27. The Proposal [Alyssae]

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Alyssae had the feeling her lungs collapsed. Spots danced before her eyes and she only noticed her hands were trembling when Kili took them. 

"From who, Alys?"

She could not say a single word, so disconcerted was she. She had rather expected a proposal from Thorin than from him. He was the last man on earth whom she wanted to marry. She rather brought Azog back to life to let him push a ring around a finger than him. 

"Are you okay?" Raphael asked worried when he understood she couldn't even get his name over her lips. 

Alyssae stared at her hands. No, she was not okay. She couldn't breathe and she would choke - which was the most attractive solution for all of this. 

"Is it from the dwarf?" her father wanted to know. 

Alyssae opened her mouth and closed it again. She wanted to scream to free the rage inside her, but she couldn't produce any sound.

"Come on," Kíli said softly, squeezing her hand. "Whoever it is, you don't need to marry him if you don't want to."

A bitter taste filled her mouth. She knew him. He wouldn't be satisfied with a rejection. He knew damn well she rather cut his throat than that she would even say a friendly word to him, so a rejection would have enormous consequences. 

What would he do? Take her child from her? March to Erebor? Invade Chyndall and hang the bodies of her family-members at the gates? 

She shuddered, pushing her sweaty hands between her knees. She stared at the words on the parchment again, that seemed to perform an evil dance. 

"I want you to become my wife."

It was no request. It was just an... announcement.

Her vision became unclear and it felt like she was back in Mirkwood. The music swirled through her thoughts and she saw Thorin's face. His sparkling eyes met hers and his lips formed a sweet smile. Lips that came closer and closer. Lips that almost kissed her, until an ice cold voice separated them.  

"I think it's better if I take it from here."

She bit on her knuckles when she received a flash of the dungeons, in which Thorin was lying lifelessly on the ground. His face swollen and battered. His clothes in pieces at the ground. Skin covered with dark red welts and gaping wounds.

What would happen when she did not grant his request? Would Kíli and Dwalin look that way within a few days? Or Raphael and Melline? Her parents? She knew he was capable of doing so. 
But what would happen to her if she agreed? Would she have to sit around the table with him? Would she have to sleep with him? Why would he want that? He undoubtedly found it pleasant to see her tears, but why would he punish himself with her presence, knowing she hated him from the bottom of her soul? What advantage did he thought to receive? 

Her thoughts wondered to Niamh, who was playing in the corner of the room. Did he knew what effect his curse had had? Did he just want to take her child from her, or did he needed her for something else?

"Alys!" Kíli's compelling voice woke her from her thoughts again. He tried to pull the parchment out of her hands.  "Who?"

She bowed her head and whispered: "Thranduil."

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