District 7 Denmark x District 11 Reader: Just our Luck.

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"I volunteer as tribute!" A loud yell rings out through the silence as I push my way through the crowd. "Oh, it would appear we have a volunteer! How wonderful! Come up here dearie, ah there you go!" I walk bravely up to the stage, where I look over at the people that I had grown up with. Many shocked and worried faces peer up at me, including my sisters', who had just been picked out of the reaping bowl. Out of all the people's names, that were in that glass bowl, out of all the tesserae that I placed in there (57 to be exact, I do know other girls that had put their names in more though) my 12-year-old sister, who had put in no tesserae, was chosen. "What's your name and age dear?" I shoot a disgusted look at the woman dressed all up in frilly pink and violet. "Y/n L/n, aged 15," I state almost mechanically. The woman looks kind of shocked when I mention my name and age. "And was that your sister that got reaped?" She asks, pressing the microphone to my lips. "Yes, it was." I hear the woman say something about sibling love, and how wonderful it was of me to volunteer, but all I can think about is the look of terror in my sister's eyes as she was pulled away from me. "And now for the male tribute. Let's see," She takes out a card with the name of the poor boy that has to fight beside me in the arena. "Christian Jonas!" My stomach drops as I recognise the name to be my best friends'.  Christian walks up bravely, barely letting any emotion cross his mocha coloured face. He stands next to me and we're forced to shake hands. His eyes say exactly the same thing as mine 'Don't die.'


We've been at the capitol for a day now, and we are getting prepared for the big ceremony. I haven't yet seen any other tributes. That is to be left for later. These people have high expectations, don't they? I mean, before today I had not even heard of half of the things they were doing to my body. Apparently, they wanted me all clean and beautiful for my designer Francis. Speaking of the man, he walks into the room, holding a bag that looks full of clothes. "Bonjour Mademoiselle! I am here to make jou look so beautiful that the other districts won't even know what hit zhem! It looks as though I won't even have to try that hard, though, you already have a natural air of beauty and grace!" I blush from the compliment and stutter out a thank you. "I heard how brave you were, standing up for your little sister like that is truly amiable," I smile as my thought drifts to my sister. "Ah, here we go!" A lengthy at the back short at the front wheat coloured dress is shoved into my arms, along with black knee length boots. I stare at the gorgeous clothes in awe for a few seconds before hurrying them on my body.  They are a perfect fit! Francis gives me a smile and places something on my head. I turn to look at it in the mirror and smile when I see it. It's a golden, wheat shaped crown that wraps all the way around my head. I smile with tears in my eyes. "I look beautiful. Thank you, Francis." Francis smiles at me and gives me a hug. "Most of that beauty is your own, my dear." 

The time of the ceremony is drawing near. It's only approximately 10 minutes away! Our mentor, Josephine, told us to talk to some of the other tributes, try to gain possible allies early on. Neither I or Christian know how to talk to people, so we just stand there next to our chariot, stroking our horse's mane. During the time before the ceremony, I notice a boy from another district glancing my way. The girl next to him whispers something in his ear, causing the tall man to laugh and walk in our direction. Christian notices me looking at the blonde male, and looks in the same direction as me. "Hey there! My name is-" We are cut off by a woman's voice telling us to all get in our chariots. He pouts but runs back to his chariot. Christian and I laugh at the childish man, whilst mounting our own. All of the chariots file out one by one, right until district 12's right at the end. "And would you look at the female tribute from District 11? She looks like a princess am I right?" I hear over the speaker. "Indeed! Such a spectacular outfit for District 11 this year!" Christian nudges me playfully and wiggles his eyebrows. I giggle a little and wave to the roaring crowd. Before I know it the night is over and I am asleep in the most comfortable bed I have ever slept on!

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