Russia x Country Reader: Exhausted.

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Russia's POV

I walk around the meeting room, hoping to find my one and only friend C/n. C/n has had a few problems recently, with the war with her and America, and I really want to make sure she's okay. I am very angry at America for hurting her country, and also sad because my leader won't allow me to help her. Looking over the heads of all the countries, I finally spot the h/c haired girl. "C/n, how are you Sunflower?" I ask the shorter than me woman. She looks up from the table and smiles her sweet smile at me. "I'm doing okay Russia, just a bit exhausted." I frown slightly. I don't want little C/n to be tired. "Okay then." I sit down next to her, studying her features. If only I knew what would happen next, perhaps I could of saved her...


Your POV

I walk out of the meeting, preparing myself to come face to face with America. We had decided that we would end this war today. One of us has to die, else our countries will pay the price. I care for my country, I don't want them to be in pain. And so me and America will fight until the death. I would be lying if I said I wasn't afraid. I am. I'm afraid that I might die without telling Russia how I feel. Indeed, I have fallen in love with Russia. How could I not? He's the best friend ever, he's really good at hugging and he also knows how to make me smile. I walk into the forest in my country. Just as I expect, America is already there holding a gun in his hands. I take out one of my own and cough to alert him of my presence. "This war can not go on any longer America." I state. My voice is unrecognisable. It sounds more firm and commanding. "I know, one of us must die today C/n, and I can tell you, it won't be me." America glares at me as he speaks. We raise our guns and point them at one another. I take a deep breath and place a single finger on the trigger. America does the same. I mouth the words '1 2 and 3' and shoot. Two shots ring out in the crisp Autumn air, and birds fly away from the scene, squawking loudly. I look down at my chest. Blood. I feel sick to my stomach. I lost. I look at America and realise that my shot hit him in the arm. "I'm sorry it had to end this way C/n." He mutters. I feel fury raise up from the depths of my chest. "No you're not America." I wince in agony, as I spit the words out of my mouth. "You're right. I'm not." He walks away. I feel my heart constrict, I feel my eyes close. No I can't give up. Not yet. The world around me turns to darkness and I faintly feel the hard forest floor beneath me. "C/n!" I hear a yell.

Russia's POV

I see a figure in the distance. H/l h/c hair, f/c military uniform. C/n. "C/N!" I yell, praying that my suspicion isn't true.  I run as fast as I can towards her. Blood makes a crimson pool around her chest. I flip her over. Her eyes are closed and her pulse is incredibly weak. "R-Russia?" She asks in a whisper. "Da, it's me C/n." I cry softly as she reaches to touch my face. Her touch is soft, like it always is. She can't be dying. It's not possible for someone so caring to just die. "I-I l-love you." Her voice keeps getting weaker and weaker. Her gorgeous e/c eyes open for a few seconds studying my expression. "I love you too Sunflower. Please don't die." I beg her cradling her head in my large, gloved hand. A weak smile crosses her face. "Kiss me." I am shocked at her command, but I comply, resting my lips on top of hers. The kiss is desperate, I'm trying to show her how much I love her all in one kiss. Suddenly her head goes limp in my hands. I pull away, tears threatening to spill over. "C-C/n?" I whisper. Her eyes are closed and a small smile is upon her lips. "C/n? Sunflower? Wake up!" I sob as I realise. She's dead. My agonised scream rings out through the entire forest. I love her. But now she's gone forever. I will never forget the smile, her laugh, her eyes, her hair or her kindness. She will always live in my heart.

~Timeskip of 10 years~

I visit C/n's grave today, not expecting to see a little girl, around the age of 7 sitting beside it. "Hello little girl, who are you?" I ask her kindly. She looks up and I gasp in surprise. She looks exactly like C/n. "I don't know Mister. But I have a bracelet that says C/n on it." Tears fill my eyes as I look down at the reincarnation of the woman that I loved. "Then I shall name you Y/n L/n. You are the representation of C/n, so until you are older, I shall look after you." I tell her, a single tear rolling down my cheek. Y/n reaches up and brushes it away. "Don't cry Mister. There is no reason to cry. You're not alone anymore so we can take care of each other, yes?" She's so sweet, just like C/n was when she was still alive. I smile at her. "Da, we will. Let's go home now."



"Can I call you Big Brother?" I smile at the chibi nations words.

"Da. And you will be my little sister."

"Promise?" She asks holding out her pinky finger.

"Promise." I reply, linking my larger pinky to hers. Little did I know that C/n's spirit above Y/n was smiling and reciting a blessing for little sister. 

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