Denmark X Viking Reader

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Denmark watched as the female country fought against France, taking over a large part of his land called Normandy. As she walked past him, she gave him a sharp nod, giving him permission to take some more French land. He jumped up and gave her a swift kiss on the forehead. This was a sign of friendship and trust between the two, and so it was quite normal for her to react neutrally. During these times, though, Denmark couldn't help but savour the feeling of his lips pressed on her head. Nor could he help unintentionally taking in all of her womanly but strong features. As she walked off, presumably back to the cabin they all shared, Denmark walked forward, holding his axe up high as he swung it down on the dramatically sobbing nation. 

C/n was the twin sister of Norway and the most fierce and battle-thirsty out of their group of 4. She was also the unofficial leader, no one ever mentioned it, but they all followed in her footsteps, despite her technically being the 3rd oldest, Norway being older by 2 minutes. Denmark blamed it on the fact that she had them all wrapped around her finger, Norway because he couldn't refuse his little sister, and Denmark and Sweden because both of them were madly in love with her. None of them could help it, though! She was irresistible in their eyes. The way her e/c eyes shined in the midst of battle, the way her h/l h/t h/c hair was pinned back by the trademark silver cross hairpin, her cool and collected composure and her sharp tone made both Sweden and Denmark weak at the knees. 

"Finally back from taking more land?" The sun had fallen below the horizon only a few moments ago, and Denmark was sat next to C/n, wrapping a part of his cloak over her shoulders. He almost missed the jealous glare from Sweden, he poked his tongue at him over C/n's head. C/n rolled her eyes and continued to eat her food. The oldest man looked down at her calm figure and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek, causing the woman to glare at him and wipe her cheek. Norway smirked as Denmark stook his bottom lip out. C/n rolled her eyes and muttered something only he could hear. He perked up instantly and pressed another kiss to her cheek. Sweden looked away from them, a hint of hurt shining in his blue-green eyes. "I kinda like this position." Denmark joked, laughing brightly. C/n rolled her eyes and slapped him over the head gently. C/n would never intentionally hurt any of the males in the room. Which was surprising considering that she was the most violent person in the room. Matthias whined playfully in return. C/n smiled a little at the sound.

Denmark followed C/n to the area that the two would usually train. C/n picked up 2 sticks, throwing 1 to Denmark. He caught it and pointed it at her. Neither of them took training seriously like Sweden or Norway did. C/n stepped back a bit and raised her own. "Let's go!" She yelled out swinging her 'sword' at Denmark. Denmark blocked it and threw with a hit of his own. "Indeed, my dear C/n, we shall." C/n giggled at his attempt of sounding British, with his thick Danish accent, it sounded ridiculous. "Then hold your sword correctly good sir!" Denmark bowed sarcastically and held the stick like he would a sword. Both of them hit their swords together, both trying to push the other away. Eventually, Denmark managed to push her back gently into a tree. She smiled as her back hit the tree trunk softly, not even realising how close Denmark was. When her eyes met Denmark's, she gasped slightly in surprise. Denmark's eyes flickered down to her mouth, then back up to her eyes as if asking permission. He leant in slowly. C/n's eyes flickered down to his soft, full pink lips in anticipation. Their lips met, and they slowly kissed. C/n's hand moved to the back of the Danes' neck as his lips moved against hers. Neither of them even noticed when Sweden walked in on them, neither of them would have cared for they were too stuck in the moment. 

"D-Denmark," Her soft voice whispered his name when they pulled away for air. Both of their cheeks were flushed a light pink, and they were shaking from the sudden lack of warmth that their lips had created. Denmark smiled at the flustered leader, raising his hand shakily to her cheek. He pulled her in for another kiss, allowing her hands to tangle in his messy hair. "I love you." He muttered against her lips. She smirked and twisted around in his grasp, causing his body to slam against the tree. She pinned his hands down by his side, kissing him on the lips with force and passion. Denmark kissed back, trying to get his hands out of her strong grip. "You really are an idiot, you know that right?" Denmark flinched at her harsh sounding words. "I guess it's a good thing that I fell in love with you, maybe I can get rid of that idiocy." She pressed her lips onto his again, but softer this time. Her hands left his and moved to cup his face as they kissed. "Maybe you can," He picked her up in his arms to get better access to her addicting lips. "Jeg elsker deg," She smiled softly at the Danish man's' red cheeks, which stood out significantly on his ivory skin. "Love you too, Den."

The cold wind blared outside as the 4 people shivered in their home. Sweden sat poking at the small fire in the centre of the room, whilst trying to ignore the new couple. C/n was sat on Matthias' lap and they were both feeding each other. Laughing and joking, looking so very in love. It kind of grossed Sweden and Norway out, so they sat with each other, sharing a cloak to keep warm. Norway glared at the man who held his sister in a warm, loving embrace, all whilst pressing his lips to hers. No one could miss the smile on C/n's face as he put a berry between his teeth and motioned for her to take it. She did, by pressing her lips to his and flicking her tongue out to guide it into her own. Even Denmark was surprised by her way of doing it. Sweden put his arm around Norway in an attempt to keep the shorter male warmer. Norway hesitantly climbed into Sweden's lap and hid his face in the strong mans chest. Sweden's heart beat spiked as he pressed a warm kiss to Norway's head. Perhaps he could get over C/n quickly.

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