Chapter 57. [Dwalin]

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Dwalin had never understood what Thorin went through since the moment Alyssae had came into his life, by which she had had an influence on every decision he made. However, since Iorwen was around, he could think about anything else. He had already made the first decision he regretted - or maybe he did not. He should have left the ship to free his brother. He should have dragged his former friend on his beard to the dungeons to force him to open the cell doors, but when Iorwen said that it was not a good idea, he had agreed without a single thought. As if he was a brainless creature, not being able to have an own opinion. 
Together with Balin he could have searched for a new place to live, maybe in the Blue Mountains or in the Iron Hills. Instead he was on the water again, surrounded by elves he did not rust. They might be acting friendly, but they were still elves and he did not understand why they took so much effort in this mission. The captain seemed to have fallen for Alyssae, but still he had the feeling the man was very keen, knowing exactly what he was doing. 

Dwalin was startled when Alyssae came back. From her facial expression he could conclude the conversation hadn't developed as she had hoped. 
"And?" He leaned with his elbow on the table. 
"He won't do it," she sighed. "Thranduil and he doen't have a good understanding either."
Dwalin wasn't surprised at all, for he couldn't imagine there would be anyone who was around of his own free will."
"Luckily there are enough other elves." He glanced at the coxswain, who was a nice guy. He was now scrubbing the floor, because Eldinòr wanted to stand at the helm himself. "I would ask him.""
"I think Eldinòr doesn't want any of his men to go to Mirkwood."
"Don't they have a free will?" Kíli asked with raised eyebrows.
Dwalin said nothing and thought about her words. If was honest, he found it a bit strange. He looked around and bowed toward Alyssae. "Not to be rude," he whispered, hesitating, "but are you sure they can all be trusted?"
"Of course," she replied offended. "Why wouldn't they?"
Dwalin shrugged. "Well, at this moment they have a princess, a prince and a king aboard. If  that elf cock wants to try something, we make it very easy for him."
"That makes no sense. Eldinòr just helps because - he's a friend."
The hesitation in her voice didn't seem to escape her own attention either and she stared at the ground. They all knew they were on a ship that was sailed by pirates - people without honor. 
"Even more, I pay him for all this."
Dwalin kept silent, hoping there wasn't someone who paid a higher price. His look flashed aside and he got the feeling some elves watched them, as if they tried to catch their whispers. 
"Fine," he said eventually. "If you're sure about it..."
On the other side of the table Kíli still played with his knife. "If they dare to betray us, I will put this in their throat." Dwalin looked at his eyes, that flamed intensively. They reminded him of Thorin. The young dwarf started to look like his uncle more and more, before his longing for power destroyed him and erased the memories of his friends.

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