England x Reader

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England's POV

God dammit Y/n, why couldn't you see I was trying to protect you? I scream in my head. I lost her. Again. Why does it always end up this way? With her leaving me because we fought, and me in a bar drinking alcohol. Y/n is the personification of C/n, and was one of my Colonies. Only, we don't look to each other as brother and sister. Y/n is my lover. Correction Was my lover. We had another argument. She wanted her freedom. She wanted to be a proper country and fight her own battles. I couldn't. I just couldn't let her leave me like everyone else. Damn her and her bloody stubbornness. Damn me and my stupid abandonment issues. Damn both of us for falling for each other when it will probably always end up like this. I take another sip of the burning liquor and feel tears drip down my flushed cheeks. I reach for my phone but pull my hand away. I said I wouldn't call her. It appears that I don't have too because her contact flashes up on my phone. I press the 'accept call' button and press my ear to the phone. "Iggy, where in the world are you? I'm home right now and you're not here, did France kidnap you again?" Y/n's lovely voice filled my ears. "Ah, your at the bar right? Hang on, don't move and I'll come get you Iggy." She hangs up and I place the phone on the table in front of me. I take another swig of my alcoholic beverage. I take a picture of us smiling out of my coat pocket. Her arms are wrapped around my shoulders and she is grinning at the camera. I am smiling too, my hand resting on one of her hands that was on my shoulder. I sob loudly, not caring for either the disapproving glares or sympathetic glances. The bartender rests a hand on my shoulder. I look up to be met with a sad smile. "Want to talk about it son?" He asks me gently. I shake my head as my sobs quietened down. "I'm fine." I look into my empty glass. Suddenly the bar door slams open and standing there is Y/n in all her beautiful glory. "Come on Artie, lets go home." She gives me a hand up. Her h/l h/c hair is messy and red rims her eyes. She's been crying. I take her smooth hand and pass the bill to the bartender. She drags me to her car. Shoving me in the front seat, she gets in the drivers seat. "Y-Y/n, I'm sor-" I begin, only to be cut of by the woman next to me her hands shake but she rests them on my cheeks. "No I'm sorry, I allowed America to get into my head and I shouldn't of. I love you too much to leave you now Arthur." She only ever uses my full human name if she's serious. I lean in, placing a hand on the back of her neck. As our lips meet, I swear, fireworks go off in my mind. The kiss is passionate and filled with need and want. God dammit, I love this woman so much it hurts. I pull away from the kiss for a few seconds. "I love you so much Y/n." She smiles and pulls me in for another heavenly kiss. Only, this one doesn't last as long. "Come on, let's get home." I smirk as she says that. "Yes, let's do. Just to let you know, you might not be able to walk for a few days." Y/n freezes turns to me and smirks. "You know, if this happens every time after an argument, we really ought to argue even more." She drives us home. Lets just say it was a very long night for both of us. 

~Timeskip to morning~

I smile down at the woman sleeping next to me, naked body entangled with mine. I watch as she stirs in her sleep. "Good morning love." I whisper. She groans and wraps her arms around my waist. "G'morning Iggy." She mumbles, burying her head in the crook of my neck. I shiver in pleasure of her body pressed against mine. "Last night was bloody euphoric." I mumble kissing her exposed neck. "Yes it was, saying that, every night with you is euphoric... Wait... Did we use protection?" My eyes widen and I spring out of bed. Running a hand through my hair I begin to pace. "Bloody Hell." My voice wavers in realisation. I could of gotten her pregnant. "England it's okay. Even if I do end up pregnant, I won't mind. My child would be yours so I would be happy." She stands up as well, taking my hands in hers. I sigh in relief and put an arm around her waist. "Lets just wait a while to check if you are pregnant. And if you are then I will be overjoyed, if not then we can always try for one." I mumble to her. She smiles and kisses me softly. "What do you say we get dressed and I make us breakfast?" I smile lovingly down at her.

~Timeskip to two months later~

I've just come home from work and as I enter the house, the first thing I notice is Y/n pacing and biting her nails. "Love, what's wrong?" I ask her resting a hand on her shoulder. She looks up and I see tears pricking the edges of her eyes. "England, I-I'm p-pregnant." She practically whispers. I swear my mouth almost drops to the floor. "I'm sorry." She mumbles looking down. 

"Sorry? What for? This is amazing news! We are having a child! Oh I wonder whether it will be a girl or a boy? Oh well I suppose it won't matter, whatever the gender, they'll be our wonderful child." I spin Y/n around in my arms. A grin erupts on her features. "I'm so glad you're not mad." She giggles. I frown for a second. "Now, why would I be mad?" I ask. She doesn't answer, instead wrapping her arms around my neck. I drop to the floor and kiss her stomach that is just slightly showing. "Hey there little girl or boy, I'm your Daddy. Be nice to your Mommy though please, she's very important to me." I tell the little child in there. I stand back up and wipe away her tears. "This child will be amazing." I whisper, kissing her forehead.

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