☆*:.。. unsure and comics.。.:*☆

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Liam bit his lip placing his batman comic book collection carefully on his shelf near his bed, "Please don't fall, please don't fall" he repeats to himself with a cringe.

Ok, he had a lot of comic books on his shelf that looked as if it'll give out pretty soon. Not so soon he hopes.

Once he gently sets it down he steps back holding a breath in, nothing happens. Liam fists pumps in success, "Good job Liam" he says punching himself on the arm gingerly.

Suddenly his bedroom door swings open slamming against his wall making him squeak rushing to his shelf that shakes because of the force.

"Louis be careful! If they all fall then i'll spend half the night rearranging them again" he wcolds with a pout.

"Your such a dork that it's unbelievable" his donchaster friend sneers sitting on his bed.

Liam shrugs ignoring him, he was a comic book nerd and he was proud. He even has a successful store in the city that was making good money.

"Maybe if you weren't such a book nerd you'd have someone crawling all over your dick now"

Liam cheeks turn red turning to look at him, "Be quiet Louis" he says, trying to glare at him but it always fails because he's never taken serious

"Oh I'm sorry, I forgot you're a little Virgin Mary too. Mustn't use dirty words" The brunette sighs hearing Louis laugh at his bright red distraught face.

"M'not a virgin Mary" "Well you watch porn so you're not that much of a virgin Mary" he says fiddling with Liam's batman pillow case.

"Is there a reason your in here?" he asks turning to look at him.

"Yeah so I'm going to this bomb ass party tomorrow and I have nothing to wear for a shirt. I need your help"

"Um why should I? You called me a nerd and a virgin Mary"

"True but we've been mates since grade school, you're used to my pestering" Louis says with a nonchalant shrug.

Liam's bushy eyebrows furrow, "Why do you need my help? All I wear is tees and jeans, hey that rhymes" he adds giggling as he sits in his chair.

Louis shakes his head with a grin at his delusional friend, "I need your input. All opinions matter mate, yours matter the most" "Aw Lou that's so sweet"

"Yeah yeah, follow me into my dungeon and i'll show you what I chose" He says getting up from the mattress and into the hallway.

Liam gets up reluctantly looking back at his shelf praying that it wouldn't fall.

Once he got into Louis' messy room he plopped on the bed, moving some of dirty clothing away from his with a scowl.

"Ok so I wanna wear these jeans because they make my butt look really good, and these black toms but I have no shirt"

"Well what are the only clean ones you have?" Louis goes in his drawer throwing a few shirts at him, Liam catches some but half of them hit him in his face.

He rubs his nose pouting, that button from his blue shirt him right in his nose. Man he hated his nose, it was so weird and ugly looking.

Maybe that's why he hasn't had a boyfriend yet? He sighs shaking away his thoughts before looking at Louis shirts.

"Wear this, this one is my favorite" Liam says handing him the shirt with Charlie brown and snoopy with crowns hovering above the two.

Louis checks out the shirt for a while, "Alright, I'm taking your word for it Li. Better be some hot guys coming my way tomorrow."

Liam smiles in reply but it doesn't fully reaching his eyes, Louis notices sitting on the floor near him. "What's up? You've been acting depressed lately"

Liam shrugs with a pout on his lips, "Noffin" he says childishly making Louis smack his leg.

"Lies, tell me Li. You not feeling well? Someone at work messing with you?" Louis asks with concern getting no response from his friend.

"Do you think I'm ugly?" Liam asks quietly making Louis cover his mouth laughing. The younger stares at the ground hearing his muffled laugh before starting to tear him, I guess it was true.

Louis immediately stops once he sees the tears forming in Liam's eyes, "Oi mate, I wasn't laughing at you. It's just, that's a dumb question. No you're not ugly"

"I must be if no one likes me, I'm a man with an ugly nose who's a virgin and works at a comic book shop"

"Liam that's not true, your nose is far from ugly what the fuck? So what if your obsessed with comics and holding out for your first time? Some guys happen to find that sweet, you just need to find Mr. dream guy, he could be anywhere"

"Well what if he's not here? I'll be alone forever and i'll live with you while your married with a great husband and your millions of babies" he croaks out starting to cry.

"He's somewhere out there buddy, and he's going to come to you. Don't cry Liam, you know how I feel about you crying" he says handing him a box of tissues, his heart aching a little.

"Sorry, it's just, I wanna be happy too. I wanna live my life with a guy who won't judge me for being a clean freak, or watching toy story on repeat or wearing batman pjs"

Louis smiles sadly, "And that person most likely will want the same thing, you're far from ugly. Your special, kind, smart, and sweet even when I'm a butthead to you." He murmurs, messing with his shirt sleeve to make him smile.

"That's love mate and the guy you'll end up with will be lucky as shit to have you. I mean if I didn't see you as a annoying older brother I would've had a go" he says patting his leg.

"Thank you Louis, I needed that." he says wiping his nose. "If we're being honest here, I probably still wouldn't date you either way"

"Shut up," Louis lets out a laugh, though that comment didn't offend him.

"You know what?" "What? Chicken butt?" Liam asks starting to laugh at his own joke as he wipes his nose.

Louis rolls his eyes hard, "No goofball, you should come to Ed's party with me tomorrow"

"I don't know Lou, I don't know Ed that well and I don't remember the last time I went to a party"

"Ed is a likable person, you'll love him and he'll love you. Second it was in high school, at Samantha Watson's house. That day was when you first tried beer and threw up on the side walk when we walked home. Your mom yelled at me that day, gave me the chills"

"Well she still likes you obviously, besides it was a crazy night" "Liam, it was one beer" he says starting to laugh making the younger boy blush embarrassingly.

"Well I like beer now" "Only on special occasions though"

Liam gets up, "I don't need you judging me on my life choices Louis, I'm going back to organizing"

"So is that a yes?" "Sure, just don't ditch me" he says with a frown. He's done it before in the market, pubs, mall, and even at McDonald's.

"I promise mate, cross my heart and hope to die"

Liam smiles closing his door, "Thanks Lou" "Welcome" he hears him yell out.

Liam smiles going to room, gently closing his door closed.

He should probably pick out his outfit for tomorrow but he wanted to look in the mirror first.

He ran his hands through his hair for a couple seconds before staring at his nose, "Maybe you aren't too bad" he says poking at it. Maybe his future boyfriend might like his nose?

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