Magic Trio x Fragmentation Reader

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Fragmentation- The ability to shatter something with your mind.

Freak, Mutant, Queer. The three main names you were called. You went to a school for people who studied magic. Only they were spell users. You were a Natural Power. Your ability was Fragmentation. Many times you had accidentally shattered something at school. You walked into your first lesson, Magic Controllability and sat alone at your table. Your teacher was Mr Peaks, a kind, loving teacher. "Right class today we are going to have 3 new students and they are all Natural Powers. I expect you all to treat them kindly. Come on in boys." Mr Peaks said joyfully. In walked three boys. One had blonde hair, green eyes and really busy eyebrows. The next also had blonde hair, but his eyes were blue and emotionless. The last boy also had blonde hair, his eyes were red and he had little fangs.

"Hello my name is Arthur Kirkland and my ability is to control Nature and see mythical creatures." Bushy brows -I mean Arthur- said first. "I'm Lukas Bondevik. My ability is to control Ice and snow. I also see mythical creatures." The second boy said with, just as you thought, an emotionless voice. "YAY my turn. I'm Vlad Popescu and I have the ability to control Fire and I have Vampire tendencies." The last boy chirped. "Well you three can all sit next to Miss L/n over in that corner." Mr Peaks said. You lower your head so your bangs cover your e/c eyes. They all take a seat at your table. "You can all have a free lesson today so have fun!" He said again and sits down at his desk.

"So love, are you a Natural Power?" Arthur asks you.

"Yes I am." You answer softly. Vlad's red eyes brighten as he grabs your hands excitedly. You look up in surprise. "Really? What's your power Miss L/n?" Vlad asks in joy.

"It's um Fragmentation. Oh and please just call me Y/n." You say awkwardly.

"What's Fragmentation?" The three chorus. You sigh and grab a glass ball out of your pocket. You raise your hand and it shatters into pieces. "That's Fragmentation." You say.

"Cool!" Vlad exclaims.

A/n Hey so I might make this into a mini series it really depends if I feel like it.

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