Denmark X Reader

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"I'm sorry."
"I know."
"I miss you."
"I know."
"Say something!"
"I feel the same."

Denmark hated the fragility in C/n's voice as she spoke to him over the phone. It was the only way the two could communicate at the moment, C/n being at war and all. Even the two-minute phone calls that they were reduced to was risky! "Danmark, I have to go. I gotta go help out in the meeting and such." Denmark sighed deeply, wishing he could listen to her voice for a longer time. "Okay, be safe. Come back home soon." He could almost hear her smiling on the other end. "Soon, and then you have to let me take a shower, the hygiene here is awful!" He laughed loudly. "I'll see you soon." And with that, the call ended. Denmark let the smile drop, falling back onto his mountain of pillows and sighing deeply. He missed C/n. It had been at least 2 years since he last saw her, and all he wanted was to see her okay. Worry filled his systems at every point during the day, his thoughts barely ever leaving the young woman. C/n had been his best friend since they were children, both of them pillaging villages and deciding to join forces to make it easier. Everyone knew how close they were, especially Iceland. Hence the reason that he had a plan to get C/n back. He couldn't just let his OTP die now, could he?

Meanwhile, in Russia, C/n had just gotten some incredible news. "You mean, the wars over?" The h/c haired woman was almost bubbling with excitement. The end of the war meant no more suffering, and god knew she despised seeing people suffer. "Yeah, all you have to do now, Miss C/n, is sign the peace treaty with Russia and you can go home." C/n let out a loud cheer, grabbing her military leader by the face and giving him to kisses to the cheek. "Umm, Sir? Is she allowed to do that?" He shook his head, rolling his eyes at the country he was a part of. "Let her have her moment." C/n laughed and skipped out of the room, running into her Bunker, grabbing her bag and stuffing all the things she had brought with her inside it. The last thing she had to pack was a picture of her and Denmark grinning at the camera. She rubbed her thumb over the pixelized face of Denmark smiling. "I'll be home soon Den. Y'better have that shower ready." 

The dinner table was silent as the Nordic Nations ate. Denmark was still a bit sad from thinking about C/n too much. "I heard you talked to C/n again today Denmark. How is she?" Finland asked trying to break the awkward silence. Denmark grinned and leaped into a description. "She told me that she was doing just fine, she really hates the lack of hygiene there, though, she says when she comes back one of the first things she'll do is take a shower! She also says she misses us, well, more specifically Finland's cooking, Sweden's comfort, Sealand's playfullnes Norway's lack of tolerance and Iceland's flustered face." Norway rolled his eyes, bit smiled slightly. Iceland blushed a bright red but coughed in an attempt to hide it. "What about you, Den?" Denmark smiled brightly, everyone thought that his cheeks would be in pain. "She says she misses my hugs and smiles the most. More specifically the warm, bear hugs and the true, genuinely happy smiles." Iceland almost fanboyed at the description of what she had said, key word being almost. He would never allow any of them to see him fanboy over his OTP. "She really wants to come home." 

A loud knock at the door resonates throughout the entire dining room. Each one of them looked at each other in question. "Who's gonna open the door?" Sweden asked. Iceland, for once, jumped at the opportunity, realising in a split-second who it could be. He had, after all, had a long talk to C/n's boss as to why he should end the war, and being successful in his efforts of at least letting C/n come back home. He opened the door quickly and gave a huge smile to the woman in front of him. She stood straight, barely a wrinkle on her camouflage clothes. A duffel bag slung across her shoulder. "Hey there Iceland." Just then Iceland realised just how much he had missed the woman, and tears sprung to his eyes. He couldn't move, though, even if it were because of him that she was back home, it felt so surreal! C/n took action, giving the slightly shorter male a big hug. "I missed you so much," Iceland mumbled under his breath, but the woman still heard. 2 years in the army had taught her to have better hearing, it paid off too! Actually, most of her training paid off. "I missed you too Ice, now how about we surprise the others? You gotta tape it, though!" Iceland nodded, wiping away the tears and pushing her into the living room so that none of the Nordics could see her. 

"Hey, you guys might want to go into the living room for a second," Iceland told all of the Nordics, barely preventing the grin that was sure to cross his face any second. "Why?" Denmark asked, obviously curious. "Just do it." C/n could hear it all from her place in the living room. Her heart sputtered slightly at the sound of Denmark's voice that was not the one he had over the phone. "Fine, Fine." Iceland walked back in first, giving C/n a smile and a thumbs up. As he began recording, C/n could hear a collective gasp of surprise from around the room. Sealand was the first to break out of his surprise, by bursting into tears and barrelling into C/n at extreme speeds. C/n hugged back tightly. She had missed hugs a lot, amongst the many other things she missed about living here. Finland and Sweden were next, both of them taking Sealand away and wrapping their arms around the woman, effectively trapping her between their death-grips. She laughed, her attempts at hugging back being futile. Finland was practically sobbing on her shoulder. Which, made sense considering they were very close. Sweden kept his stoic features, for the most part anyway. He seemed to have a very small smile on his face. It took about 3 minutes before they let Norway hug her. Norway's reaction was definitely one of the best. Tears streaming down his face, choking out incoherent things and smiling? His reaction was definitely the least expected. At last, C/n turned to face Denmark. "I told you to get the shower ready for when I come back Den." She teased the sobbing nation gently. He was choking on his own words as he stumbled forward into her waiting arms, picking her up in a huge bear hug and smiling. And god was his smile bright. "S-Shut up." He stuttered out. C/n giggled and placed her camouflage hat on his head, hiding most of his gravity-defying hair. She pecked his cheek softly, not expecting for him to turn her around and kiss her on the lips, fiercely, might I add. "I missed you so much, you were gone for so long." He whispered through his tears. She grinned, wiping them away with her sleeve. "I know, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it's not your fault. I love you." 
"Love you too, Den."

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