Nordics x Abused Child Reader: Bruises and Scars

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"I don't want to fight anymore. Bruises and Scars are what I've become, I am nothing more. And God I hate it."

My name is Y/n L/n, I am 8 years old and I live with my abusive father. I am very malnourished, I am far too thin for a child of my age. I know this for a fact. I can see all my ribs through my sickly pale skin, the bruises and scars stand out too much on my frail body, my eyes are sunken in. I look like a living corpse. It scares people, it scares me, and I'm the one that has to deal with it. My eyes look thousands of years older than they actually are. I haven't been outside in 6 years, my Father had made sure of that. I am practically a slave to him. I cook, I clean, I wash the clothes and no matter what, the biggest rule of all, I must never be seen by anyone. Who knows what he could do to me if I broke that one rule? I surely don't. The only thing I do know is that I have to get out of here. Even if I die, I can't live my entire life locked up and treated like an animal. 

Tonight's the night. I am all ready for it, I don't own any clothes other than the ones I'm wearing now, but I did manage to find a rucksack and some things I can survive off of for at least 3 days if I can't find someone to help me. All I have to do now is wait for him to be distracted or asleep and run. But I must stay quiet else he will hear me and take me back and beat me some more. As soon as I hear the loud, drunken snores from the next room, I slip out of bed and open my window. My window is one of those that open really wide, so of course, I fit through it easily. The tree next to my window is perfect for my escape. I throw my bag onto one of its branches and swing myself out, closing the window so that Father will never know I got out this way. I grab my bag and jump silently out of the tree. My bare feet hit the floor, pine needles prodding themselves into my skin. I don't care, though. As of now, I am free. I have been running for what feels like years now, and I am in a garden. I don't know who's garden. I suppose the only thing I can do now is to ring the bell and hope that they help me. I stumble towards the door and fall down at the front of it. I reach up to the bell and ring once, before the world around me spins and darkness fill my view. 

I awake in a warm bed, my body wrapped up tightly in blankets and pillows propping up my body. I gently detangle myself from my warm cocoon and stand up. I look around the room in amazement. Red wallpaper coats the walls in a bright fashion, and the bed I was laid upon was so high up! Everything seems to have a sense of pride and royalty in this room, minus the barely visible lego bricks that were hidden inside the closet. I reach up and open the door, walking out of the awesome room. I begin to feel overwhelmed with the number of different things in this house.  "Hello?" I call out, my voice almost echoing in response. I take a step towards what I can presume to be a staircase. I am correct in my presumption and I walk slowly down them, making sure to not make too much noise in case it bothers someone. 5 males stand at the bottom of the stairs talking about something with important looks. "Hello," I say, just loud enough for them to all hear me. They turn to me in surprise before one of them, the shortest one, comes and kneels next to me. I hear him say something like 'so cute' before he gives me a gentle hug. I stand still for the entire time he hugs me, looking over his shoulder at the other males in the room. 

"I am sorry for any inconveniences I may have caused you, I should be taking my leave now, do any of you know where my bag is?" I ask them. The man that hugged me looks at me with a little bit of sadness in his violet eyes. "You haven't caused any inconveniences at all! In fact, we were just talking and we don't want a little girl like you to get hurt, so you can stay here for a while!" I stare at the man in shock. "I suppose, I don't have anywhere else to go anyway, I could stay here for a while. My name is Y/n L/n, what are yours?" All the males walk towards me, one of the taller ones picking me up and swinging me around, laughing about how cute I am. "I'm Matthias Kohler! You were sleeping in my room, and I'm the awesome King of Northern Europe!" I give him a small smile. "It's nice to meet you." He passes me to the next male, the tallest one and the only one wearing glasses. His eyes would scare most, but I can see that he isn't a threat. "I'm Berwald Oxenstierna. M'wife was the one that hugged you." I raise an eyebrow in amusement and nod. I am passed into the arms of another man. This one had a cross hairpin in his hair. "I'm Lukas Bondevik, and this is my little brother Emil Steilson." The boy next to him groans in annoyance and takes me out of his hands. "I'm Emil like he said, and I am not his little brother." I nod and am set back down on the floor.

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