Chapter 94. [Alyssae]

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Alyssae had no words for her hurt feelings. She had never doubted Eldinòr. Even more, she had thought things would have been different between them if Thorin hadn't been in her life, but from the start he had played a game. She tried to fight her tears, only they seemed to freeze before they could leave her eyes when Thranduil threw his arm around her. 
"I understand this is heavy."
Alyssae stepped aside so that his arm fell from her shoulder. His calm way of talking caused goose bumps on her body. His so-called friendly tone was just as treacherous. In her thoughts she tried to justify Eldinòr's behavior. He wanted to trade her for his sister. Wouldn't she have done the same for Melline?
Probably she would, but it didn't change her feelings. More than anyone Eldinòr knew Thranduil had no good intentions and despite all the efforts they had made, she had still ended up here. 
Alyssae was brought to the room she had waken up four years ago. Was this supposed to reassure her? Here only dismal memories were floating around. The dwarfs who had ignored her for days. Thorin who had tried to strangle her.
She dropped down on the bed and pulled up her legs, pressing her face against her knees. Finally she let go of the tears and bawled irrepressibly. 

By the fall of night Alyssae was calmed down a little, even though a storm was still raging in her mind. Where was Thorin? Was he alive? What had they told him? Would he find her here? What were Thranduil's plans? Did he still want to marry her or had that only be a means to get her here? Would he kill her and send Thorin her head? She was overcame by so much doubts and fear that she gnaw off her nails until they were only stubs. Her eyelids were swollen and everybody could smell she hadn't bathe for days. She however did not care about her appearance. Not for Thranduil. 

Two days Alyssae locked herself up in her room. She tried to get the things straight and disheartened she ate the food that was served. There stood no guards in front of the door, but she wouldn't know where to go anyway. 
The third day one of the elves announced that she had to fresh herself up because Thranduil wanted to have a conversation with her, and Alyssae decided she would give an ear.
A few moments later she stood before the room of Thranduil. She had never been there and the prospect to be with him made her shiver.
"Good evening," he greeted her when the door was opened by one of his guards. He smiled almost friendly, but the look in Alyssae's eyes was empty. "Take a seat." He made an inviting gesture to the chair on the other side of the table. With stiff steps she walked to it and highly embarrassed she took place.
"Do you remember my proposal?"
Alyssae stared at the table top. Automatically she searched for something she could attack him with, but he clearly took no risks. 
"No," she answered bluntly. 
He chuckled softly. "With pleasure I will bring you up to date. I wrote you a letter in which I said I would like to make you my wife."
A shiver crept down her spine. The tone of his voice was so kind it reminded her of Thranduin.
"I assumed you had fallen on your head."
"I can assure you I have not. Today I make the same proposal."
Alyssae felt the panic racing through her body again. He played with her, just as Eldinòr had done. "Why?"
He bend a little forward. "I have my reasons." A cynical laugh sounded. "But don't get the wrong idea. Neither your sympathy nor your beauty has anything to do with it. I look further."
"Revenge?" Alyssae sniffed.  
"Don't be so short-sighted. I need something from you and you - you need something from me."
Alyssae rolled her eyes. "What should that be?"
"My willingness to keep your friends alive."
Alyssae looked op. She got the feeling her whole life was one big blackmail. "I don't believe you."
He shrugged. "Your own eyes won't betray you. Come with me."
With aversion she followed him to the dungeons. Shivers crept over her like many-legged insects when she stepped into the dark space. She thought she even heard Thorin's screams and she had to convince herself he was far away from here.
Thranduil stood still before one of the cell doors and silently Alyssae stood beside him. A whimper escaped her throat when she looked right into two pairs of innocent eyes and defeated she turned her head away. 
"I hope you will burn forever."
A scornful smile appeared on his lips. "I will regard that as an approval."

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