Chapter 113. [Eldinòr]

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Nervousness was a feeling Eldinòr never had experienced before. A nasty feeling ravaged his stomach and it felt like he was wrung as if he was a sponge. He had postponed this moment for months and he had sailed away because he wanted the wind to lead all the memories away. 
He had felt home amongst the elements and in the company of his men, but still everything had changed since the moment he had left the ship on the wedding-day of his little brother. His life was different now Tauriel was free, now he was free. He had heard how things had ended in Mirkwood. The whole word seemed to know that a winged creature had ripped out Thranduil's heart, saving Alyssae from a terrible mistake. 
Eldinòr wondered if he would see her today. He had to tell her that people were hunting her and that she brought Chyndall in danger. He feared for her life, even though she seemed capable to protect herself. He however knew who was hunting her. An elf who would never gave up. He did not know why he wanted to have Niamh, but it couldn't be for a good cause. The times of his innocence were bygone for a very long time and Eldinòr knew more about that than anyone else. 
"Are you ready?" Philae yelled through the door. 
Eldinòr shrugged, although the elf couldn't see that. He wore no different clothes, even though this was the wedding of his sister. He checked if the gem was still in his pockets and left the cabin, the room he had given to Alyssae months ago. Although weeks had passed by, he thought he could still smell her when he tried to fall asleep. 
Eldinòr left the ship with his men. Contrary to the wedding of his brother, they were invited this time. Kíli had stayed on the ship for a long time and was convinced that he would never have found his wife back without their help. 

Eldinor had never been in a dwarf city before. He had expected a dark and musty city, but that was not true. The city showed an extraordinary example of craftsmanship no elf could match up to. The hall in which the oath would be sworn was enormous and bore by decorated pillars. Everywhere lights were winking and the presence of the many flowers showed the influence of an elf.  He smiled when he saw his sister. For centuries she had only lived in his imagination, but she looked the same as all those years ago. A happy smile was drawn on her face. It was worth all the effort of the past years, even his betrayal of Alyssae. 
He saw her with his brother, a little away from where he was standing. She looked just as beautiful as the day he had met her, although there was no child in her belly now, and she didn't gave the impression that she had lived on a graveyard for years. 
Thorin stood close to her. He looked more neat than the last time Eldinòr had seen him, and concluding from the expression on his face he finally had found his happiness as well. Eldinòr's eyes flashed curiously to the little girl that stood beside him. With her pallid hair and pale skin she caught the eye, not to mention her wings. She was only a head less tall than her father, which was unbelievable tall for a one year old child. Although that description didn't fit. She seemed to have skipped her childhood. 
He looked away when king Kíli welcomed his guests, telling how much he had looked forward to this day. "It's a true honor to be the first dwarf who will marry an elf," he said. "Let alone an elf who is as beautiful, sweet and brave as Tauriel."
Although Eldinòr had found him always a bit cynical, that seemed to be jostled now that he could embrace happiness again. In a diplomatic way he talked about the everlasting conflict between dwarfs and elves and that he hoped this would be subsided now two kingdoms were ruled by an elf and a dwarf. 

Eldinòr watched how they promised each other eternal loyalty. It was strange to see how his younger brother and sister became one with someone else, while he had never felt anything serious for a woman. He couldn't imagine to bind himself to a single woman, although he had to admit that it was disturbing how often the memory of his kiss with Alyssae popped up, without any reason. He wondered why he still felt attracted to her. Obviously she was a true beauty, but there was more. It felt like they were in balance, as if they had both done so many things wrong that they could not blame each other. She was brave and smart, but absolutely not a perfect elf princess. For a moment his eyes rested upon Thorin. That was certainly one of the reasons they belonged to each other, since Thorin was anything but perfect as well. 

He took hold of the jewel when the time came to give presents to the bridal couple. He went into a long row and when he could kiss her cheeks and give her the jewel, a lump appeared in his throat. "Hang it around your neck tomorrow," was all he said. He didn't want the memories to ruin this evening. It would cause extreme confusion.  He couldn't say anything else, tears jumped into his eyes. Quickly he stepped to Kíli and embraced him. "Make sure she wears it," he said.
The dwarf nodded.
A sigh escaped his lips. This was the last day he had to live without his sister. Tomorrow this chapter would finally be finished. 
He stepped out of the row and looked around. Niamh stood on her own. This was the perfect moment to tell her that she couldn't stay with her parents any longer.

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