Bully Prussia x Bullied suicidal reader.

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A/n by the way I won't be doing any accents on this one.

You just couldn't understand. You were a nice person to everyone, but they still bullied you. The worst was an albino by the name of Gilbert Beilschmitz. He would constantly call you names and beat you up. It had probably the worst impact ever on you for you became depressed and suicidal. You had the scars on your wrists to prove it. 

~timeskip your POV~

I walked into the classroom, fearing the people in there. "Hey there freak, looking as ugly as ever." Just another line from Gilbert. The class laughed as I sat down at my desk at the back of the room. How did this all begin? You asked yourself. All I had tried to do was be his friend. What does it matter now though, he pretty much wants me to die. Just then the teacher walked into the classroom. The teachers hated me as well. They had no reason to, I always got perfect grades. I sighed softly thinking about when this all began.


 It was a beautiful day that day, the sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky. I was standing there when I heard a miserable voice from around the corner. "Hey are you okay?" I asked coming face to face with an albino boy. I smiled softly at him. He scoffed at me. "Why would you care freak, damn you must be really stupid." I looked down to the floor wondering if it were true. It must have been because every day after that you were bullied.

~Flashback end~

The bell rings signalling the end of the lesson. I just sit there, lost in my thoughts. Suddenly two pale hands come crashing down on my desk. I look up to meet those ruby red eyes. "Hey there freak." He said. "Sitting there wallowing in your own misery bitch?" I don't respond. "Why don't you just kill yourself and do this world a favour?" That's what got to me. 

"Maybe I will." I  mutter my voice holding no emotion. With that I run out of the room and through the hallways. I get to the steps leading to the roof. My heart races faster than ever. I know that this is it. I can be rid of all the pain I have been caused.

Gilbert's POV.

Damn it all. I didn't expect her to actually say that. She probably didn't even mean it. But, oh god, what if she did? I curse under my breath and run to the only place I can think of her going. The roof. I didn't mean for it to go that far. I just wanted to see her react to me. "Why don't you just kill yourself and do this world a favour?" Damn I'm so stupid. I race up the steps and fling the door open. She just stands there, right on the edge. Shit, she really is going to jump. "I'm sorry." She whispers and tries to jump. I race into action by gripping her waist. She whips around to face me.

Your POV.

Wait why the fuck is he here? I struggle to get away from him. "No don't do it Y/n!" He yells. I feel my sleeves rolling up whilst in my struggle. He see's them. He gasped pulling me close. "Shit I'm so sorry Frau, I didn't mean for it to go that far." He whispers pulling me close. I hit his chest hardly with my fists, sobbing. He pulls away from the hug and grabs my right wrist. He lifts it to his lips and kisses on each individual scar. Gilbert looks at me in the eyes. "I'm sorry." He says sincerely. "This is all my damn fault, I should have never hurt you like that. You tried to be my friend and I hurt you. I'm so so sorry Y/n." I can tell that he really is sorry.

"It's okay, I forgive you." I mutter. His ruby red eyes brighten up and he lifts my face up to his. His lips are soft and warm and they mould perfectly with mine. "I love you Frau." He whispers. I smile and hug him tightly.

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