Sweden x Kirkland Reader

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Sweden's POV

"DAD!!!" My son Sealand sped around the corner, almost bumping right into me. "Dad! So I have like one really awesome sister and she said she would visit me soon! She just got back from Russia's house and she doesn't want to stay with Jerk-Brows so could she stay here? Please Dad? I'm sure you'll like her, she's really nice and she isn't too loud like Denmark." I stand still for a moment, trying to process what he is saying. "What did your Mother say?" Sealand jumps up and down excitedly, probably thinking about his sister. "Mum said to ask you." If she does come here, Sealand might get too attached and want to go home with her. But I don't want to keep him from his real sister. I nod in conformation. Sealand's blue eyes sparkle in joy and he hugs me quickly before running back downstairs. I shake my head and walk after him. I hope his sister isn't like Denmark, or I might just end up leaving again. She better not try to take Sealand away either! That would end badly for her. Very badly indeed.

~Timeskip to the Next day~

I sigh again, half-listening to Sealand ranting on about how amazing his older sister was. It was all he had been talking about all morning, and we were all tired of hearing about her. "Dad! Are we finally here?" I nod my head, choosing to stay silent. Sealand cheered and bounced up and down in Finland's lap, causing Finland to wince. I could see the airport when Sealand quietened down. I glance at him worriedly. "Dad, will Y/n be just like I remember?" I frown. "Will she be jumpy like Latvia?" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Finland rubbing Sealand's arms comfortingly. "She might be jumpy like Latvia, Sweetie. But that won't matter as long as you love her right? She will still be your sister, so it won't matter." Finland would make an amazing Mother. We arrive at the airport, Sealand slightly worried, but still excited to see his Sister. From what he's told us, he didn't get to see her a lot before she was taken by Russia, and he hadn't seen her after then either. She wasn't able to contact him until a few days ago, and she hadn't told him much of what she went through. Just that she wanted to visit him. To be honest, I'm kind of worried too. What if she isn't at all how she used to be? What if Sealand likes her more than us and goes to live with her? 

Sealand grabs my hand tight as we wait for the plane to land. I can tell he's nervous, he keeps glancing around and shuffling his feet. When the plane finally lands, Sealand stands on his tip toes to try to see his sister. People pour out of the plane, running towards family or friends, and when Sealand can't see her, he begins to lose hope. The last person walks calmly out of the plane, looking around. Sealand suddenly gasps and pulls his hand out of mine, running towards the girl. "SISTER!!!" So that was his sister. She turns around to see Sealand and begins to cry slightly. She picks him up and spins him around. "Little Brother!" Sealand begins to cry and she wipes away the tears with a sweet smile. I walk towards them, not really wanting to break up their moment. "Sister, this is my Dad Sweden! He's really quiet and likes to work in his workshop a lot!" Sealand's sister stands up and holds her hand out for a hand shake. "Hello Mister Sweden, my name is Y/n, also known as C/n. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance and I do hope I won't be too much of a bother during my visit." Y/n smiles and shakes my hand, with a grip not too firm, but not too gentle either. I take a second to take in her features. She has h/l h/c hair, e/c eyes, and a scar crossing over her lip and another one on her forehead. All in all she looks very beautiful but also has an aura of ferocity. "Please call me Berwald." I reply, letting go of her hand. I feel cold all of a sudden, why is that? She flashes a charming smile in my direction then turns back to Sealand. "I missed you so much little brother." Sealand began to cry and hugged her tightly. I watched as she comforted him. "Why did you have to go Y/n?" Y/n froze and looked away.

"Sealand, sometimes when you are a country you get captured by other countries and made into a part of their country. Russia invaded me so I had to live with him under his rule." I could see the emotional pain in her eyes as she talked to Sealand. She was being careful with her words. Not wanting to give too much away. It was strange how I could figure her out so quickly. It felt as though I already knew her. "Is that why you could never see me?" Sealand's innocent question makes her smile. Her smile was sweet, caring, beautiful and so very calming. "Yes Sealand. We will talk more when we get to Berwald's home." My breath hitched in my throat. The way my human name seemed to roll off of her tongue sounded so innocent. I hum in slight approval, and grab Sealand and C/n's hand, guiding them both to the car. I look back at C/n, to see her frowning, obviously in deep thought. Sealand is of course oblivious to this, and chatters on about the Nordics. "You like quiet people so you'll get along best with Dad and Uncle Lukas." C/n nods at Sealand, mentally jotting that down. She looks so much more at peace around Sealand, like just being in the presence of an innocent child calmed all her fears. I hope she doesn't fear me for my scary face. 

As we get to the car, I notice Finland and Iceland talking with each other, and Denmark and Norway acting semi-normal. Denmark of course messing with Norway, and Norway looking annoyed but wanting to keep calm around C/n. She looks at the people, an overwhelmed expression on her face. "Guys! This is my big sister C/n! Isn't she pretty?" C/n blushed at her brothers words, the pinkish hue making her seem even more adorable. Denmark rushes forwards to C/n, but I stand in front of her, making sure that he wasn't going to do anything to her. "Huh, Sve isn't usually that protective over someone he just met, does he like C/n?" Finland asks Norway quietly. Norway replied with a probably and watched as Denmark looked at me weirdly. "Bro it's fine I was just going to greet her... Oh I get it! Hahaha Sve has a crush!" C/n goes even more red, but this time I can feel heat coming to my cheeks. Oh great, do I really have a crush on my adopted son's biological sister? Is that even legal. "I really suggest you quieten down. I may just have a moment of PTSD and accidentally shoot you, so it really would be in your best intentions to leave Berwald alone." Sealand and I both look at C/n, noticing her red cheeks and the fire in her eyes. She honestly looks pretty hot like this, like an actual warrior! Denmark backs off back to Norway, looking kind of dejected. Norway rolls his eyes but smiles ever so slightly when Denmark hugs him. Finland and Iceland jump up and down saying something like 'I ship it' over and over again. What does that even mean? "Thanks." I say to C/n, she looks up at me and smiles. "No problem, I don't really like loud people." 

I mentally smiled, at least we have one thing in common. Who knows, perhaps we could become more than just friends one day?

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