America x orphan child reader

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Dear Diary,

Today a strange man with blonde hair and blue eyes came to the orphanage wanting to adopt someone. He had to leave before he could talk to all of us though, I know there is no chance of me getting adopted. But at least let him choose one of the nice kids. They deserve to be adopted. Maybe little Lili, or maybe even Feli! The man that came was really funny, he would randomly yell out 'I'm the Hero' and he said dude and duddette a lot. I really hope he chooses a nice kid. Well that's all from me today!

From Y/n

Suddenly my beloved diary was ripped out of my hands by a mean girl called Rebecca (A/n if your name is Rebecca change it to Melissa). "Oh what's this? Oh how cute it's a diary! Why don't we see what little Y/n wrote?" Rebecca giggled fakely.  I jump up to try to reach my diary. Rebecca lifted it even higher, making me really annoyed. I jump onto her punching her in her fake face. "Give me back my diary you whore!" I yell out truly pissed off. She hurriedly gives it me back and runs out of the room sobbing. She deserved it though. I lie down in my bed and slowly fall into a deep sleep... I never dream of anything, to be honest I prefer it that way. At least I won't have nightmares.

~timeskip to morning~

I wake up feeling groggy. Rubbing my eyes I look sorrowfully around my room. It is a pale blue colour, with the wallpaper peeling off of the walls. Seen as I am one of the older children I get a room to myself. "Y/n, Mr Jones is coming in a few minutes. You should get ready." One of the staff say to me poking their head through my doorway. "Oh of course Miss." I say happily and grab one of my only dresses. It was a pretty f/c dress with a floral print. This dress was my mother's dress. It's the only thing I have left of her. I sigh and slip it on ignoring my pale scars that ran down my body. They were from my uncle. When he heard that Mother had died, he was furious. He would often beat me for nothing. Those were bad times. "Y/n, Mr Jones is here, and you are his first child he has to talk to." The staff tells me softly. I nod and walk down the stairs into the meeting room. There sits the blonde man I wrote about earlier. "Hey duddette you must be Y/n!" He said, well yelled, enthusiastic. I nod shyly and take a seat in front of him. We spend about 2 hours just talking and laughing. He is really nice. "Mr Jones, can you do me a favour?" I ask him seriously. He looks at me with a bright smile and nods. "Sure kiddo, what's up?"

"Um can you adopt one of the nice kids, like Feli?" I ask hopefully.

"Duddette, I've already chosen a child." My face drops in disappointment, thinking the worst. Wow I really am a pessimist. "I want you as a child Duddette!" He chirped grinning at me. My jaw drops low and I sputter out some things that I'm not even sure what it meant. "Wha- what m-m-me?!" I half ask half  exclaim. "Yeah, you seem like a nice kid." I smile at that and hug Mr Jones tightly. He chuckles lightly and hugs me back. "So kiddo we should sign those papers now right?" He asks me softly.

"Yup come on I'll show you the way!"


I walk out of the orphanage after saying goodbye to everyone. "Hey Dad?" I ask.

"Yeah kiddo?"

"I love you."

"Love you too kid."

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