Chapter 71. [Melline]

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Melline looked at her sister. Her words echoed in her head. "Why would he kill father?"
She knew her sister had been through a lot and that she had made some enemies, but Melline had the feeling it troubled her judgement as well. 
"It's his vengeance because I turned his proposal down."
Melline frowned. She had to admit she had never understood the proposal. "Is he in love with you?"
"Of course not," Alyssae grumbled. 
"Then why does he want you so badly?"
"He clearly loves to ruin my life. It feels like he's never satisfied."
Melline thought about her words, but still she couldn't imagine he only wanted to provoke her. He put a hell of an effort into it.
"How can you be so sure Thranduil is behind all this?"
 "Because I know him, Mel. He tortured Thorin and cursed our child. Don't you think I know what he is capable of? Have you seen the necklace around father's neck? It was a gem of pure star light. Thranduil forced me to take it from Erebor and give it to him. That necklace was there for a reason. He really wants to show me that he is responsible for the dead of father."
Alyssae seemed very sure. Despite father's passing away, she was remarkably calm. Was she right? Was Raphael innocent? Had she judged her husband for no reason? 
She thought back to all the times he had stared out of the window. As if he was up to something. Was trying to find a way out for something secret that he had to carry out. His behavior could only be called mysterious and suspicious. Alyssae hadn't seen his nervous glance, nor felt his sweaty palms. 
"Who assumed it was Raphael?"
Melline didn't know. She had been so confused, so full of hate that memories blended and the faces of the guards were nothing but a haze.
"I can't remember."
Alyssae sighed. "He probably left the city already."
Melline intertwined her fingers. "How can you be so sure?" she whispered. "That he had nothing to do with it? He was often nervous and lost in thoughts..."
"Raphael is not a murderer," Alyssae replied angry. "And even if he is, he knew perfectly well how to hide it and he would have made sure no evidence led to him."
Melline stared at the ground. Her sister was right. It had been too easy. She bit on the nail of her little finger, wondering whether her husband would ever forgive her.
"What are you going to do?" she asked when she noticed Alyssae turned around. She had the feeling she could collaps any moment. 
"Make sure they leave Raphael alone. Since father is gone and mother does not speak, I'll stand in." With large steps she walked through the hall. The dwarf followed her and while Melline watched hem, she realized those two had been able to forgive each other too. 
They were the perfect example of true love conquering everything, although some nasty feeling kept gnawing. She couldn't get rid of the idea that Raphael was not the man who she had thought he was. Even if he had nothing to do with father's dead, there was still something he wanted to keep secret from her. Could their love prevail if she didn't even know whether the man she loved really existed? 

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