious you know. " I blush and avert my gaze. Yeah I like Sweden. He's just so... Amazing. He doesn't show much emotion, but if you look closely you can see very faint traces of it. It just makes him more alluring to me. Not to mention how handsome he is! Like seriously it should be illegal! Butt anyway, that's the least of my problems right now. A war is bubbling between me and Russia. He wants my country as his own! Not only that, but my country's leader is awful . He doesn't do anything for the good of my country. And it's starting to take a toll on my body. I can't eat much without it causing me to throw up. I am also a lot more exhausted than I used to be. Oh, the meetings over!

Sweden's POV

I stand up as soon as the meeting is over and walk out of the meeting room, just in time to see C/n falling over. I hurry and catch him before he hits the ground. Worry courses through my veins. Countries don't get sick unless something is wrong with there nation, so seeing C/n in such a state is really worrying. I pick him up bridle style cradling his head in my arms. "C/n? Are you okay?" The shorter male is trembling. "Y-Yeah. I think so." I place a hand on his forehead and realise he is burning up. "No your not. I'm taking you home." 

"N-No Sve, you really don't have to."

"I want to." A streak of red coats my cheeks as I say that and I can see him blush as well. A stuttered thanks comes out of his lips.


I stand in horror at the state of the country. Nothing is how it used to be. There are no longer children happily running about, no longer peace, but instead it's dark. So dark and cold. C/n coughs in my arms and it takes a few moments to realise that the red coming out of his mouth is blood. "Shhh, it's okay. I'll fix this I promise." I comfort him. All of this has to be because of that good for nothing leader. I knew he wasn't right in the head, but causing so much disaster is way too far. "Thank you." Was the last thing he said before passing out in my arms. My heart ached for the man. No country should have to go through this. I effortlessly carry C/n to his house. I open it using the spare key that he had given every country in case of an emergency. The house is freezing. Literally, I can see ice forming up the walls. I shake C/n awake. "Hey, I'm going to take you home with me okay? It's too cold in here." I receive a small nod. I pick him up again and realise just how light he really is. Due to our countries being fairly close to each other, it doesn't take long for me to get him to my house. "S-Sweden?" I look down at him to show that I'm listening. What he does next takes me by surprise. His lips clash against mine in a passionate kiss. I close my eyes and hold his neck to bring him closer to me. 

~Sad ending~

Suddenly it feels like I'm not kissing anything. I open my eyes and am horrified by the scene. C/n's body is paler than before and is becoming semi-transparent. "C-C/n?" I ask as fear racks my body.

"Sve, I'm sorry." And just like that he fades away. I grasp the air where he once was.

"C/N!!!" I scream out as I realise that he is gone. The one I love has disappeared once and for all. I will never be able to see his wonderful face when I wake up, or be able to kiss his lips again, or be able to cuddle him. He's gone. Just that last thought makes my heart shatter. I don't think I can live a life without him. I pick up a knife and plunge it into my stomach. The pain is almost unbearable, but the thought of seeing C/n once again makes it so much easier. Goodbye cruel world.

~Happy ending~

It seems like he gets stronger as he kisses me. The pigment returns to his cheeks, and a smile makes it's way across his face. I pull away and place my forehead upon his. My hand caresses his cheek and I can feel a smile make it's way onto my face. C/n hugs me tightly, burying his face in my chest. "I love you Sve." I can barely breath. Those 4 words mean everything to me.

"I love you too."

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