Prussia x reader

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"No I-a refuse to be separated from mio fratello!" C/n yelled at the Nations before her. Chibi Italy and Chibi Romano were clinging to there older sisters f/c dress. As Grandpa Rome had disappeared, Austria had successfully invaded Italy and C/n. He was trying to separate the three of them, Romano to Spain, Italy to himself and C/n to France. But the female country was stubborn. She refused to be taken away from her brothers. "Do jou vish to never see jour brozhers again?" C/n gasped and glared at Austria. She turned away from them and ran out of the room with her brothers. "Big sister C/n, are they-a really going-a to separate us?" Chibi Italy asked. C/n looked down and nodded. Chibi Romano just glared at the wall. "You two, I am going to run away. But you two must stay here, where you are safe. I will come back for you. I promise." The country runs away from the house and into the stables, where she picked a black horse and mounted him. She rode away into the sunset not once looking back. Suddenly the sound of another pair of hooves filled her ears. She whipped her head to her left and saw a boy around her age. The boy had snowy white hair, red eyes and a charming grin. "Guten Tag Frau. Vhere are jou going?" C/n was stunned for a moment, when all of a sudden her horse heard a loud hoot from an owl and went crazy. She screamed as the horse reared on it's hind legs and gripped on to it's mane tightly. The horse began running. The boys eyes widened and he chased the horse until he got close enough to pull the girl onto his horse. "Are jou okay Frau?" He asked worried for the girl. That moment there eyes met. Ruby red to bright/dark e/c. "Oh um si I am fine." The girl whispered shyly. "Who are jou? I am zhe awesome Prussia!" Prussia stated loudly. The female country winced in surprise at his loud tone. "I am C/n."

"Oh so jou are zhe one zhat zhose losers have been searching for." C/n tensed up. "Don't vorry I von't take jou back zhere." She relaxed considerably. Prussia looked down at her, finally taking in her full appearance. She had h/l h/c hair, e/c eyes and was wearing a f/c dress. He knew right at that moment that he would protect this girl. Even if it caused him to fight his cousin to gain Italy and Romano.

He would give his life for her.

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