Iceland x Reader : Hanging Tree

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"What's wrong with C/n?" Iceland asked Denmark, who was unusually quiet on this cold and windy day. Denmark slowly shook his head and sat down on the pure white sofa, slouching his tall figure. "How do you not know Ice? This happens the same time every year." It was September 8. There was nothing special about this date was there? "Know what?" Suddenly a shrill scream of agony echoes around the Nordic Household, making a few people stop what they are doing and bow there heads in misery. What was going on? Norway forced Iceland to sit down on the chair as all the Nordics, except for C/n, gathered in the living room. "Iceland, on this day on the year 1520, all of us did something terrible to C/n..."


C/n sobbed on the ground as she watched the horror before her eyes. Hundreds of her people were lined up before Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. All innocent men who were lined up for death. Everyone in C/n wore solemn expressions as they were forced to watch the countries they united with brutally murder exactly 297 of there people. As the first one was hanged, screams of terror, horror and utter defencelessness. C/n let out a screech as her peoples brothers, children, fathers, uncles, grandparents were brutally murdered right before there very eyes. She watched in pain as a woman stepped forward. "NO! THAT'S MY SON!" One of the hangers turned to face the woman, let out a yell and instantly snapped  her neck. At that moment fury overcame C/n, and she ran towards the Nordics holding an axe. "HOW CAN YOU DO THIS! THESE PEOPLE HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG! Stop it... please..." Her words fade to a whisper as she falls to the ground in agony. The pain and desperation her people were feeling was just too much for the still developing country. The last thing she saw before she passed out was a river of thick blood. Did she break away from the union? No, no she didn't.  She still had faith that she could change there ways. Of course she didn't, and instead had to deal with her countries abuse for a further 5 years.

End Of Flashback 

Iceland gasped as the others told the story. "HOW COULD YOU?!?" He yelled in fury. He could only imagine what pain C/n had gone through. "Iceland please, calm down." Finland tried to calm the raging country. "NO! Don't you dare tell me to calm down! You killed 297 of her people, do you realise how much that could of hurt her? She could have died on that day!" Iceland began to exit the room, leaving the rest of the Nordics to think. He stormed up the stairs, barely managing to calm himself down before walking into C/n's room. What he saw saddened him immensely. She was curled up, sobbing on her bed. "Hey, hey. It's okay now. I'm here." The Icelander comforted the girl with soft words. "I-Ice? P-Please... I w-want to s-see it..." They h/c haired girl lifted her head and faced Iceland.     "Visit what C/n?" He asked her softly. The pained expression on her face made him worry.

"T-the tree. It's like a monument for the people who died. We call it the Hanging Tree. I want to see it." Iceland rubbed her shoulders. "Okay, I'll take you there." And with that, the two walked out of the house and booked a flight to C/n.


The tree was enormous. It stood proud with a large gravestone in front of it saying 'Here is a memorial for those who died on Hanging Day, they shall be dearly remembered.' Lilies scattered around the tree, making the scene even more beautiful. C/n walked forward, holding a bouquet of 24 white lilies. "For those who stood bravely before there death, and for Roseline Martha, who stood up for those people bravely." She said as she layed the lilies in front of the gravestone. She bowed in a silent vigil for 5 minutes before standing up and hugging Iceland. "Thank you." Her voice was barely above a whisper. Iceland slowly moved his arms to wrap around her thin waist. "It's okay." He squeezed her softly before slowly pulling away. "So, do you want to maybe look around the stalls?"C/n asks Iceland. He smiled and uttered a 'sure'. They walk, slowly there hands inching closer to the others. As soon as there hands brush, electric shocks run through there entire body's. C/n moved her hand away from his and mumbled an apology, Iceland shook his head and gripped her hand tightly in his. He smiled down at her and continued walking. Suddenly the clouds turned grey and a few droplets of rain fell upon there heads. "Oh no." C/n giggled slightly, beginning to run for cover. Iceland allowed himself to be pulled along laughing as well. The two got a few smiles from others as they ran from the rain. Finally they found shelter under the tree. "That was so much fun!" C/n was practically dancing around him. He brought her close to him in a warm hug. "I'm just glad your okay." A wild pink blush found its way upon C/n's soft/sharp features as they pull away from the hug, only for there lips to connect in a sweet kiss. The only thing either of them could process at the moment, was how soft the others lips felt. As the kiss came to an end, Iceland rested his forehead on hers and smiled as she shyly bit her lip. He suddenly pulls her into a dip and kisses her passionately, putting all the love he had hidden from her into use. C/n's arms wrapped around his neck as they kisses, both bodies cold and wet. The kiss held so much love, so much passion for the other. Neither country wanted it to end. Sadly oxygen had to be mean and they had to pull away for breath. "I love you C/n." Those words made the blushing country smile. "I love you too Iceland."

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