Sweden x Reader: Bound by our Souls

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You looked around the busy streets, carefully being sure to not trip over anything in your way. The way people were acting at that moment made you feel sick. Not in the way that it made you feel disgusted, it just made you jealous to see those happy soulmates kissing and sharing sweet moments with each other. You had not yet met you're soulmate, and the tattoo on your wrist showed you exactly why. The name 'Berwald' was Swedish, and you lived in C/n. The odds of either of you even meeting were slim, considering that he may not even be in C/n. It made you feel slightly disheartened to know that whilst all of your friends had met their soulmates, you probably never would. Despite this you had begun to imagine what sort of person he'd be. You imagined him to be quiet, understanding and sweet. 

You fell into a daze, thinking about what your soulmate would be like. Being so distracted, you managed to trip over a rock and almost fall onto the road. You would have actually, if it weren't for the sudden feeling of warm arms encasing you in a protective manner. Your e/c eyes flickered quickly to his wrist that was luckily facing upwards. You gasped in shock when you saw 'Y/n L/n' tattooed there. The man quickly looked down at your wrist, also making a sound of surprise when he found his name written there. "T-Thank you Berwald." You say, still in light shock from what had just happened. So, that was how you met your soulmate, huh? "No problem Y/n." Berwald's thick Swedish accent made you, theoretically of course, melt in his arms. 

An awkward silence embraced the two of you, as you both racked your brains for something to say. "So, I guess we're soulmates." You say, trying to break the silence. Berwald hums in approval to your statement. "Ja, I guess so. D'ya want to go get some coffee?" It was obvious that Berwald was trying to spend more time with you. You nodded and laced your arm with his. "You're from Sweden right? When did you move to C/n?" You ask him as you carefully push your way through the ever growing crowd. "Just yesterday." The answer was short and straight to the point. You nod and giggle a bit at how awkward he was being. "Okay, so since I'm presuming you haven't seen everywhere yet, I know this really cool coffee shop only a few minutes away from here. We can go there if you like." Berwald nodded in response, allowing you to mover your arm away from his and take his hand instead. 

The coffee shop was quiet and peaceful, a cute little chime of a bell ringing as you entered the warm atmosphere. "Hello Miss L/n! Who is this charming man with you today?" The shop owner asks you in an amiable way. "Hey there Emma, this is Berwald. Berwald, Emma is one of my best friends and the owner of this shop." You introduced the two, earning a laugh from Emma as she rose an eyebrow at you. "So this is the infamous Berwald Oxenstierna that is the one destined to be with my bestie!" Both you and Berwald turned red at the comment. "Well, just seen as you two just met, you can have anything you want for free!" Your mouth dropped in surprise and you stuttered out a reply. "No buts hon, it's on the house. Think of it as a celebration of sorts." You sigh and utter a thank you, ordering for yourself. "And you Berwald?" Berwald stopped his admiring of you and answered the question with;"Black Coffee please. No sugar." 

The two of you sat down opposite each other, in a comfortable silence. Both of your mugs full with steamy, hot coffee. "I would have never of thought that I would meet you in such a way. I'm normally not that accident prone, I just kind of zoned out for a few moments." You said to Berwald, who looked at you with an eyebrow raised. "So I'm sure." His sarcastic answer made you flush pink and groan in embarrassment. Berwald chuckled lightly and took your hand in his, his hand warm against your cold one. You smiled as his thumb traced patterns into your smooth skin. Unbeknownst to you, Berwald was staring at you with adoration in his cerulean eyes. Emma watched you both from afar, giggling at how cute it looked. During this time you looked up and locked eyes with Berwald, who still gazed at you in awe. "What is it?" You asked softly, placing your other hand on top of his. Berwald flushed a light pink. "I didn't think anyone would ever be able to be as beautiful or as amazing as you are." From what you had figured from Berwald already, he wasn't one to talk much, so this seemed like a very big achievement for you. And then his words processed in your brain, and you blushed a bright red.

"I didn't think that anyone could win me over withing the first hour of meeting them. I guess that's what happens when you meet your soulmate." You whispered, giving him a small, sweet kiss on the cheek. "I don't think it would matter whether we were soulmates or not, either way you are the most gorgeous woman in the world." Berwald's sweet words made your heart simply melt. You had never been complimented this much before, and it felt a little strange, but also very good. Like imagine eating your favourite ice cream flavour on a stormy night and drinking hot chocolate, that's how good it felt. But your heart also sank when you thought of what he might think when he saw those ugly pale scars littering your back and stomach from when your parents beat you. "I don't care about your past. I just want a future with you. I don't want you to leave me because of my scars, I don't want you to leave me like everyone else." Berwald's deep voice resonated through your brains. You frowned at the thought that someone could abandon someone as perfect as him. "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours first, let's compare scars and I'll tell you whose is worse." You quoted a song as you smiled softly at him. "I won't leave you, ever. We are bound to each other by soul."

It's funny how someone can be bound to another by their souls, how suddenly they can meet, and how soon they can fall in love. It's strange, but so perfect at the same time. Love can bring people together, or they can tear them apart. But if you look closely at a person, love will always be there. Time and time again may love be cruel and try to hurt you, but if you stay strong, you can fight it. It's peculiar how one can be bound to another by the soul.

To be bound by a soul, after all, is what brought you and Berwald together, and god were you thankful for it.

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