Norway x Reader: A Thousand Years.

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A/N This is the song :

Your POV

I carry myself across the pier, looking graceful and calm whilst staring out at the sun that was beginning to fall into the sea, my f/c dress flying slightly in the breeze. My hands' grip on tightly to the silver cross barrette, so many memories began with this one accessory. So many ended with it too. It was my lovers' last gift to me before we got separated, him on the opposite side of the sea that I am looking at right now. It has been a thousand years since I last saw him, but I still love him nevertheless. That is one thing time can not take away from me. I am the country of C/n, or rather, the representation of the country of C/n. My country has been forced into isolation after a rather nasty war with another country who I can not even remember the name of anymore, and with such, my lover and I were separated. My lovers' name is Norway, otherwise known to me as Lukas Bondevik.  I remember that he gave me this as a leaving present, promising that he would return for it and me one day. He hasn't yet, but I know he remembers me. The magic he placed in it, made it shine along with his neverending love for me. It is still shining, there has not been a moment when it hasn't. My country is slowly breaking free of the isolation that has held us in for so long and soon I will be able to see my love once again.

~Timeskippy of fate~

The party being held in my countries honour is loud and full of people I don't know. A silver and navy coloured mask hide my eyes, and my matching navy blue dress falls to the floor.  The silver cross barrette pushes away my fringe. The party is in the style of a masquerade ball, and it is only proper to go along with the usual requirements for such an event. The number of countries here is rather amazing I suppose. I should be used to this by now, I am always forced to go to my countries extravagant parties. But everywhere I look, there is something new and breathtaking. Bravely, I step into the room where the party is being held. Around me are chatting countries, beautiful decorations, an orchestra and a table full of peculiar foods. I smile as I remember how Lukas and I met for the first time. It was at a party much like this one, full of people, he had pushed through the crowd and asked me to dance with him. I did, and I have to say, it was the best dance I ever had. We had talked for a while after that, everyone else seemed to just disappear. "Hello." A voice that is vaguely familiar greets me. I turn and gaze upon a man with blonde hair. I can't see his eyes from his black mask that matches his suit. "Hello," I reply with a kind voice. A slow song begins to play and the man before me holds out a hand. "Dance with me?" I smile and nod, taking his hand and allowing him to walk me to the dance floor. He rests a hand on my waist, the other being clasped in my own. I place my hand on his shoulder and prepare to dance. There is only one other couple dancing. A woman with long brown hair, wearing a deep green dress, and a man with white hair and a navy suit. Everyone's eyes fall on us four as we dance. The blonde man's dancing style is exactly the same as Lukas'. They look quite similar too. The dance slowly comes to an end and we both stand, just staring at the other in awe, ignoring everyone else's clapping. 

I don't even register it when the man drags me out of the room and outside into the gardens. The only thing I can register is the fact that he reminds me so much of Lukas. "Take off your mask." He demands. I look up at him slightly confused. 

"Huh? What?"

"Take off your mask." Bewildered, I do as he says. His mouth pulls upwards with a gleeful smile. I feel slightly exposed without the mask. "Now you take off yours." He does as I say and I instantly gasp, my hands moving to cover my mouth. Tears pool in my eyes as I stare into the lovely violet-blue orbs that I remember so clearly. The smile doesn't leave his face as he wipes away a stray tear. "L-Lukas?" I stutter out. My heart races, I swear he could hear it from how close we were standing. "Y/n." The sound of his seemingly emotionless voice knocks me out of my stupor and I wrap my arms around his neck in a hug. His arms move around my waist as he buries his face in the crook of my neck. The embrace lasts for a few minutes before he grabs my face and presses a loving kiss on my lips. The one kiss speaks a thousand words, and as I kiss back, I know he understands every one of them. His thumb caresses my cheek in a loving way as we continue to kiss. He pulls away reluctantly, resting his forehead on mine. "I missed you." He whispers smiling softly. "I missed you too," I whisper back. 

It's been so long since I've felt this way. Since I've felt so in love with someone. It feels so amazing! The rush of emotion every time I feel him hold me, the spark every time we kiss, the tingling sensation when his hand gently caresses my cheek. I had almost forgotten what it was like to be loved. "After all this time." I make a sound of confusion. Lukas takes the barrette out of my hair and held it to the moonlight. "Of course, it was something you gave me." I giggled at his slightly dumbfound expression. "Even though it's been a thousand years?" He asks me, placing it back in my hair. "I have loved you for that long, I couldn't bare to throw it away." Norway sighed in happiness. "I have loved you for a thousand years and I will continue to love you for thousands more," I whisper. He smiles and wraps me up in his arms.

"And I the same min kjære."  

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