☆fireproof and forever☆

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Epilogue is next guys, I'm going to update tomorrow for sure :')

"Boobear?" Louis rolls his eyes, turning his head away from the tv to look behind the couch at the dark haired man sitting on the floor.

"What did I say about that nickname?" "But it's fun! Besides that's my nickname for you" "But I don't need a nickname from you Zayn"

"But that's not fair at all" "How so?" Zayn crosses his arms slightly, "Because you call me my little pony, twilight sparkle, twinkle toes, Barbie, drag queen, twinky mctwink, back door bandit, pillow biter-" "Okay, I get it. What do you want?"

"Do you think Liam and me will last forever?" The feathery haired man picks up his cat, Echo, kissing her head. "I dunno, do you think Harry and I will last?"

"If you don't kiss Niall again, sure" "Shut the fuck up, smart ass," Louis scoffs, hearing Zayn's contagious giggles.

"What're you doing back there anyways?" He asks, smiling when his cat paws at his nose. "This is where I come to think, I was watching a documentary about the history of love and it said that sometimes it doesn't last very long for some people"

"The hell kind of documentary was that?" "I'm not sure, Niall hid the remote and it was on at the time. Now I'm sorta scared, what if Liam finds someone better than me?"

"I'd doubt it, he's literally infatuated with you. I believe he'd choose you over his prized comic books"

After a while they all decided that they'd live together under one apartment so Liam finally got his things from his old apartment upstairs and placed it in Zayn's room since their sharing.

Zayn smiles at a little when Thor rushes over with the ball the man had thrown fifteen minutes ago. He's not sure where his dog went during those fifteen minutes, but he was glad he came back.

Thor places the ball down, nudging his nose hard making it roll towards him.

"Thank you Thor," he says to the dog before throwing it towards the kitchen. "Have you ever thought about you and Harry getting married?"

Louis raising an eyebrow, "No, I mean I can see myself marrying him but then again we don't know what the future holds for us. Maybe we'll get married, maybe we won't, I know that I'll always love him"

After a few moments of silence, the blue eyed man watches Zayn pop out from the back of the couch, heaving himself to plop in the seat beside him.

"And you and me will still be best friends even if you guys don't last forever?" "Best friends?" "Yeah, you're my bestfriend. You're sometimes a little rude and half the time you don't except my cuddles but I still love you"

Louis smiles, setting his cat back on the ground for her to wander around. "I guess you aren't bad either, you still annoy the hell out of me but you're okay kid" he says, patting his face earning a giggle from his friend.

"Thanks" he says, looking down at his socks. "Where is your boyfriend anyways?" "Visiting his parents, he didn't want to bring me because his grandmother would ask more nasty questions"

"Ms. Rose asked you nasty questions?" Zayn nods, "Like the other day, she pulled me to the side and asked if Liam likes to eat my butt"

Louis' chokes on air before laughing hysterically, covering his face. "What?" He asks as his shoulders shake.

"Yeah, I didn't have time to answer because Liam pulled me aside and told me not to. Liam hasn't done anything like that yet, sounds kinda uncomfortable. But overall she's a very blunt woman"

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