Finland x Reader : Union

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"What?!? Sweden how could you?!?" You screamed at your adoptive brother Sweden. The man kept a stoic expression. "It's for the best." This enraged you.

"For the best huh... FOR THE BEST?!? YOU ARE SELLING ME TO ANOTHER COUNTRY WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! AND YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO TELL ME THAT IT'S FOR MY OWN GOOD?!? YOU'RE PATHETIC!" You see, your big brother Sweden had decided to sell you to one of his countries so that you would be under his rule legally. You stormed out of the room in fury, not noticing the country stood next to the doorway. "Mister Sweden, is that the person that you want me to marry?" The Fin asked, slightly afraid of what the female Ex-Viking could be capable of. "Yes. Don't worry. She is mad at me, not you. She has always liked her freedom." The Fin was confused. If he knew that she liked her freedom so much, why did he sell her to him. "This is for her own good though. Countries are trying to invade her, and she isn't strong enough to fight them all off. This is the only way she can live." Ah,so that was why. "Honestly I'm a bit worried. She is an Ex-Viking so who knows where this might lead." Sweden chuckled at Finland's words. "It will be fine. She was not much of a fighter. More of a seafarer. She couldn't bare to intentionally hurt some one." The Fin sighed in relief.

"She is really pretty isn't she?" You were. You had h/l h/c hair that would always be tied up out of your face, and enchanting e/c eyes. Your skin was a glowing s/c. Sweden rose an eyebrow at Finland. "Good bye Sweden~" And with that the Fin walked out to go find the woman that he was betrothed to.

"Hello!" A cheery voice startled you out of your grumbling fest. You scramble back.

"Who are you?" You ask fear and confusion spread across you face. The man in front of you rubs his neck with his hand. "Um, you know how Sweden kind of sold you to a country... Yeah I'm that country." You blink up at him. "Oh and my name's Finland, I'm not really much of a fighter but if you need help with anything I will be right here to help." A light blush coats your cheeks. That was actually kind of cute. "Okay. I'm C/n. I'm not much of a fighter either. I prefer to travel and see other countries. Sweden is my adoptive brother and I hate being treated like a child." Finland sat beside you and you two began to converse. "You know, I'm kind of glad that I'm betrothed to you, Finland." Finland blushes and looks at you. "Huh w-why?"

"Because if I weren't, I would probably be betrothed to some other person that I couldn't stand. At least now I'm with someone who I like. Also I would have never of met you otherwise." Finland felt his heart pound at your words. "I'm glad too. If I weren't betrothed to you, I would have never of met the most beautiful girl in the world. Also I wouldn't have fallen in love with said person." Finland placed a hand on your cheek, and leaned closer. Finally his lips met yours. You kissed back immediately. Unbeknownst to either of you, Sweden stood at the window, planning the wedding.

~Timeskip to day before marriage~

"I can't believe that little C/n is finally getting married!" Denmark squeezed the girl in his tight grip. A grin was spread across her face. "I know! I can barely wait!" Denmark pulls away and starts crying.         "My baby girl is all grown up!" Norway comes over and kisses Denmark to make him shut up.

"Congratulations C/n." The monotone congratulations surprised C/n. Norway didn't like her very much, so the fact that he was congratulating her was shocking. "Thank you Norway." The female country lets out a scared squeak as she feels arms wrap around her stomach. She turns around to be greeted with a smiling Fin. "Hello my dear."

"Hi Finland~" Said man chuckles and kisses her softly. The gesture was reciprocated. Only one thing ran through the happy couples mind. 'I Can't Wait For Tomorrow.'

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