Norway x Denmark's Sister Reader: Pain

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You were angry. Fuming even. How dare he, how dare he abandon his brother to go and have his so called 'freedom'? How dare he leave your Big Brother without saying a single 'goodbye'? How dare he leave you to clean up the mess he made? Denmark allowed him to go everywhere he wanted, see everything he wanted to see, but still that selfish bas**** wanted more! He abandoned little Iceland, leaving the young child sobbing for his 'Big Brother' to come home, and knowing that he would be ruining the young nation for life. Leaving your brother broken and desperate for a release. Oh how you despised that man for causing your brother's suicide. God knows you were going to confront him for it tonight.

"Aunt Y/n?" Young and innocent Emil asked you, holding a stuffed puffin close to his chest. That puffin was the exact same one Norway gave him when he was a baby. "Yes honey?" Honey was an affectionate nickname you had given the child. After all, he would be needing someone to shower him with affection right now. "Are you going to talk to Norway tonight?" Iceland had stopped calling Lukas 'Big Brother' after 3 days of  his absence. "Yes I am Emil. But know that he might not come home. To be honest, hon, I don't want him to. He hurt us all more than anything, and he won't ever be able to fix that." You confirmed, kneeling down and giving Emil a warm hug. You pulled away slowly and smiled at the young nation, who was now looking at you with a confused expression. "But you love Norway, so why wouldn't he come home?" You froze at his words, mouth dropping down ever so slightly. You shouldn't have been surprised, after all, Emil was always an observant kid. "Honey, it is true that I loved Lukas, but he hurt you. I can't forgive him for that." You choked, breaking it to him gently. "Auntie, you still love him. And he loves you too. He left so that you could think of him as a strong country. He didn't hurt me. I hurt because you and Denmark hurt." You felt a burning sensation prickle at your e/c eyes; and you rubbed the forming tears away, giving Iceland a small heartbroken smile. The cute country put a hand on your shoulder and smiled. "Go to him and bring him home." You nod and order a servant to get you your horse. Emil saw you to the door smiling and waving as you rode of into the night, knowing exactly where Lukas was.


The house was large and nicely painted. A huge garden, protected by nothing but a small fence. You dismounted your horse and made your way to his house. 3 hard knocks sounded at the door, and the loud bang that sounded like someone falling out of a bed signalled to you that Norway was coming. You took a deep, shaky breath and ran your fingers through your hair. The door opened with a slight creak. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" Your heart began to pound, with what, fury or love you did not know. "How dare you... You left your Brother alone... You left Denmark broken. Don't you realise what you've done?!? How much you hurt us all?!?" You bellowed at the top of your lungs startling the usually composed male."Y/n just calm down..." He coaxed, his violet/blue eyes looking upon you in a dull sort of fashion. "Calm down? CALM DOWN?!? Do you know how long your brother cried for you? Do you know how much pain you put Denmark through? No? Well let's just say it was enough to make him commit suicide! You caused an innocent man his death! Your brother is heartbroken! And you left me to clean up your mess. Do you know how hard that was?" Your voice faded into a whisper, hands clenched at your side you screamed loudly. "YOU LEFT US FOR NO REASON! YOU DIDN'T EVEN SAY GOODBYE OR GIVE US A REASON! WHY?" Tears ran down your face and mixing into the dirt on the ground. Norway grabbed your wrist and pulled you into him, shutting you up with a long and desperate kiss. "The only reason I did that was for you to see that I was strong." He whispered as the kiss came to an end. "But why?" You asked him the one question that he knew he could answer. "Because I love you, and I couldn't stand you not noticing me in the way I wanted, needed, you to for any longer." You layed your head on the man's chest, just listening to his heartbeat, his thin, but somehow still muscular, arms wrapped around your waist. "Come home Lukas, please, you have to. Emil needs you, I need you." Your voice cracked with desperation.

"Okay, but first, spend the night here. With me." You nodded lightly, basking in his warmth as he lifted you up bridal style and walked into his house. He carried you to his chambers, and layed you down on his bed. Resting his forehead on yours, he let out a small smile. "I love you so much. I can't even-" You cut him off by pressing your lips against his. He sat in shock for a few moments before lifting up a smooth hand and tangling it in your shiny h/c hair, bringing you closer. This kiss was sweet and slow, unlike the previous one. "You take my breath away." A smile erupts on your face as the seemingly emotionless male utters those 5 words. "And you mine." He rests his lean body besides yours, and holds you close to him. "Oh and Norway, I love you too." The smile on his face is unmistakable. "I can't believe it took me so long to get the courage to say that to you." His deep laugh surrounds you in a blanket of comfort. "I wonder what Iceland will think when we come home tomorrow." He breaks the silence. You turn to face him. "Probably about how happy he is that you've returned. He really has missed you, hasn't let go of that puffin once."

"When we go back we can be a family again. Only this time, you'll be my wife." You almost burst into tears at his words. "Yeah, yeah I'd like that." That was an understatement.

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