Prince Denmark X Poor Reader (Part 2): I don't Care!

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Denmark's POV

Wow... I just...Oh God... It's been about 4 days since I last saw Y/n, and lately she's all I can think about. The way her e/c eyes sparkled with hidden mischief, the way her skin glowed, the way her h/l h/c hair framed her face perfectly and the smooth way her voice sounded as she said my name. Everything about her is perfect. My Father has felt a change in me, and I can tell he wants to talk to me about it. I haven't been able to concentrate much on anything recently, every time I try the feel of Y/n's soft hands comes back and I sigh. "Matthias, can we please talk?" My Father asks me, sitting down next to me on my bed. I look up at the man and smile. "Of coarse Father." He grins a similar grin to my own and places his hand on my shoulder. "You've changed a little bit, ever since you went out 4 days ago. I should think that a woman has caught your eye?" I sigh and fall backwards on to my bed. "She's wonderful Father, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and she acts so-" My Fathers deep, calming laugh prevents me from going any further with my speech. "So, my assumptions that you have fallen in love are correct then?" I nod sheepishly. "I plan to see her again soon, she's a peasant in (Town name). Her name is Y/n L/n." My Father sighs and looks up at my ceiling. "I will have to meet her then won't I, if she is as wonderful as you say, then you can marry her. My time is coming soon Matthias, I can feel it." I frown at the thought of my beloved Father dying. "You will have to marry soon anyway, to take the throne." I nod.

I ride my favourite black horse, Frida all the way to (Towns Name). The moonlight shines on me as I ride, my awesome gravity defying hair flapping slightly in the breeze. It's to my luck that I see Y/n on her way back to her house. Presumably she had just been at the Market. "Hello Y/n, it would appear that I have stumbled upon you once again."  Y/n turns her head at the sound of my voice. I begin to dismount, but my leg gets caught in the reins and I end up swinging from it. Y/n giggles, a sound that makes my stomach do flips. She quickly helps to untie me, smiling all the while. I rub my neck embarrassed that she saw me do that. "Hello Matthias, it would appear that you had fallen for me in a much un-graceful way." Her teasing tone makes me blush slightly. "What are you doing here anyway?" She asks me, brushing a bit of horse hair off of my shoulder. I roll my eyes playfully. "I said I would didn't I?" Y/n shrugs and looks down at the floor. "Yeah but I didn't think you actually would. I mean, I am just a peasant girl. You probably shouldn't even be talking to me!" I sigh and take her small hand in mine. My heart beats quicker as her beautiful e/c orbs meet mine, and I feel a small blush develop on my cheeks. "I told you last time, I don't care about status, what matters is the person! And besides, you make me feel something no one else ever has!" Curiosity shines in her eyes as I say that, I decide to surprise her and lift her up onto my horse. Y/n squeals as she holds on to the reins tightly in fear of falling off. I jump on behind her, and wrap and arm around her waist, the other on top of her hand on the reins. "It's okay, I won't let you fall!"

We ride through the barren town, talking and joking the entire way. I feel all of the pressure with Father dying leave me as I watch her. We talk for hours, right until the sun peeks up over the horizon. Y/n jumps down off of the horse, giving me a smile. "You should probably be getting home now Matthias. People will worry." I jump down and wrap my arms around her waist, my forehead resting on hers. "I don't want to go. Not without you." Y/n laughs a bit, rolling her eyes at me. "Matthias, I can't go with you, I'm not of royal or important status." I groan and press my lips on to hers, desperately. She freezes for a few seconds, so I begin to pull away, afraid that I just ruined our friendship. Before I can move away fully, she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back. Her lips are like rose petals on mine, they're so soft! I move my hand to her lower back, pressing her as close to me as possible, as her hands move to tangle themselves in my hair. Our lips move together as the sun shines on us. I pull away slightly, our breaths mingling together in the frosty air. "I love you Y/n." I whisper to her.  Y/n smiles at me, and presses a quick kiss to my lips. "I love you too Matthias, but we can't-" I growl and kiss her again. This one is way more passionate than the last, me pulling her against me, so there is barely any space between us at all. I pick her up, so it's easier. She's quite small in comparison to me. Y/n kisses me back again, this times bringing my head closer to hers. "I don't care! And neither does my Father, if anything, he wants me to marry you!" I exclaim once I'm finished. Y/n looks up at me with wide e/c eyes. "Come with me, please." I whisper. Y/n looks away, trying to hide the blush and smile, and nods. I do a little dance of victory and peck her lips quickly before picking her up and placing her on Frida, me climbing on after her and pulling her on to my lap.

Father adored Y/n, he kept talking about how much of a wonderful Queen and Mother she would make. Y/n blushed through most of it, becoming flustered and stuttering out replies. "Well done in finally getting a good one Son!" He says to me, making me flush a bright red. Nevertheless, I wrap an arm around Y/n's waist, bringing her close to me. "Thank you Father." Y/n turns and pecks my cheek, before looking back to the ground in embarrassment. I turn and kiss all over her face, making her turn more redder than a cherry. "Stop being so cute!!!" I exclaim laughing. She sticks her tongue out at me playfully, so I move to kiss her. "Not in front of me! Leave that for later!" My Father winks at the end, causing both me and Y/n to blush heavily. "Father!" I cry out in embarrassment, hiding my face in the crook of Y/n's neck. She bursts out in giggles. "Don't talk! It tickles!" I blow on her neck, to the amusement of my Father and the Guards. Y/n laughs loudly and tries to push my head away. "Now I know that your ticklish, I might have the upper hand in a situation!" I say. Suddenly my Brothers burst into the room, staring in surprise at me and Y/n. Lukas looks her up and down, before turning to me and smirking. "About time you got the girl Matthias. You've only been thinking about her for 4 days straight." I groan at my brothers words. "He's right Matthias."
"Ber! Not you too!" I cry out in exasperation. Tino laughs and gives Y/n and me a hug. 
"It is true! You've also been talking about her in your sleep!" I pout a little bit, causing everyone in the room to laugh. "Matthi finawy found Y/n." My baby brother Emil laughs clapping his hands enthusiastically. Y/n kisses me quickly. "That's kind of cute." She whispers to me, causing my face to turn a new shade of red. I turn and kiss her deeply. "Don't tease me!" Everyone laughs at my dismay.

Heh, at least I did get the girl!

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