Norway x Reader: Fairytale

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Standing on a pedestal above her people, looking over them with a calm look in her glistening e/c eyes, C/n smiled as she realised how hard her people had worked to get C/n independent once again. Her h/l h/t h/c hair flew slightly in the soft breeze, her people looked up at her in awe, she was undoubtedly the most beautiful woman on that planet. She was a warrior for the country that she represented, she was a fighter for what she believed in, she was a  protector of the people that she cared for.

That was who Y/n L/n was, that's what Norway had always seen in her. Until now...

C/n sat silently in her assigned seat in the World Meeting, staring down at the table. No emotion rested in those e/c orbs that used to glisten with life. Norway couldn't remember when she had begun to change, but nevertheless, he despised it. He wanted to hold her tight in his arms, let her know that he loved her. But she kept pushing him away, she kept pushing the world away. She was a fairytale, too good, too perfect to be real. The only difference was that unlike a fairytale, she was alive. But was she really alive? She was living, sure. But is that the same as being alive? Norway didn't think so, she seemed to hate the world around her, she seemed to act as though death would be the best choice for her. She was acting depressed. And no one else noticed, no one else but the very country that had loved her since they were children. Norway.

C/n was the last to leave the meeting room, walking in a slouched position, hair hiding her eyes. She didn't want anyone else to know the pain that hid inside them, she knew that they would be able to see it. If they even noticed her that is. "Miss C/n! Miss C/n, wait up!" The cheerful voice of Finland sounded around the mainly silent hallways. "Hello, Finland." She cringed at the sound of her voice, it sounded downright miserable. "Hey! We were all wondering if you would like to stay over at our house for the next week or so? It must be lonely living in that house all alone." The cheerful Finn chirped happily, seeming to completely miss the sadness in C/n's voice. She contemplated it for a while before answering. "I suppose I could, but what would I wear?" Finland thought for a few seconds. "I'm sure one of us can lend you some clothes, and you don't live too far away so we can always go to your house and get you some." C/n nodded and followed Finland to the rest of the Nordics.

"Okay, who's cooking tonight?" The question causes everyone to go silent. C/n laughs a little at their reluctance to cook. "I'll do it." She tells them. Norway looks at her, an odd sort of softness in his usually emotionless eyes. "No, you're our guest. I'll do it." C/n glared playfully at the Norwegian male, not expecting to receive one in return. "Technically this is my house." The other Nordics watch in amusement as the two nations go back and forth. "But you gave it to us." C/n laughs and pulls out some documents from her bag. "Legally it's still mine. Did you ever wonder why you never had to pay the bills?" Norway frowns slightly and shakes his head, staring into C/n's eyes. "You shouldn't have to pay for the things you don't use." He told her firmly. C/n's eyes glistened with the life that Norway thought was long lost. "What if I wanted to?" Norway rolled his eyes at her answer, neither of the nations noticed Finland and Iceland fanboying in the corner. 

The Nordics ended up just ordering a pizza with extra cheese, Norway and C/n not being able to figure out who should cook. "Which movie should we watch? We have Insidious, Frozen or Titanic?" C/n cringed at the sound of frozen and titanic, she wasn't very fond of either movie. "I haven't watched Insidious yet. Why don't we watch that?" The Nordics all nodded and Finland put the film in, Iceland very obviously staring at his butt. Denmark sat on the left side of the sofa, next to Sweden, who was next to Iceland, who was next to Finland, who was sat next to C/n, leaving Norway at the right end of the sofa. The film began with no problems, it was towards the middle that creeped C/n out. "No, no WTF!" She yelled clinging onto the nearest person which just so happened to be Norway. Iceland already had his head buried in Finland's shoulder. Denmark had managed to freak out enough to crawl onto Sweden's lap. Oddly enough, Finland, Sweden and Norway were unaffected by the film. "It's just a film C/n," Norway told her gently, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into him to calm her down. C/n looked up at him with wide, frightened eyes. "Yeah but it's creepy AF How are you so calm?" Norway gave her a slight smile. "Because I know I'd be able to protect you if it were real." C/n smiles up at him and rests her head on his shoulder, watching the film more calmly. Only 10 minutes later did the female nation fall asleep, Norway falling asleep right after.

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