Prince Denmark x Poor Reader: I don't Care!

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Your POV

I walk through the filthy town, breathing in the cold air, the frosty wind biting at my cheeks and bare feet as I take brave steps towards my shabby little cottage. Cold droplets of moisture fall from the darkening sky, it's going to snow again tomorrow.It's always cold here, it snows a lot too. My name is Y/n L/n, and I am a mere woman in a little town, at the edge of the great Kingdom of Denmark. Our Kingdom is one of the best in the world, and our King is amazing! He tries his best to look after everyone here, although, I don't think he'll have heard of me. Not many people have, I tend to go to the market and come straight back home, without uttering a word to anyone. Many of the other women here talk about me. I hear them sometimes, they call me The Mysterious Flower. I'm not sure why, I am not mysterious, I just don't know how to begin a conversation with someone. I see people do it all the time, but I get really flustered and don't know what to say when I try. I've been this way since I were a child, I would never talk to anyone my age, instead listening to stories that the storytellers told. Everyone thought I was a strange child, I suppose they were right. My father sometimes hit me, told me that if I didn't talk to people that I would never be married and live a happy life. I suppose he was correct, I could be seen as quite pitiful in the way I go about things. I don't think of myself as isolated, just independent. Is that so wrong? 

Last night was a bad night, I barely got a wink of sleep. The cold seeped in through cracks in the walls and doors, and there was so much yelling from the Drunkards. It snowed again as well. I don't mind it, I actually love the snow! But in the circumstances I'm in right now, I would rather it not. I suppose I ought to go back to the market today, I need to buy some things from the farmer anyway. I put on my old blue cloak and begin to walk back to the market. On the way I notice a drunkard, who seems to be staggering in my direction. I ignore him. "Oi, you! Why don't you let me see you tonight darlin', I promise I'll be good to ya!" He grabs my arm and I shudder. How dare he lay his disgusting hands on my arms? I try to pull away, yanking my arm out of his hand. He grows furious, a dark, predatory look crossing his eyes. "Now now sweetheart, you best not be defyin' me!" He wraps an arm around my waist, whispering grotesque things in my ear. I frown in disgust and try to pull away again, only this time he grabs me harder, probably bruising my skin. I can't move! "L-Let me go!" I yell, struggling against his touch. He smirks and slaps me, hard. I fall to the ground, raising my hand to touch my cheek. A few droplets of crimson blood fall down onto the white ground. He split skin. "Now, will ya do what I say?" He asks in a fake voice of pity. I shake my head defiantly, but gasp in shock when he grabs my h/l h/c hair and lifts me off of the ground. "Hey! Stop harassing the girl!" I hear a fairly deep, masculine voice yell to the man holding me up. We both look over and see someone I never thought I would ever have the privilege of seeing with my own eyes. Prince Matthias, first born of King Alfrik, stands there in all his glory, glaring down at the man with beautiful cerulean eyes. 

The man soon drops me on the snowy floor and bows down in submission to the Prince. "Don't come near this woman ever again, my good Sir, else you shall face the consequences." The Prince's threat scares the disgusting pig of a man, and he stutters out a reply. "Y-Y-Yes y-your M-Majesty." The prince sends him away with a flick of his wrist, before turning his gaze onto me. His eyes soften and a goofy smile spreads across his face. "Hey, are you okay there? What's your name Miss?" He asks me with a kind voice. I stand up and bow down before him in politeness. My cheeks begin to turn slightly pink from the fact that the admittedly handsome Prince stood up for me. "I am just fine your Highness, I am sorry to trouble you. My name is Y/n L/n." The Prince bows down on one knee before me, surprising me and the whole crowd. He takes my soft hands in his slightly rough ones. "That was no trouble at all, and please Y/n, do not bow before me. A gorgeous woman like yourself should not have to bow down in submission to a man like me." The bright smile never once leaves his face as he kneels in the snow. I give him a shy and slightly awkward smile in return. He raises a hand and brushes it against my mouth and cheeks. "It surprises me to know that a graceful being like yourself could become even more astounding when she smiles." My cheeks turn a darker shade of pink. "I do not deserve such kind words from you My Prince, after all, I am just some lowly peasant." The Prince laughs at my words. "Please, do not address me as Prince, Matthias will do just fine. Unlike some may believe, I don't care about status, you, my dear Y/n, are worth so much more than simple kind words as from what I can see you are an amazing person." More gasps of shock emits from the crowd, as they watch The Mysterious Flower and the Prince converse. "Then I shall take your word for it, Matthias, as Heaven knows I can't take anyone else's." 

I pull my hands from his grasp and shoot him a smile, before turning away and continuing to my original destination. I feel his cerulean blue eyes watch my every move, they seem to burn through my skin. "Wait! Can I see you again?" He asks me desperately. I turn back around and shoot him a playful grin. "It depends, can you?" Everyone watches in awe as I leave Matthias staring after me with a mix between shock and wonder on his face. "Then I shall." I smile to myself. "Very well." 

A/N So I think I may write a second part to this, but it really depends on what you guys think! Comment or PM me to tell me your opinion!

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