Nordics X Reader: Denmark's Ending

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  Denmark's POV
I am stood waiting for the girl that I am supposed to be looking after. I am really excited to meet her, Boss told me that she was really kindhearted. He also told me that her name is Y/n L/n, and that she has h/l h/t h/c hair with e/c eyes. Overall she sounds like a pleasant person, it's what she might of gone through that bothers me. I hope I can help her, I don't want her to leave in the same way that she'll come. Then I'd feel bad! The plane lands and people pour out, pushing and shoving through the crowds to get to the person picking them up. I hold up a sign with Y/n's name on it and someone comes hurrying towards me. As I take a closer look at the person, I realise how thin and bony they look; like they could break under any harsh touch. "Hello, my name is Y/n L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you Matthias!" Despite how sickly she looks, she greets me with a happy voice. "The pleasure is all mine Y/n! We are going to have the most fun ever!!!" I say in my usual loud voice, easily masking my concern with enthusiasm. Y/n walks a bit behind me as I lead her to my car. I open the door for her and say in an overly British voice, "Here you go m'lady." Y/n giggles and steps in whilst muttering a 'Thank you good Sir.' We both laugh at how ridiculous we sound. It already feels like we're best friends!

Sometime during the Car ride, Y/n starts singing along to the radio. I sing along with her, and soon the entire car is filled with loud singing. Before we know it, we're home and pulling up in the driveway. "Okay, so I will go cook some food for us and then we can have a tour of the awesome place that you will be living!" I notice Y/n flinch at the word food, but I shrug it off. Maybe she is just doubting my ability to cook? I really hope it's just that. I walk into the kitchen and grab a load of ingredients to cook Danish Pastries. Hey, don't blame me, I have a really big sweet tooth! I make the pastries from scratch, and leave them to bake whilst I give Y/n the tour. "So, here is the living room, the kitchen, the dining room and the stairs. Up here we have my bedroom over here and your's opposite it. I left the walls blank so you can decorate it how you want, and the main bathroom. You also have one in your room, but that ones tiny!" I finish the tour just as the timer goes off in the kitchen, signalling that the danishes are done. I hurry downstairs, Y/n following. "Here, try one!" I hold out a freshly cooked and still warm Danish Pastry to Y/n. "No thank you. I'll have one later, I'm not very hungry at the moment Matthias." That's when I realised, that whatever she was going through, was worse than I originally thought.

It's been 2 months since I first figured out what was wrong with Y/n. She has anorexia. I've been trying to make her eat more, but it isn't really working so far. I've tried almost everything and she still won't eat, I only have one idea that will either make her get better or make her hate me. It's evening and Y/n is sat on her bed, reading again. She has a small smile on her face as her eyes read the words on the page. I sneak behind her and wrap my arms around her stomach. Y/n jumps in shock and tries to pull away. "Matthias! What are you doing?" She asks, still struggling. I sigh and nuzzle into her hair. She eventually stops trying to get away, but the confusion in practically rolling off of her in waves. "Please stop this." I mutter. Y/n freezes and takes a deep, shaky breath.
"I don't know what you're talking about Matthias. Have you been drinking again?" She's pretending not to know what I'm talking about. I growl and flip her over onto the bed, me hovering over her. "Don't lie to me Y/n. You're starving yourself. I want you to stop." My voice is stern. Y/n's e/c eyes widen in shock. "Matthias stop it." She whispers. I shake my head and glare at her. "I SAID STOP!" With a forceful shove I fall off of her. Her eyes are narrowed and a sour expression sits on her face. "Get out." She growls. I sigh and do as she says, watching with saddened eyes as she slams her door shut. I don't know what to do anymore.

If anything, Y/n's condition has gotten worse. She refuses to talk to me anymore, she just stays in her room and reads. It hurts me more than I can say to see her in this way. If she continues in this way, she could die! I can't eat much anymore, I'm worrying too much to be able to do anything other than sit down on my bed, head in my hands. A knock on my door snaps me out of my thoughts. "Come in." My voice is raspy from not talking for so long. Y/n opens the door and runs to me. She wraps her thin arms around me and whispers apologies. "I'm sorry Matthias, please come out and eat something. I don't like it when you're quiet, it scares me." She practically begs. She's so hypocritical at times. Nevertheless I wrap my arms around her bony figure, enveloping her in a warm embrace. I don't hold too tight though, just in case I break her bones or something. "Y/n, why do you do this to yourself?" I ask her, stroking her hair. Wet droplets of tears hit my shoulder as she begins to cry. "My parents always compared me to my sister, she was always perfect. Got good grades, was sporty, super beautiful and had a great boyfriend. They kind of just pushed me aside when they saw how wonderful she was in comparison to me. They didn't want to deal with the awkward, nerdy, average child when they had a perfect one right there." I frown and grab her face in my hands. "Then they were stupid people. You're perfect Y/n, who cares about you're sister? You're awesome, fun, really smart and you can deal with anything. You're better than you're sister, because you made me fall in love with you." Y/n's cheeks erupt in a fiery blush, as she pulls away from the hug and rubs her eyes, making her look adorable. "Matthias, I love you too." I grin and wrap her in a huge hug. "Does this mean you'll eat more?" I ask. Y/n laughs and nods.

~Extra Ending~
"Daddy! Daddy look, I drew you and mommy a picture at school today!" My little princess comes running towards me. I pick her up in my arms and spin her around. I notice Y/n smiling at us from the car. After I confessed to Y/n, 8 years ago, I got Nor to make her a potion to make her immortal like us. Her anorexia went away, and she is now a healthy weight. We got married a year after she became immortal, and she gave birth to our amazing baby girl (Child's name). "Let's see this picture then Princesse!" I say enthusiastically. Y/n walks towards us both to have a look at the picture. It's of me, Y/n and (Child's Name). Y/n and I are holding hands and (Child's name) is stood in front of us. Above the picture are the words 'My Awesome Family!' I hug both Y/n and (Child's Name) tightly. "You're both my beautiful girls. I love you both so much." Both of them kiss my cheek.
"I love you too Daddy."
"I love you Matthias." I'm now happy with my two girls by my side forever.  

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