Sweden x Viking Reader

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You stood among your people, among the tribe that adopted you. You're h/l h/c hair shining in the rare sunlight, your pale skin glowing with pride as you observed the children play fighting. "Wow look over there Frida! It's the crimson warrior!" You smile hearing the name that was bestowed upon you. You were a well-known viking warrior, who was deadly in battle, known for coming home painted in the crimson red blood of your enemies. It also gave you the tactic of surprise, as women were rare to find on the battlefield. "Hello young warriors." You give the two children a smile. The girl named Frida grinned and bounded up to you. "Hello Miss L/n. It's a pleasure to be in your powerful presence." You chuckle at the adorable blondes comment. "Please, call me Y/n." The smaller child walked up to you cautiously. "My name is Bjarke and this is my sister Frida. We both wish to be as strong as you one day." You smile and ruffle their blonde hair. "Yeah show us some moves so we can kick other tribes butts!" The enthusiastic response from Frida made you grin. 

"Well I suppose I could... Do either of you have a weapon?" Bjarke and Frida nodded. You raised an inquisitive eyebrow in their direction. "Actually we both do. I have a sword and Frida has a dagger." You grin. So they were part of a warrior family. "Okay get them and I will teach you some mo-" Your sentence was cut of by the sound of a horn blowing. "Go get inside your homes and don't move until someone comes and gets you." You commanded your voice suddenly a lot darker. Bjarke nods and grabs Frida's hand dragging her to there home. You run and grab your trusty battle-axe, which was a gift from the Chief for your fighting skills. All around you other warrior's were grabbing their weapons, nodding to you as they did. It was a sign of respect and their willingness to follow you. As the long-ships drew into the harbor, you yelled to the people commands, splitting them into three groups. "Alright you lot follow me, we will attack straight on, you lot go and encircle them from the back, and you lot shall protect the village in case of any of these little scumbags get past us." Everyone nods and does as you command. "To live and fight!" You yelled as you ran towards the opposing vikings, wielding your battle-axe. Young men and old men flowed from the ship's, quicker than water in a stream. You run towards the first one you see and slay him, brutally chopping his head off. As another takes his place you slay him. You make your way through the crowd of viking men until you come face-to-face with a particularly handsome man. For the first time ever, the man blocks your hit, and fights back with one equally as strong. "Huh, you're pretty strong for some other tribal scum." You tell him, hoping to throw him off guard. "And you're very strong for a woman." You glare at his comeback and allow your hits to become more and more violent. The fight continues with him blocking your attempts to slaughter him, and throwing in his own attempts to harm you. Eventually he throws you off guard, your battle-axe falling to the ground with a large thump. You gasp in surprise and run towards him fists raised. The man grabs both of them and swipes his foot under your legs, causing you to fall to the ground. "Ooph. Ugh get off of me you stupid man!" You spit out. His blue-green eyes glimmer with amusement. "Perhaps I will if you come back to my tribe with me." His tone is serious. "And why would I do that?!? That would be admitting defeat, and that is one thing I do not do!" He smirks and presses a forceful kiss on your lips. You let out a startled sound and try to push him off of you, to no avail. "It won't be admitting defeat if you become my wife." The blunt reply causes you to almost blush. "W-What in the name of Odin are you talking about? I don't need a husband and I never will! So just get off of me and I'll consider not killing you the next time we meet!" The tall man chuckles deeply and lifts himself off of you. You stand up too, slightly in surprise of the peculiar change of plan. You back off, only for him to pull you close and kiss you with a fiery passion. You bring up a hand to slap him, but he catches it in his and kisses you harder. You feel your knees go weak on you and to prevent yourself from falling down, you lean into him. He lets go of your hand, wrapping it instead around your waist. Unable to hold back any longer, you rake your fingers through his slightly messy blonde hair, kissing him back with just as much fire. You don't know why, but this mysterious man made you feel an attraction towards him. The kiss went from rough to gentle as the man pulls away slowly. "What was that for?" You ask your voice shaking slightly from the sheer power in that kiss. "Come with me. You can have everything you want, I will give it to you. Just come back with me." Your mind was reeling. Who even was this man? And why did he want you to marry him so desperately? "Who are you?" You ask him, your voice strong, but with a hint of uncertainty.

"My name is Berwald Oxenstierna." You gasp a little in surprise. This man was the chief of one of the best viking tribes ever known. "And you are the crimson warrior. The strongest Viking woman to ever exist, blessed by Sif."

"My name is Y/n L/n." You mutter. A crooked smile erupts on Berwald's face. He takes both of your hands in his and kneels before you. "Y/n L/n, the Crimson Warrior, will you come home with me to be married?" The question had a simple answer, one that you could barely force out of your mouth.

"But why choose me?" 

"Because you are strong, brave and unlike any other woman I have ever met. It would be an honour to have you as my wife." The blush on your face becomes more prominent by the second.

"Yes." And that simple one word answer changed both of your lives for the better.

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