Nordic's X Reader: Sweden's Ending

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Sweden's POV

I stand exhausted outside my Boss's office. Due to something going on with her home life, Y/n (as that was what I was told she was called) wasn't able to get a plane here, so my Boss went to pick her up personally. Right now it's about 3 o'clock in the morning, Boss had to get her at night in case someone stopped her form leaving. I'm currently waiting for the 'okay' so I can meet the girl I will be looking after. I wasn't told much about her, only that her name was Y/n L/n and that she would act very frightened when I first meet her. This fact kind of worries me, what if my intimidating aura scares her off? "Berwald, it's time." My Boss' calm voice resonates around the room as I stand up, nod, and follow him into the room. I hear another person's soft, rapid breathing before I see who it is. I look down slightly and see the woman that I have to look after. She's dressed in a f/c sweater with a black under shirt, black jeans and f/c trainers. Her face is tilted towards the floor, a sign of ultimate submission, and her hands are shaking immensely, she's scared. "Hi." I say, being at a loss of words. She looks up at me with dazzling, innocent, hurt e/c eyes. But the thing that startled me the most was the purple bruise and gash on her cheek. Y/n turns her gaze back to the floor, seemingly ashamed that I had saw her injuries. "You ready?" I ask, my thick accent coating my words. She nods shyly,saying a polite 'goodbye' to my Boss, before following me out of the room. I guide her to my car, opening the door for her, before getting into the drivers seat and starting up the car.

The ride is silent, neither of us having the courage to talk to the other. The atmosphere is awkward, just as I expected it to be. I'm a genuinely shy person, and my accent is often too thick for others to understand, so I tend to refrain from speaking at all. It's easier to just text or write to someone, that way all my emotions can be shown. "I-I'm really s-sorry if my presence will be a b-burden." The quiet, feminine voice, of the woman next to me shoots through the silence like a bullet. I shake my head at her. "It won't be, I want to help." Her head snaps up to look at me. Her facial expression shows conflicted emotions. Y/n sighs and looks back out of the window. "Despite the fact that you might want to, I don't think that it's possible." Her words are sad, broken even. I didn't think that I would ever be in a situation like this. "Then I'll try harder." She laughs bitterly. "We're here now." I say, as we pull up. Y/n nods and puts on a brave face, though anyone would be able to tell that she's frightened. Well, anyone with a right mind. Not Denmark. He's just stupid. I open the door, stumbling back in surprise when Peter comes running into my arms crying. "Papa! Jerkbrows told me t-that y-you d-didn't love me!" Peter sobs into my shoulder as I try my best to comfort him. Y/n's eyes widen and she swoops in and picks him up, resting him on her hip. She hushes him quickly, wiping away the tears. "Hush, hush now. I'm sure Jerkbrows was lying to you. You're Papa loves you very much, and as long as you know that, who cares what some jerk thinks?" I feel myself freeze with shock. Normally it takes me hours to get Peter to calm down, but Y/n managed to do it in about 2 minutes! "R-really Miss?" Y/n nods her head 'yes'. Peter smiles at Y/n and gives her a huge hug. "Thank you Miss! I'm Peter, what's your name?" Y/n giggles lightly and puts him down on the floor, ruffling his hair playfully. "My name is Y/n L/n, I'll be staying here for a while." Peter jumps up and down excitedly. I think she'll fit in just fine here.


Y/n's been here for about 3 and a half months now, and I can happily say that we have gradually gotten closer. She acts like a Mother to Peter, always playing with him, making sure whatever he's doing is safe and she even cooks for us sometimes. I haven't gotten much closer to figuring out what's wrong with her yet though. But I want her to be comfortable enough to tell me, without me having to pry into her personal life. "Papa! Is Y/n allowed to take me to the Park?" Peter asks me, running into the living room. I nod 'yes', but prepare myself to follow them. I don't want anything bad to happen to them after all. I watch with a small smile as Peter drags Y/n out of the house by her hand, Y/n laughing. I wait until they are a bit further away from the house before putting my boots on to follow them. I walk slowly, not wanting them to know I'm there. "Hey Y/n, come push me on the swings!" Peter runs towards the swing-set, with Y/n running right behind him. She laughs as she pushes him. I watch them interact, it's really adorable how much Peter looks up to her. It kind of saddens me to know that eventually she will have to leave us and go back home. Peter will be so upset! "Well well. Look at what we have here." I look up to see a man beginning to corner a terrified Y/n. "WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE YOU LITTLE BI***?" He bellows right in her face. Y/n stammers a reply before the man moves to slap her. My eyes widen and I run into action, grabbing the man's hand in a vice-like grip. Y/n runs towards Peter, who is sat with frightened tears streaming down his cheeks on the swing. "Both of you go home." Y/n looks towards me, worry in her beautiful e/c orbs. Nevertheless she nods, picking Peter up and running away from the Park. "What the hell d'ya think ya doin' tellin' my girl to leave? I was jus' gonna teach the little whore a lesson, are you the one she's been stayin' with?" The Man has the nerve to talk to me. I punch him in the stomach, causing him to crouch over. I knee him in the face, fury rushing through my veins. How dare he terrify my child and then move to hit the woman I love?

I stumble into the house, almost falling over. I would have, if Y/n hadn't of caught me and dragged me over to the sofa. She sits me down and grabs a first-aid box. She takes out some alcohol and a cotton bud, resting a hand on my shoulder and placing the burning liquid on my wounds. I hiss in pain, as it comes in contact with my broken skin. "I put Peter to bed, he's really worried about you." she says, obviously trying to divert my attention from the pain. "Anymore wounds?" She asks me, not looking me in the eye. I know she's slightly angry at me, but I had to help. I nod and take of my shirt, making her blush and look away slightly. There are a few forming bruises on my chest. She takes out an ice-pack and presses the freezing material to my red skin. "Sorry." I mutter. Y/n looks up at me with blazing eyes. She's angry, very angry. "So you should be! Do you know how worried we were for you? You're such an idiot, what if you had gotten seriously hurt? You should have just taken Peter, I could've handled it!" She exclaims, slamming her hands on the coffee table. "No you couldn't. He was going to hit you." She rolls her eyes. "For God's sake Ber, I've been through it all a million times before, a little slap would not have bothered me!" I stiffen up at her words. What does she mean she's been through it all before? She wasn't abused, was she? "Look, I've dealt with people like him all my life. My Father beat me as a child and that one was my boyfriend. He hit me all the time, that's why I'm here. To get away from the abuse for a while. I could of handled it dammit!" I take her face in my hand and force her to look at me. I allow my eyes to stare into hers for a moment, taking in all the emotions that she's feeling. "I didn't want him to hurt you." Y/n lets out a choked sob at my words and envelops me in a hug, her head resting right where my heart is. She whispers a single question, one that I'm scared to answer. 'Why?' slips through her lips, making my heart beat a little faster. "Because you're m'wife and I love you." She looks up at me with shocked eyes.

"God dammit you idiot," I wince at her harsh words. "I love you too." I smash my lips on to hers, allowing all my pent up emotions go. "Does this make Y/n my new Mama?" Me and Y/n both freeze and turn to look at Peter in shock. Y/n breaks the silence with a laugh. "I guess it does."

~Extended Ending~

I stand at the altar, waiting for my bride, the one I love to officially be wed. Tino stands next to me as my Best Man, and I wait for Matthias to come in with Y/n. Recently, Lukas gave Y/n a potion that would make her immortal like me. Today Y/n and I will be unified, as lovers for the rest of eternity. The music begin playing as the doors open wide, and I see Y/n clad in her beautiful white gown, looking as gorgeous as always. Her arm is wrapped around Matthias', who seems to have tears in his eyes. I roll my eyes at my older brother's weird ways, but smile as Y/n walks down the aisle. A smile adorns her face, as she walks gracefully towards me, whilst holding the hand of our 4 year old, (Child's Name). Peter is holding our daughter's other hand, as they all walk down with happy smiles. I block out the priests words until it comes to the 'I do's.' My voice is strong and certain, as I say the words that will unify us forever. She doesn't hesitate in saying it back, saying the words with such love and emotion that it makes me melt. "You may now kiss the Bride." The crowd cheers as I pick Y/n up, pressing my lips to hers in a passionate kiss. "Yeah, that's my Mama and Papa!" (Child's Name) and Peter both holler to the crowd, causing everyone to laugh. "I love you so much Mrs Oxenstierna."

"I love you too Mr Oxenstierna. Glad that I can now officially be your wife." I chuckle at that and kiss her once more. 

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