Chapter 103. [Thorin]

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Aimless Thorin was pacing up and down in his room. The desire to grab the familiair bottle was enormous, but he didn't want anyone to kidnap him again to bring him back to reality. He however felt so hopeless he almost considered that as a chance. Maybe that would bring her back...
Thorin had no idea where she could be. He didn't know where to start his search. She was probably on the ship of that cursed elf, far away and out of his reach. 
Iorwen kept telling him he had to move on. That he had to prepare Kíli for his tasks as a king, but he couldn't concentrate. He really tried. He had presented Kíli a few cases he had dealt with at the court, but he believed his nephew had more insight than his by alcohol troubled mind had ever had. He found Kíli was ready, but they both wanted to wait for news about Alyssae. She wouldn't want to miss the coronation, he was sure about it.

Against all expectations Thorin received a richly decorated roll of parchment that same night. It was brought to him by Dwalin, who had fully recovered from his injuries. 
"Do you think it's from her?" Thorin asked hopefully, but Dwalin shrugged. 
His hands trembled when he rolled out the parchment. There were two pieces. 
He started with the first, but his throat swelled when his eyes went over the sentences. He couldn't believe what he was reading.
"What does it say?"
Dwalin's voice sounded worried. Thorin knew he could read the shock from his face. He didn't try to bear up bravely, for he was totally dazed by this message. The letter fell out of his senseless fingers and he stumbled backwards. He reached his writing table, but after that he was only trying to control his feelings. He didn't want...
He failed. His anger was so enormous he screamed every curse he had ever heard of read about. 
"This can't be her own decision..."
Dwalin's word did not reach him. All of a sudden he was in a dyspnoeic, afraid to choke. How could that bastard...

For a long time Thorin stared forward, caught in his own hate and distress. Traces of tears stuck to his cheeks, even though he did not know when they had came. Dwalin was no longer around and he supposed he had commanded his friend to leave, although his memory was a mess. He lowered himself on the cold, stone floor and stared to the wall, his eyes vibrating with heat. He had to take her away from that cursed wood. He couldn't allow that his girl was raped by that son of a bitch. 
His eye caught the enclosed letter. Was it from Alyssae? Had she succeeded in sending her own message? On hands and feet he crawled forward and his heart revived when he recognized her handwriting. 

Dear Thorin, 

A lump appeared in his throat. It felt like he could hear her whispered words. 

I am sorry it has to be this way. I promise you everything will get better. I hope you will understand I do this for us as well. Thranduil and I have found a way to turn back time, but  in order to do so we have to connect ourselves. 
Ik will make things right, I promise. I will bring Thranduin and Fíli back to life, and we will move on without being separated from each other for four years.

I love you with all of my heart, Thorin. After this we can be together for our remaining days. Thranduil wanted me to send you the invitation, but I think it's best for both of us if you don't show up. 


His lips felt dry, as if he had wandered through a desert for months. He tasted gall, but all of that bleached by the sudden pain that made him bent forward. A long time ago he had been afraid that Alyssae would break his heart, but he had never expected it hurt so much. 
Thorin had not seen this coming. He had thought that everything was over now. That they could be together now he had found himself back. He should have known Alyssae longed for more. Things he couldn't give her. She clearly couldn't live with the knowledge that Fíli was dead because of him and Thorin wished she had made that clear in another way. 
He couldn't comprehend she did this voluntarily. She married Thranduil, instead of him. It felt as if they had always conspired, determined to destroy him. 
Suddenly he saw a movement in the corner of his left eye. He looked aside and his eyes almost fell out when he saw the girl, with pallid eyes and shining white hair. Her wings pointed to the ceiling, taking his breath away. 
"I will avenge us." Her voice was soft, but touchable as a wind that was neither warm nor cold. "Be present at the wedding and watch how I will rip the heart of the elf king out of his chest, right before your eyes. I will grind it in my hands."
Her maidenly face showed a dash of an ice cold smile, but before he could react she disappeared as sudden as she had came. All that stayed behind in his mind was the echo of her dark words.

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