Chapter 84. [Alyssae]

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Alyssae only  noticed she squeezed Philae's hand when he whispered she didn't have to worry, and that they would free her daughter together. Her grasp became a bit less tight, but she didn't let go of him. Still they ran over the bare ground to the mountain. They were so close the battlefield had gotten out of sight, although the screaming did chase them. She solely concentrated on his hand, so that she could keep control of her nervousness. Would she find back her child alive? Why  had they taken her to this place? What had they done to her? Did they plan to use her in battle? That thought made her stomach hurt.
"It's here."
Philae's urgent voice pulled her out of her thoughts. They stood before some bushes, and Alyssae look questioning at him. 
"Behind this is an entrance."
He had lowered his voice until it was a whisper. He weighted his sword in his hand and slipped along the bushes. Alyssae followed him immediately. She had let go of him so she could hold her own weapon with two hands. They surely wouldn't have left Niamh unprotected. 
Her clammy palms made the hilt of her sword so slippery she wondered if she would still be able to handle it. This unprepared undertaking asked more of her nerves than a confrontation with Thranduil ever could have done. 
They stepped into a dark tunnel. Alyssae gave her eyes some time to get used to the darkness, even though torches were burning at the walls. It was the only sign of life. 

No movement of shadow was visible and the only sound she heard, were the footsteps of Philae and her. She took a deep breath and moved on, fighting the strong desire to call Niamh. 
She watched the back of the man before her while she put one foot before the other. She startled when Philae turned around all of a sudden. 
It went really fast. Suddenly Philae laid on the ground. Blood poured from a wound in his head and covered the dark ground. Alyssae screamed while she stretched her sword in front of her.
The pirate moaned softly, but he was still alive. A dwarf stepped out of a opening in the wall and pushed his sword against Philae's neck. 
"One more step and I will cut his throat, madame."
Alyssae didn't move. Her glance went from one wall to the other. Her daughter was more important than the man that was laying on the ground now. Would she take her chances?
She couldn't. Friends had died for her. She didn't want to burden her daughter with such a weight. 
"Throw your weapons at the ground."
Could she hit him when she threw  her sword or dagger to him? Would she succeed before he was aware of it and cut Philae's throat? Was it worth the risk?
His shocked eyes didn't escape her attention and Alyssae's hesitation drained way. Her sword clanged on the ground when she threw it at his feet, followed by her dagger and bow and arrow. She had another dagger, but she kept it.
"Very well. Now, step toward me."
Alyssae did as he said, but stopped a few steps away from him.  "Where is my daughter?"
Despite her fear her voice trembled of anger. 
"It won't take long before you will be reunited with her." He looked up to her. "But only if you do as I say."
Alyssae shuddered. What was that supposed to mean? That Niamh had died and that she would be the next? 
"I want a sign to know she's still alive."
The dwarf laughed. "Well, you won't."
He moved his hand and Alyssae screeched. "I'll go! Don't hurt him!" Her stomach shrunk of fear.
"Go there." He aimed at the opening he had came out of. Alyssae noticed it was a cell and obeyed, while she watched Philae. What would happen to him? Would that dwarf kill him anyway? Alyssae kept staying in the doorway, staring at the dwarf. 
"Undress yourself."
A nasty grin appeared at his face. "I don't know what you're hiding beneath that armor."
Alyssae needed to gave one look to the pale face of her friend to step over her embarrassment. She started to untie her weaponry. One by one the parts fell on the pile, as did her last tool to defend herself. She only wore her underwear, and fortunately that was enough, for the dwarf nodded. He grabbed the door and banged it. 
Petrified she stared at the elf.  "What are you going to do with him?"
A grin was on the face of the dwarf, and he put his sword away. 
A moment later Philae stood up, but he didn't look at her. "I am sorry, Alys."

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