Norway x Sweden's Sister Reader

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The van was silent as Norway, the second oldest nordic, stared out at the grassy hills and numerous trees. The nordics were all on their way to meet Sweden's younger sister, C/n, whom Sweden had not seen since she was a chibi nation. Despite his emotionless expression, Norway was nervous. He never did like meeting people, especially if they were anything like the annoying dane that he managed to knock out in the seat next to him. With himself and Sweden being the only ones awake in the car, it was very quiet and peaceful, something that had become rare for the Nordic nation. Suddenly a loud whistle and a bang erupted somewhere in the distance, Norway looked up in mild shock, and Sweden paled considerably. Another one hit the ground, causing mud and shrapnel to fly in multiple directions. It was now that Norway could hear the panicked screams for help. In a panic, Sweden sped up, making them all drive right into the midst of the action. The other nordics were awoken by the second blast, and were either panicking or asking what was going on. As they got closer, Norway could begin to smell the sickening stench of burning flesh and wood. Sweden was obviously panicked, probably worrying about his sister. The car screeched to a sudden halt, and Sweden flung open the door, calling out for Y/n. Norway followed, looking around the fire carefully for a mop of apparently h/c hair. "Sve." A small cough alerted Norway of someone's presence. He hurried over, feeling very concerned for whomever was their. "Storebror, hjalp." Norway ran quicker, moving burning logs out of the way, noticing a young woman not too far away, stuck under what appeared to be a building. "Hey, hang on for a little longer, I'm going to get you out of here." Norway's monotone voice sounded like music to the woman's ears. As Norway walked towards her, he gasped. It looked like all the skin on her calf had just been charred. Black skin peeling away from bone, showing bubbling red flesh."Stupid terrorists." The woman muttered, trying to yank her leg out of the burning rubble. Norway knelt down and lifted the log out of the way, scooping the woman up in his arms and carrying her back to the car, where a frantic Sweden was looking for a sign of life. "Storebror!" The girl in Norway's arms cried out in relief, rolling out of his arms and running/limping towards the Swedish man. As Sweden turned, Norway could see the tear tracks on his cheeks. "C/n!" So this was C/n? Norway didn't even know that a nation could go through their country being in so much destruction without being terribly injured. Sweden picked up C/n and carried her into the backseat of the car, waiting for Norway to get in, before driving away. "Are you okay? Did you hurt your hand during getting that log off of me?" Norway looked towards her incredulously, before looking down at his hand, and noticing that there was a slight burn, but not one big enough to cause him pain. "You're asking me if I got hurt when you were the one stuck underneath a burning log. Makes sense." C/n laughed lightly shaking her head, and looked at Norway's hand. A frown came upon her beautiful features, as she noticed the slight burn. "You got burned?!? Hold on, I believe I may have some ointment in my bag." She rustles through her f/c rucksack, pulling random things out. Norway was surprised to find cleaning supplies in their. "Aha! Here, give me your arm." Norway does as she says, still slightly surprised at the fact she had cleaning supplies in her bag. "You're Norway right? Sve told me a bit about you, mainly talked about Finland though." Norway's mouth twitched upwards slightly at the fact that Sweden was talking about his 'wife' Finland, but quickly turned into a hiss as the ointment stung his open flesh. C/n muttered a sorry, but continued to clean it. "You should clean yourself up too. I'll help you." Norway told her, taking the rag and the ointment from her hands. "Woah, Norway's actually being nice?!?" The loud and obnoxious voice of Denmark filled the car with annoyance. With a bored expression, C/n leant over Norway and pulled Denmark's tie, to make him face plant the seat in front of him. Norway and Iceland smirked slightly at the sight. "Loud people annoy me." C/n grumbled before sitting back in her seat. Norway began to clean her wound, stopping every time she hissed in agony. "Do you have a needle and thread by any chance?"Norway asked the woman, looking up momentarily to ask her the question. She goes through her bag and picks out a needle and some f/c thread. She hands them to him and he begins to stitch up the wound, C/n trying hard not to cry. "Are you okay Miss C/n?" A chipper voice from the front of the car startled her slightly. "Yeah I'm fine. You must be Finland, I'm C/n but you can call me Y/n. Actually you all can." Everyone mutters an 'ok' before looking back out towards the harbour. "I'm really sorry for this by the way, we weren't expecting to get bombed, especially today."

"Why what is today?" Norway noticed Sweden flinch as Denmark asked her the question. Y/n smiled at Sweden softly and slightly apologetically. "Today I won my independence from Sve, it was a great thing for my country. My people wanted to be their own I suppose, and who am I to deny their wishes? I'm sorry Sve but it had to be done, else my people would most likely of deserted my country, and then you would be more sad." She directed the conversation towards Sweden, who hummed in response. "Also, I was still kind of pissed that you didn't help me when I got took over by Nazi Germany and when three quarters of my people, including myself, got sent to concentration camps." C/n added glumly. Sweden winced and apologised. "Pfft it's fine. Oh and by the way, I have PTSD, so I may accidentally shoot you."  

~Timeskip to 3 months later~

C/n now lived with the rest of the Nordics, and grew very close to Norway. Close enough to know that she was in love with him. She also made good friends with her 'nephew' Sealand. Mainly because she told him that he'd be a great country one day. Even better, her PTSD had only raised it's ugly head 3 times. This was a record for the h/c haired female, as she usually had episodes about 9 times a month.

Your POV

I sit down on my bed, picking up my book and reading from the page that I had most recently finished. I had gotten to an interesting part, when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I say loud enough for them to hear, as I place the book back down. I look up and to my surprise I see Norway standing there, blushing slightly. "Hello Nor," I say with a small smile. He emotionlessly nods and moves to sit down next to me. "C/n, there is a moment, in everyone's lives, when they look around the room, to find someone to cherish. That moment, happened recently to me," He takes both of my hands in his, I look at him, curious to see where he was going with all of this. "And I happened to find you. Y/n, I have never wanted anything in my life that I couldn't stand losing. It's a little too late for that. I could search the entire world, but I would never find anyone like you." I feel tears spring up in my eyes from the sweetness. "Why? Why would you cherish me of all people?" I query. His thumbs rub patterns over my hand. "If I had to say everything I loved about you, it would go on forever. You're perfect the way you are. And I don't think I could ever survive without you here. I honestly don't know how I lived before I met you. You are my sun, and I am the Earth. WIthout you, my life would be cold." I smile and throw my arms around his shoulders in a warm hug. "Well you should be thankful that this sun isn't going anywhere. I love you Lukas." Although his face is emotionless like always, I can feel the emotion emitting from him in waves. "I love you more." Was the only thing he said.

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