Sweden x Reader: For you, Anything.

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Even though she was a sister of the Danish man that controlled them all, Sweden could not help but to fall for those e/c orbs and soft, soothing voice. He had only just gotten over Norway, the fact that he was with Denmark adding salt to the open wound, but the young man fell in love hard and fast with the female nation. She was different from her brother, in many ways, and to Sweden, she had no flaws. The way she acted around everyone was calm, but not like Norway's calm. It was more of a soothing calm. She was always showing kindness, no matter what status. She fierce, and brave, and graceful, and understanding, and strong. Everything Sweden wanted in a person, she had. The only issue was the growing hatred between Sweden and Denmark, her brother would never allow Sweden to court her. So instead he had to watch her from afar, subtly protecting her from harm.  Her name was Y/n L/n, the representation of the official Kingdom of C/n. And for her, he'd do anything.

"No, Brother I refuse to do such a thing." The calm reply angered Denmark, fury setting his cerulean eyes alight. "And who are you to defy my orders?" Sweden stood, ready to leap at Denmark if he moved to injure his sweet Blomma. "Y/n L/n, the personification of Kongeriget C/n, sister to Matthias Densen Kohler, the personification of Denmark. As I have always been, Matthias. You of all people should know that I have not changed a bit." The Dane flushed a new shade of angry crimson and moved to hit the brave woman. Sweden instantly strode forward and grabbed his hand. Everyone in the room looked at Sweden in shock. He was never one to involve himself in conflict. His cold blue-green eyes never wavered as he glared into the eyes of the King. "Don't touch her." His deep voice resonated through the entire room, hushed whispers following right after. "Sve, it's fine. If my Brother wishes to be foolish enough as to drive away the people holding the union together, then let him. I won't object to freedom." The cold words made everyone gasp in horror. No one talked to King Denmark like that. Not without being beaten within an inch of their life. C/n tugged Sweden away from Denmark, her f/c cape flying behind her as she walked out proudly, with her head held high.

"You know he will beat you for that later. You shouldn't have stood up for me." The evening had come quickly for the two nations, almost too quick it seemed for although they had been talking and walking together for more than 6 hours, it never felt enough for the Swedish man. "I know he will." C/n suddenly stopped in her tracks, taking Sweden's hand on her own, looking up into the neverending waters of the blue-green orbs that he possessed. "Are you not scared?" She queries, eyes searching his for even a hint of fear for her brother. "No, I'm not." C/n sighed and placed a hand on his cheek. "You should be. He is known for doing terrible things to people who get in his way." Sweden looked at her, no emotion showing up on his masculine features. Y/n removed her hand from his cheek, still holding his hand as they continued to walk in the many beautiful gardens. "I am not afraid because I know that I did it for a good reason." C/n looked up at him in confusion. "Sve, he could seriously hurt you!" The desperation in her voice in unmistakable. "No pain could compare to the one I would feel for allowing him to hurt you." C/n sighed in defeat and rested her head on his shoulder. "I fear for you sometimes. You are undeniably reckless when it comes to Denmark." Sweden wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her even closer to him. "It'll all be okay." 

Sweden walked C/n all the way back to her room, thankful that Denmark had not yet come to find him. "Be careful Sve, I don't want you getting hurt." Sweden's heart fluttered at her sweet spoken words. "Come in here right after, okay? I'll patch you up." C/n pulled him in for one last hug before pulling away and gently closing her door. He took a deep breath before walking to his room. He took long strides, not showing any fear for what the King could have done to him. To him, it wouldn't matter anyway. He would be happy knowing he prevented C/n from getting hurt. "Ah, Sweden! About time for your punishment, yes?" Sweden nodded to Denmark, allowing the slightly shorter male to drag him down into the cellar. He was strapped to a post in the centre of the room. Matthias picked up a very thin whip, and Sweden's heart spiked. So, Denmark had decided to cause him an extreme amount of pain, huh? "Are you ready?" Sweden remained silent, angering Denmark further. "I asked you a question you ungrateful brat!" Sweden nodded in response and Denmark smiled sadistically. "Good. Let's begin then!" The beatings seemed endless, as the thin whip was cracked hard against Sweden's already scarred back. It felt as if a burning fire had spread over his entire back when the Dane had finally finished. Sweden put his shirt back on and dragged himself out of the cellar and up into C/n's room.

"God, Sve! What did he do to you?" C/n asked as soon as she saw the number of new wounds on his back. "Whippings. About 60 of them, thinnest whip." He responded, moaning in slight pain when the cloth drenched in alcohol met his sore skin. "I'm sorry." C/n whispered softly. Sweden just stared at her wall. "What for? You did nothing wrong. Denmark is to blame." Her hand clenched around the cloth tightly, causing alcohol to drip over the bed they were sat on. "It's kind of my fault for getting into trouble with him in the first place. I should know by now not to defy his orders." Sweden turned around and placed a large hand on her shoulder, causing her to turn her gaze to him. "He shouldn't have ordered you to do something like that anyway. I don't blame you for any of this, okay? And you shouldn't either." Sweden told her gently, wiping away the crystalline tears falling from her eyes. "But if I had just-" Sweden placed a finger to her lips, gesturing for her to be quiet. "No, it was not your fault." C/n tried to protest some more, but each time the Swedish man cut her off. She gave up and wrapped another layer of bandages around his wounds. She rested her head on his shoulder, sighing softly. "Why did you protect me anyway if you knew he would hit you for it?" The question didn't surprise Sweden one bit. He had expected as much to come from the woman's soft-looking lips in time. "Because for you, Y/n, I would lay down my entire life." Her head lifted slowly off of his shoulder, her eyes boring into his. 

"But why? I'm not worth all that." Sweden tilted her head up slightly, allowing his seriousness to seep into her brain. "No, you are worth more than that. I love you C/n, and I don't care if your brother disapproves-" He is cut off sharply by a soft pair of lips on his own. C/n placed a hand on his cheek, bringing him in closer to her. She pulled away slightly opening her eyes and giggling at the light dusting of pink that crept across Sweden's cheeks. "Good, because I don't care either. I love you too Sweden. But, promise me something. Promise that when you break free from Denmark, that you will take me with you?" Sweden gave her a rare smile and pressed another kiss to her lips. 

"For you, anything."

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