Iceland x Male Country Reader

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Iceland looked over the table at the exhausted looking country. Bags were under his eyes and his posture was slouched. He would never admit it, but he was worried for the male country. C/n was one of  Norway's friends, and so Iceland knew him quite well. He was a very sweet country, his large e/c eyes would always shine with joy and his h/l h/c hair would always be well-groomed. But recently his eyes were dull and his hair messy. Perhaps he was just tired? Yeah, that was probably it. Iceland discarded the worried thoughts and listened to Germany. "Zhat is all for today. Zhe next meeting vill be held in Italy." Damn it. Iceland thought. I didn't pay attention throughout the entire meeting. The Nordics walked out of the meeting room, with Iceland slightly behind them. "Guys, maybe we should check on C/n." Iceland had no idea what he was saying. The others looked at him slightly surprised.      "Why?" 4 confused voices replied.

"He just... doesn't look like he usually does. More tired and depressed I guess." Iceland's voice was laced with concern. Norway nodded. "Yeah, if little brother says so." God, why must he always call me little brother? I'm not a child any more! Iceland sighed and looked at the rest of the Nordics who all wore unreadable expressions. "I guess he did look kind of depressed." The Nordics turn to Denmark in shock. Never had he been thoughtful like this. Even though they were shocked the Nordics all nodded in agreement. If only they knew...

It took 4 hours for them to arrive at C/n's house, and the Nordics were horrified at the sight. His country was in ruins. Rubble scattered everywhere. Children crying with no one to comfort them. And stood there, in the midst of all the chaos, stood C/n, tears streaming down his s/c cheeks. "C/n! What happened here?" Iceland was the first to move towards the crying country.

"I-Ice? What are you doing here?" The country asked.

"It's not just Ice, we're all here too. What happened C/n?" Finland asked sweetly. C/n sobbed placing his hand over his mouth to muffle the sound. "I-I couldn't do anything! H-He bombed my country and I couldn't do anything! So many are dead because I wasn't strong enough to protect them! Now my country is in ruins! And what's worse is that there's this new disease as well! They're dyeing and there is nothing I can do! I hate this. I-I hate this so much!" The country cried falling to his knees.

"Who? Who caused this C/n?" Iceland sank down in front of the crying male and held him tightly. His violet eyes held sadness for the country. He didn't deserve this! "R-Russia." C/n's voice was a quiet whisper. "It's okay C/n. I won't let him hurt you again." Suddenly a bomb blew off in the capital city of C/n. The country screamed in agony. The Nordics' eyes all hardened and they all sat beside C/n. "We'll get him C/n." Iceland growled as he stood up. The Nordics could only watch as the youngest of there group walked away in rage.


It had been an entire month since the incident with C/n. The Nordics claimed war on Russia, but C/n had fallen under a terrible illness. Iceland stood beside the male the entire time, through all the nightmares and all the pain from bombs being dropped on his country. But today that would change. The Nordics brought great news! "C/n!" Iceland called out to the male. 

"Yeah Ice?" Was the reply from upstairs. Iceland ran up, leaving the other Nordics smiling at the youngest Nordics obvious love towards the sweet male country. "We won! We won the war!" Iceland's happy yells could be heard from downstairs. "Yes! I knew you would be able to do it!" C/n seemed just as excited as Iceland. Suddenly coughs racked his small body. Iceland sat besides the male and rubbed his back. "Hey, are you okay?" 

"I-Ice, look I don't think that I will be able to make it."

"W-What are you saying?"

"I'm fading Ice, I'm sorry."

"N-NO YOU CAN'T! DON'T YOU SEE? WE WON THE WAR! YOU CAN'T DIE!" Iceland's agonised cries filled the entire house. "N-Not now that I finally figured it out." His voice turns to a whisper. C/n tilts his head in confusion. "I love you okay, you can't leave!" Iceland confesses to the shorter male.

"W-What Ice?" 

"You heard me, I love you!" To prove his point, Iceland kisses C/n on the lips. He kisses back quickly, gripping on to Iceland's shoulders. "I love you too." He whispers as they pull away. Suddenly his pale skin turns back to it's normal colour, his hair turns back to the neat h/l h/c hair that it used to be, his eyes became the bright e/c again. The fading away process had stopped. Both C/n and Iceland gasped in shock. "I-I'm not fading. I can live!" C/n hugged Iceland in his joy shaking the male out of his stupor. Both of the countries laugh and kiss again.

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