Norway x Teen Reader: Not Illegal.

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Norway's POV

I look down at my sleeping girlfriend of 3 years, Y/n. The way her h/l h/c hair frames her face makes her look as beautiful as ever, and as she snuggles further into me I feel my stomach turn. I turned 18 only a week ago, and Y/n couldn't be there because of school. Yes, that's right. Y/n is still in Secondary school. She actually has about a year until she graduates. It's not illegal though. Sure, I am dating a minor, but we've been dating since I was in school, so it doesn't matter. Y/n didn't think so though. She's full of insecurities still, even though I tell her every day that she's beautiful and the only one for me. I think it's because she knows that whilst she's still in school, I am at home doing nothing. She's afraid that I'll leave her for someone my age, which is ridiculous. I lover her way too much to leave her. I bend down and kiss her forehead, watching in slight amusement as her face scrunches up in her sleep, and she groans, pulling herself closer to me. She came to my house 2 hours ago, and ended up crying herself to sleep. I feel my heart ache now that I think of it. She would probably be better off with someone her age, someone who she can be with at all times. But none of them could lover her as much as I do, I wouldn't go to the ends of the Earth for her, I would go to the ends of the universe for her! As cheesy as it sounds it's true. Y/n stirs in her sleep and opens her e/c eyes, she smiles when she looks at me and kisses my cheek, before sitting up wright. I grab her by the waist and pull her back into me, nuzzling her neck. She giggles and tries to push me away, but I refuse adamantly. "Lukas, what are you doing?" She asks me through her laughter. I smile a small smile at her, causing her to blush slightly. So cute~ "I am holding my amazing Girlfriend, is that a crime?" I ask her playfully.

I didn't expect her to frown slightly. "It kind of is, isn't it? I am a minor." I sigh and turn her around to face me, pressing my cold lips to her warm ones. "It isn't, because we've been going out since we were both in school, it isn't against the law. And even if it was, I would never let them tear us apart. I love you way too much, you're literally on my mind all the time. Jeg elsker dig, you know that I do."  I say in my usual monotonous voice. Y/n smiles slightly, and kisses my lips shyly. She never was the one to initiate kisses, that was my job. Not like I'm complaining, I'm kissing the most beautiful girl in the world right now. "I love you too Lukas." I entwine our fingers, kissing her knuckles softly. She laughs and kisses my forehead. I move a lock of h/c hair away from her face, and rest my forehead on hers. "Don't ever forget that to me, you are the most beautiful, amazing, smartest woman in the world, and that no matter what, I will love you unconditionally." 

"God Lukas, you big sap." I roll my eyes at her choice of words. I'm not sappy, only truthful. "To me you are the most handsome, wisest, sweetest man in this world and beyond. You are perfect, and I can't ever stop loving you and the cute little things you do." I smile and close my eyes. "I don't understand how one person can make me feel the way you do, Lukas. Every time I see you, my heart races, my stomach flips, I want to kiss you and help you believe that you are perfect, even when you think you're not. Even during your off days, I want to sit next to you and comfort you, when your lonely and tired I want to hug you and make sure you feel the love that I share for you. You take my breath away with every single word that you say, and to be honest, I wouldn't want it any other way." I smile even wider at her words. I flip us over and lay on top of her, in a completely innocent way. "God Y/n, and you call me the sappy one?" She blushes and pushes me off of her playfully. I grab a soft pillow and throw it at her. She gasps in a mocking way and picks up another pillow. I scramble up and run away from her. Y/n giggles and runs after me, jumping on my back and hitting me with the pillow. I growl and twist her around so she's facing me. I grab the pillow and back her up into the wall. I begin playfully hitting her with the pillow, smiling when she laughs and tries to protect her head. I throw the pillow behind me and kiss her lips slowly. Our lips mold together perfectly, like always. she wraps her arms around me neck, kissing me back with a fiery passion. 

I pull away and let her down. "I can't, I won't be able to hold back if I do." I tell her, she giggles and ruffles my hair, before running down the hallways.  I listen to her laughs and follow them, all the way back into the living room. I grab her by the waist, picking her up and spinning her around. She squeals and smiles down at me. I look at her, allowing a hint of adoration to cross my eyes. She looks back at me with the same adoration, and pecks my lips, before I put her down. "I love you." I whisper, holding her close to my chest. She smiles and whispers back. "I love you too." I feel happy when I'm with her, I just hope that she'll stay with me forever, I don't want to ever lose her.

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