Sweden X Rival Reader: Not Hate.

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The World Meeting was in chaos, France and England fighting in one corner of the room, spouting insults at each other, Greece asleep with Turkey drawing on his face, Italy bugging Romano as Germany wasn't there, America yelling about how he was the 'Hero', Russia picking on the Baltics, Belarus chanting 'Big Brother', Hungary hitting Prussia over the head with her frying pan, Poland, who was trying to convince Liechtenstein to wear more pink, Austria who was banging his head on the table, Switzerland who was glaring at Poland for talking to his sister, and all of that was only on one side of the room! On the other half was , Spain who was talking to Belgium, ignoring the sharp glares that Netherlands were sending his way, Denmark who was trying to get the attention of Norway, who was bothering Iceland about calling him Big Brother, Iceland who was attempting to avoid Norway whilst talking to Hong Kong, those two were getting glares from China, Japan who was just sitting there trying to avoid the chaos, South Korea who was trying to claim Taiwan's breasts as his own, Finland  who was trying to hold a conversation with Sweden, who was having a glare off with his biggest rival C/n. 

Sweden and C/n had been rivals since they were young. Sweden had tried to take over her country and C/n fought back, eventually leading Sweden to back off for a while before suddenly invading your country effectively taking it over. To say she disliked him was an enormous understatement. She loathed him with every fibre of her being. Nothing could compare to the amount of hatred she owned for Sweden, except for perhaps her hatred for the Russian country that she was currently at war with. Despite their rivalry, Sweden and C/n were good allies. Sweden would give C/n some goods to help with her country, and in return, C/n would give Sweden everything that he couldn't get in his country but could be found on her own.  However, with the current war between C/n and Russia, the things that C/n would usually give to Sweden were becoming harder to find. And so Sweden was not able to give her the goods that she needed for her country. That was actually what the two were glaring at each other about. Sweden blamed C/n for not being able to provide his country with what he needed, and C/n was already agitated from the war. "If you hadn't of gotten into a war with Russia, I would be able to give you the goods you need." 

C/n grew furious with his blunt statement. "It's not my fault that Russia wanted to take over my country! I have to protect my people from that bas-" She was rudely interrupted by said male, who stood behind her, placing a hand on her head. "Privet little C/n. I can't wait until you lose the war." C/n pursed her lips, moving away from the scary nation. "After all, it would seem that your country isn't doing so well at the moment." That was the last straw. The fiery woman picked up her chair and flung it at Russia, the wooden furniture hitting him over the head. The commotion from the two enemy countries caused everyone to stop what they were doing and stare with a mix between shocked, impressed and worried expressions. "If that is all, the next meeting will be held in my country. I hope to see you all there." With a cold voice, Y/n stormed out of the meeting room, which was coincidently being held in Sweden. Everyone stared at the stubborn woman, even Sweden, who was looking on with a slightly worried and confused expression. He didn't know that the C/n-Russia war was affecting her. She sure didn't allow it to show! Her facial expression was always one of annoyance, anger or dislike around Sweden, he had never seen her smile at him, nor had he ever seen her cry. She always managed to mask her emotions with another, no.  She wasn't hiding her emotions from everyone, she only hid them from people who could use them to their advantage. Sweden felt a hint of disappointment, knowing that the woman he had known since childhood didn't trust him enough to show her real emotions around him, for some reason, made the stoic male feel dejected. 

It was the week before the meeting in C/n that every country got the message saying that there was a change of plans and that the meeting was to be held in Russia instead, as C/n and Russia were now one. This could only mean that C/n had lost the war to Russia, which worried Sweden greatly. Although he and C/n constantly fought, it didn't mean that he didn't care. They had known each other since childhood, anything that happened to the other affected them. A loud clear knock at the front door shook Sweden out of his thoughts. He opened the door to see a disturbing sight. C/n stood, with a chained collar around her neck and some new scars on her unclothed arms, holding the shoulders of a little girl. "S-Sve, please. Look after her until I get back. She's too young to stay on her own and your the only one I trust enough to take care of her. Her name is S/C/N, she's an Island off of the coast of my country and my little sister. I am begging you to look after her until I break away from Russia." Sweden stood in shock for a few moments, still in shock from C/n's dishevelled appearance. This was so unlike the strong, brave and stubborn woman he was used to seeing. "I will." His reply caused C/n to smile, before bending down to S/C/N's height and kissing her on the forehead. "Be good for Mr Sweden sweetheart. I'll be back soon." The little girl held tighter to her stuffed toy, nodding sadly with fresh tears pouring out of her e/c eyes. Sweden noticed now that the child was a splitting image of C/n. The woman stood up and gave Sweden a quick hug before a tug on her chain caused her to pull away and walk away from the crying child and tall Nation. 

It had been 20 years since C/n was taken over by Russia, and Sweden had kept his promise of looking after her sister. The child had grown up significantly, becoming more and more like C/n every day. On some days, S/C/N would just stare out of the window with a dazed expression, usually remembering the hot flames that lapped up C/n's and her house' when Russia invaded, or trying to remember more of the woman that had looked after her in her younger years. During these times Sweden would just stand and watch her, not knowing how to help when he did exactly the same thing at night. S/C/N was now 14 years old, exactly 7 years older than she was when she was given to Sweden. Ageing had been slow for her because she was still waiting for her Big Sister to return to her. Sweden and S/C/N had grown a brother-sisterly bond, and both of them would sometimes look through photo albums of C/n together. Surprisingly, Sweden found that he had a lot of pictures of C/n. Most of them from when they were children, the others were pictures of her at the annual Christmas Parties that were held by the Nordics. She never failed to turn up to one. 

It was at one of these times that they were looking through pictures of C/n, that a knock sounded on their door. "I'll get it." S/C/N muttered whilst walking to the door and opening it. What she saw made her burst into happy tears. In front of her, in all her new-found glory, was C/n. She was just as S/C/N remembered her to be; the same h/c hair, the same smooth s/c skin and the same bright e/c eyes that were always full of pride. "Hey there Sister. You've grown." S/C/N laughed and jumped into C/n's awaiting arms, allowing the older female to spin her around in joy. She barely even noticed how thin and torn her sister's clothes were, or a number of new scars all over her porcelain-like skin. The fact that she was there and holding her was enough. Hearing all of the commotions downstairs, Sweden came to the front door as well, also gasping in surprise at the woman in front of him. He stood back, not wanting to interrupt the reunion between the sisters. It only took a minute for C/n to see him and detach herself from S/C/N, to run up to him and wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. "God I missed arguing with you every day." She whispered, still being latched onto the tall male. Sweden laughed and wrapped his arms around her, but he didn't answer. Truth was that he felt exactly the same way. He missed her presence, her voice. Over the 20 years that he hadn't seen her, he figured that he didn't hate her. He never really did. 

To be precise he had loved you for a long time, but he mistook the lurching of his stomach every time you were near as hate. They both stayed in that position for a few minutes, before C/n unwrapped her legs and arms from around the taller Nation, landing on her own two feet. Sweden looked her over and frowned at the state she was in. Dirt and blood smeared across her clothes and skin. "I finally defeated Russia, trust me, that guy is really stubborn." She explained to them both. "How many scars?" Was the first question Sweden asked her. She rolled her eyes and took off her shirt to reveal a scarred covered stomach, chest and back. "I have loads on my legs too, they don't even hurt anymore!" The frown on Sweden's face deepened as he ran his fingers over the many scars. S/C/N was stood next to him also looking at the many scars that littered her sisters' body. Both looked at her with sad expressions. C/n pulled her top back over her thin, malnourished body and gave them a grin. Sweden was the first to move, wrapping his strong arms around her waist. C/n stood in shock for a few moments, before moving her arms around his broad shoulders. She was kind of confused as to why her rival was hugging her in a way that seemed almost intimate, but she let it pass. Well, she let it pass until he pressed an almost loving kiss to her forehead. Red instantly made it's way across her face as she pulled away from the hug. S/C/N slowly walked out, deciding to leave them both alone for the time-being. 

"I don't hate you." Sweden told her. C/n made a confused sound. Obviously, he hated her, they had been rivals since they were children. "I don't think I ever did hate you." C/n shook her head in dismissal. "What on Earth are you talking about Sweden?" Sweden grew annoyed and grabbed her by the waist. "I don't hate you, what I feel for you is not hate." C/n was still very confused. Sweden's cold, blue-green eyes stared into her own. Neither of them broke eye contact, both of their hearts were racing, and butterflies were fluttering around in their stomachs as they looked at each other. "It's the opposite of hate." With those few words, Sweden bent down and pressed a passionate kiss on C/n's lips. The shorter woman froze in shock, before closing her eyes and moving her hands up to Sweden's defined chest. The kiss lasted for at least 3 minutes, before C/n pulled away, with a smile gracing her features. "I think I understand now." She bit her lip slightly and glanced down at the floor, before matching Sweden's gaze with her own. Not  being able to ignore the cut action, Sweden grabbed her by the waist and kissed her again. C/n kissed back just as passionate, tangling her hands in his hair. "Good." Is all the strong male said.

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