Chapter 78. [Alyssae]

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"Why wouldn't Alyssae come with us?" Thorin asked resentfully. 
Eldinòr shrugged. His eyes shone when he looked at her and Alyssae noticed those bright green eyes still did something with her. 
"Besides the fact that I don't want to bring myself in trouble because your girl and I once more can't keep away from each other, I bet Alyssae has other things to do."
A blush had appeared on her cheeks and she peeked at Thorin, but fortunately he didn't turn red of anger. 
"Indeed," she said, before Thorin could pay more attention to his words. "I will mobilize the army, so that we could march to Erebor as well."
They had ships that could transport them, which would speed up the journey, but it was important the dwarfs returned home as soon as possible. 
Eldinòr emptied the pitcher and put it on the table. "Ahoy!"
Philae followed him, as the dwarfs did a moment later. Thorin however stayed behind, uncertain. 
"I don't want to leave you," he mumbled sighing. "I bet things go wrong again."
Alyssae smoothed his dark hair. "We'll finish this guy for once and for all."
When their eyes met, she realized he was terrified. He had already lost so much ones he had loved that he was sure it would happen again, and Alyssae had to admit she shared his fear. 
"After this, it is all over," she said softly, where after they exchanged a long kiss. "They don't expect an army from Chyndall."
"Please, don't do anything reckless."
A smile played around her lips. "I will not muck up a future with you."
Thorin watched her for a while, then turned around and gathered his belongings. A sigh left her lips. The last thing she wanted was a war, but she was so incensed by everything Thranduil had done that she looked forward to it. She could avenge her father in a honest way. They didn't only go into battle to help Erebor, but also because they had to repay an evil deed. 

"I love you," Alyssae said softly. "I want you to never forget that, whatever happens." She touched his cheek. "And whatever Eldinòr says to you."
Thorin looked over his shoulder to the red haired elf, who was busy preparing the departure of his ship. "So you kissed him?"
"Yes." Alyssae didn't feel the need to dodge. "Once."

Thorin nodded and didn't seem to need an explanation. He had done more than just kissing someone. "You still feel something for him, don't you?' 
Alyssae hadn't been aware of the fact that she had been staring at him and she looked away quickly. She was still distracted by all the mystery that he was covered in, which she never had fully scrutinized. 
"Yes," she admitted. "But it's nothing compared to my feelings for you." She hugged him tightly. "Trust me." She closed her eyes while she pulled him as close as she could. It had been hard to say goodbye to Kíli, Iorwen and Dwalin, but Thorin... she didn't want to let go of him, afraid she would have to start a new search. 
"I believe you," he mumbled, where after he stepped back. "I see you in Erebor."
Alyssae nodded and Thorin climbed at the ship, that would leave soon. When he had left her, his place was filled up soon. 
"Take care, little princess," Philae said and he hugged her so tightly she had to gasp for breath. "Hopefully we will meet again."
Alyssae assumed they would, unless one of them would die. She hadn't even paid Eldinòr. In fact, she had barely talked to him at all. Maybe she had avoided him on purpose, so that she could get already used to his absence. 
She was little nervous when the captain climbed down to say goodbye. She had no idea what to say to someone she owe so much. It was terrible to see everyone leave, while she stayed behind. The next time she would see them, they would be separated by hostile soldiers. She doubted the Nirgoonva would participate in battle, since they had no reason to risk their lives. 

"Our little adventure is over, honey."
"You will come back, right?"
He chuckled softly, but shook his head. "I don't think that's a good idea."
"And your payment?"
"It's okay. The dwarfs will give me enough."
A lump appeared in her throat and she winked her tears away. "I will miss you."  
He lifted up her chin with his thumb. "There's no need to."
She stared at the ground. She had hoped he would miss her as well, but he wasn't very sentimental. 
"Goodbye, Alyssae." Suddenly his lips were upon hers.
Alyssae didn't know who had started - maybe they both had. As soon as she felt the pressure of his lips, she wanted more, but they pulled back their faces before anything else could happen. 
"Maybe it is a small silver lining that we both have hundreds of years to live." He gave her a penetrating look, but Alyssae turned her face away. 
She rather ignored the idea that Thorin's life thread would probably end within a century. Although it had to be seen whether such a long time was granted to them, considering the upcoming war. 

She looked aside and watched how he climbed over the handline. Then she searched the deck to locate Thorin, but he was nowhere to be seen. She hoped he would never forget that her heart belonged to him.

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