Japan x Sister reader: Nothing Left

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Your POV

I sigh as I brush my h/l h/c hair out of my face. Looking straight into the mirror. I see a lonely girl with no emotions. A strong and feared country. A pathetic child. It has been an entire 100 years since the war between me and Japan. All that are left are memories and scars. I remember the last thing he said to me. "You are no longer my sister." Those 6 words made me stronger. Powerful. Emotionless. They also broke me. Made me weak. Made me afraid. I can remember a time when Japan and I were happy. It was so long ago. It doesn't matter any more though. There is nothing left of the bond we used to share. There is nothing left of me. The worst thing is that my uniform is like his. It reminds me every day of him. And I hate it. Loath it even. I shake my head of these thoughts and continue to get ready for the meeting.


I arrive at the meeting right on time. It's in my country today, so I managed to get here quickly. I swing open the large mahogany doors and enter the loud room. I noticed that neither Germany nor Prussia attended this meeting. Sighing I slam my hands down on the desk, narrowly avoiding being hit by France and England. "SILENCE YOU USELESS AND PATHETIC EXCUSES OF COUNTRIES!" I bellow catching everyone's attention. They all scurry back to their seats. "Now, today we will be covering the topic of energy use." I state, much calmer now. America raises his hand in the air enthusiastically. "Yes America."

"Why ain't I leading this meeting?" This causes multiple people to start bickering. I glare at everyone, a menacing aura surrounding me. "SILENCE! America you will NOT lead this meeting as this is my country and you are not responsible enough to lead any meeting. Now back on topic. Energy use has become a really bad thing in places such as America, China and Russia. A lot of this is due to too much car driving. I expect you all to follow code 5 of reducing this in your countries. Do you understand me?" I say, my voice commanding. All countries nod. If I had been looking in Japan's direction, I wouldn't of missed the sorrowful look he gave me. "Good, meeting is over." I say walking out of the meeting room.

Japan's POV

It's all my fault. C/n would not be as cold as she is now, had I not claimed war on her country. We used to be so close. But now she can't stand to even look my way. I just want the old her back. The one that would call me 'Big Brother'. The one that loved everyone. But it's too late for that now. I feel America put a hand on my shoulder and shaking his head sadly. "I miss her too." Oh if only he understood. He had lost a dear friend, but I had lost a sister. I shake my head and walk out of the room. I stroll down the endless hallways of C/n's meeting place. One picture captures my eye though. It's covered up with a grey cloth. The colour of loss. Curiosity did not kill the cat. It was the actions that followed. I slowly take off the cloth and tears fill my eyes at the picture. It was of C/n and I, when she was just a Chibi nation. In the picture we were both smiling at the painter. Underneath was an engraving. "For the Loss of my happiness. C/n." Right as I read that I fell to the ground sobbing. I had done it. I broke the only thing that mattered to me. "So, you've found it huh?" I hear that voice behind me. I look and see C/n.    "Little Sister I'm-" I am cut off by her laugh. 

"Don't you remember Japan? I am no longer your little sister. You know I should really thank you. You taught me what it is like to feel betrayed, and now, no one can hurt me. No one can hurt me like you did." The cold tone to her voice shocks me. "I trusted you. You were the one who took me in. The one who protected me only to break me even m-more when I grew older." She breaks it off in tears. My heart broke just then. Seeing my cold and seemingly emotionless sister cry because of something I did. "C/n." I whisper reaching out to her.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! Haven't you hurt me enough?" She falls to the floor sobbing. I run forwards and do what I would have never of done to any one else. I hugged her. She punched my chest weakly telling me to let her go. "I can't little sister. I can't let you go because I don't want you to be hurt any more." I whisper to her.

Your POV

  "I can't little sister. I can't let you go because I don't want you to be hurt any more." These words send me into a flashback to when he first met me.


I was a young Chibi sat in a random garden. I didn't know how I got there. Nor did I know anything about me other than the fact that I was C/n. I cried and cried for hours on end before someone found me. The man had a black bowl cut and brown eyes. "Who are you?" I ask him sniffling. 

"My name is Japan. Who are you little one?"

"I'm C/n." Japan picked me up, resting me on his hip. I stared into his brown eyes. 

"Are you lost C/n?" He asked me. I nodded wiping away the tears. "Well then, I suppose you could live with me then."

"You'll be my Big Brother?" He nodded and smiled at me.

~End of Flashback~

"B-Big Brother. Big Brother I'm sorry!" I cried harder snuggling into his chest. He put his arms around me. "It's all okay now Little Sister. I'm here." I smile at this. Perhaps there is nothing left of the bond we had before, but I know that a new bond can be made.

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