Chapter 75. [Alyssae]

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Alyssae leaned on her elbow, that sunk away a little in the matrass. She watched Thorin's sleeping face. His mouth was a bit open and his dark hair curled down his ears. She gave him a smalle kis above his left eyebrow, on one of the many scars on his face. Even though she could still feel the pain and the despair by the memory they called up, they were part of them. 
Thorin opened his eyes by the touch of her lips. 
"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you."
"Hmm." His arms glided around her and he closed his eyes again. Alyssae smiled affected and nestled herself next to him, although she knew they couldn't stay in bed all day. 
Kíli would soon be at the door and Alyssae suspected that was the reason Thorin wanted to sleep a little more - as if he could postpone the moment. 

When sunlight fell in between the curtains and mantled the room in a bright light, Alyssae released herself of Thorin's arms and started to get dressed and prepare breakfast. The tiles felt cold beneath her feet, even though she expected today to become a warm day. At least for the dwarfs, who had lived under the shadow of the mountain for a long time. 
Breakfast was just ready when the door went open. Thorin walked to the table with a sleepy face. He touched her hand before he took place at the chair. Alyssae watched how he smeared apricot jam on the bread and drank from the currant juice. 
Alyssae sat down in front of him, wondering whether all their days would be like this. Waking up together, eating breakfast together, sleeping together. She was afraid it would bore Thorin soon, but this far he seemed satisfied and he had already admitted he hadn't done much the last years, except sleeping, throwing empty bottles to the wall and eating. 
Alyssae knew however she should not cling to a future with him. She wanted to - they both did - but there lots of factors they had no influence upon. There were still men who wanted to make their lives sour and who wouldn't just stop doing so, although Alyssae didn't want uncertainties to rule her life. There would be difficulties and she believed they could overcome them when they were together. 

An hour later they sat with Kíli, Iorwen and Dwalin around the table. Thorin didn't seem very pleased that his nephew had taken the other two with him, but in the end he decided he had complained enough in his life. 
"Well, what did you want to say?" Kíli watched his uncle with a somewhat bored face and Alyssae laid a hand on Thorin's knee when his discomfort grew like a lump that could burst open any moment. 
She suppressed a sigh, but she knew Thorin had to accept that the grief he had caused in Kíli's life might never really go away. Alyssae knew Kíli could never look Thorin in the eye without seeing the murderer of his brother. 
"I want to abandon the throne." He had decided to avoid eye contact and had focused his eyes on the ring on his finger which he turned around. 
Alyssae however sharply observed Kíli's face, although that showed nothing unusual. 
"I don't think that's a bad idea," he said in the end. "You haven't made yourself very popular." He sighed. "But I assume I have to replace you?"
Thorin looked up. "You're the first and the last of Durin's kin."
"It will blemish your name if you give up the throne," Iorwen said softly. 

A hollow laugh sounded through the house. "Maybe it's the only thing that will save my name a little."
There fell a long silence, that was in the end interrupted by Dwalin. "Will you stay here?"

Thorin sighed. "We thought it would be better if we lead Chyndall together, instead of Erebor."

The idea that Thorin wouldn't stay in Erebor permanently, clearly cheered up Kíli. 
"I am really happy for you." He looked at Alyssae, but eventually he turned his head to Thorin as well. "For both of you."
Alyssae gave him a small smile. She missed the old Kíli, who would have made plans for an unforgettable wedding immediately. The throne was a step further in his maturity, but she believed he would be a good king. 
She stood up. "I have something that belongs to the king of Erebor."

Thorin couldn't touch the stone anymore, but Kíli did and it was about time the Arkenstone returned to its people. She walked to the closed in her sleeping room and opened the drawer, but she froze when she found out it was empty. The Arkenstone was gone and so was Bilbo's ring...

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