29. Plans [Alyssae]

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Alyssae startled when her father banged his fist on the table. "How does he dare!" His furious glance met hers. "Don't you even dare to consider it!"

"But -"

"No, Alyssae," he spoke confidently. "You will not sacrifice your happiness for him. He brought you more than enough misery." 

His eyes wandered to Niamh and Alyssae felt a pang in her stomach.

"You'll write him a letter immediately, saying you belong to someone else and that he already blessed you with a child."

"But what if he will come?" Alyssae whispered. "If he -"

"I know Thranduil for a very long time, Alyssae. He will not cross his borders for you. He hasn't traveled that far since the fall of the dark lord."

Alyssae took some deep breaths, but nodded. She could not set aside the feeling that he would play some shabby game to get her in his hands, but she did not want to live in fear. There were other things she had to do. She had to make a plan to lure Thorin out of his mountain, so that she could make him come to his senses. Kíli and Dwalin had to return with him to Erebor. And maybe - maybe she could join him. 

"Very well," she answered, so steadfast everyone around the table seemed surprised. "I will write him immediately."

. . .

Days later Alyssae sat with the two dwarfs around the table. Niamh had gone outside and Alyssae thought it was wonderful that she was already so independent, for she did not really had the time to take care for a baby. It seemed like Niamh became more mature with every day that passed by. Maybe it should worry her, but there were already so many things on her mind, and so she let Niamh wander through the city, knowing the other villagers would keep an eye on her. She could not use her wings yet, so she wouldn't fly away.

A little nervously she looked at Dwalin and Kíli, eager to hear their reaction now she had revealed her plan.

Dwalin's eyes were shining, but Kíli watched her with bewilderment. "You want to abduct him?"

"It is clear that he has to leave Erebor, away from everyone who whispers lies in his ear."

Kíli supported his jaw with his fist and sighed. "How do you want to get him outside? He never leaves the mountain."

"You are his only family," Alyssae answered. "You have to tell him you want to talk. Alone."

"What should I say?" Kíli grumbled. "I don't want to see him."

"You don't need to. We'll anchor in Lake Town and I'll make sure elves take him by surprise."

"We will anchor in Lake Town?" he repeated. "And with what, if I may ask?"

A smile played around her lips. "Leave that to me."

Dwalin chuckled. "I think it's a great plan."

An excited blush colored her cheeks. She knew this wouldn't be easy, but she could not deny that it was a wonderful prospect to let him be overpowered.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Kíli mumbled. "The Thorin you once knew, doesn't exist anymore."

Alyssae played with her hair. "I think he does. Somewhere, deep hidden. And I will bring him back to the surface."

They were startled when someone bounced on the door. Alyssae went for the door, but it already swung open. Raphael stood in the doorway, his hands covered in blood. The look in his eyes was wild and his arms were trembling. 

"What happened?" she asked in fear. 

He opened his mouth, but not many words left his lips. Still a defeated whisper reached her ears. 


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