☆*:.。. jealous and erm.。.:*☆

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Zayn stands by Harry unsurely as he watches his bestfriend glaring across the mall. "Uh Hazza? What're we looking at?"

"You see this? That little prick!" Harry growls making Zayn frown looking around. "Who?" Harry pulls his close pointing slyly, "over there"

Zayn follows his finger, seeing Louis talking with a tall man with tan skin, dark curly hair, and a bright smile. "Who the fuck is that?"

Zayn shrugs, "Maybe a friend?" Harry scoffs, "Bullshit, he's doing this to get a rise out of me" "But Hazza, he doesn't know we're in here"

Harry ignores his comment, too busy spying. "Why do you care?" "What?" "You said if Louis found someone else, you wouldn't care"

Harry's cheeks turn red, "I-I did not" "Yes, yes you did. That when Louis said he'll find someone who'll pay attention to his booty" Zayn says, giggling at the word booty

Harry turns away, looking back to Louis who was hugging the stranger. "Are you jealous?" Harry scoffs, "Me? Jealous? Of that guy? He wishes"

Zayn wrinkles his nose slightly, "Harry? When I usually get jealous of people staring at Liam, I usually get angry or throw a tantrum"

"I'm not jealous, c'mon lets go" Harry says dismissively, leaving the shop. Zayn pouts looking over at Louis, he quickly goes to follow his frustrated friend.

Zayn stood awkwardly watching the guy from earlier with Louis, sitting on the couch with him. The door was unlocked which was very dangerous, Zayn made sure to lock it when he entered the apartment

He looks around before walking into their livingroom. "Hi Louboo" Zayn mumbles, catching both boys attention.

"Hey Zee! Liam is in the shower, but hey I want you to meet someone" Zayn smiles unsurely at the brown eyed boy next to him.

"This is Gerald, Gerald, this is Liam's boyfriend Zayn" Gerald stood up, making Zayn look up at the tall man.

"Hi" he squeaks out, feeling small. "S'nice to meet you" Gerald says, extending a hand. "You too," Zayn says shaking it. "You're huge" he blurts out making Louis erupt with laughter.

"Thank you" he says with a shy grin, sitting beside Louis. "He's visiting from Scotland" Louis says making Zayn gasp. "Scotland? I've never been, is it nice?"

"Very nice. Alot of dogs there" "Dogs? I love dogs" Zayn says bouncing a little. "Gerald here has four dogs"

"Wow really? My roommate only wanted me to have one dog" Zayn says, thinking of his dog Thor. Niall decided to take out to find guys to flirt with

Zayn nods smiling a little, he immediately drops it remembering Harry. He wasn't supposed to be friendly to him

"M'gonna go in Liam's room and wait" "Okay" Gerald smiles waving, "It was nice meeting you Zayn"

"You too" Zayn says giving him a smile, skipping to Liam's room. He couldn't be mean, Gerald was so nice

As soon as he got to Liam's room, he plops on Liam's bed. "Liam! I'm here!" Zayn shouts once he hears the shower stop running

Liam opens the door, wrapping the towel around his waist. "Hey beautiful" Liam says wth a grin, rushing over to give him a kiss

Zayn pokes at Liam's curly wet hair, "I love when your hair is wet, it's so cute" "Thank you baby" he says going over to his drawer pulling out some boxers

"So Gerald, he's nice" "Oh yeah, he and Louis go way back. Before we were friends really"

"I saw them yesterday at the mall, with Harry" "Oh yeah? Did you say hello?" Liam asks, dropping his towel

Zayn's cheeks turn a bright red looking away slightly, "Erm, yeah" "It's okay to look babe, it's nothing you haven't seen before" Liam says with a smirk

Zayn wrinkles his nose waving him off, "Harry and I were spying" "On Louis and Gerald?" "Ahuh, I was going to buy some new shoes and Harry saw them in the same store"

"Really?" Zayn nods, "He was jealous, even though he said he wasn't" "Aw that's so cute" Liam says finally getting his boxers on, pulling out a shirt

"Yeah, Harry likes him a lot. But he hides it" "Louis likes him a lot too, but Louis doesn't beat around the bush. Very straight forward, maybe we should do something?"

Zayn gasps, "That's a great idea! We can invite Gerald with us to eat out tomorrow" It was usually the five of them when they would go to this diner on Market's street

But adding Gerald would be very very interesting. "You're so smart princess" Liam says, fully dressed, walking over to hug him

Zayn wraps his arms around his neck, "Thank you daddy" Liam grins kissing his nose, "Alright let's go ask" he says, already leading him out the door

"Yes?" Louis asks, trying to look around Liam who was blocking the tv. Zayn smiles at Gerald, "Do you what to come eat with us tomorrow?"

Louis nods, "Hey that's a great idea, you can explore around town with us" Gerald nods, "That's sounds really cool, I'd love too"

Liam and Zayn exchange smiles, "Great" they say in unison. Louis frowns, "Okay then, well do you want to watch tv with us?"

"No, we're gonna go make out" Liam says shrugging. "Okay, please don't be loud. You remember last time" Louis says, wincing at the memory of Harry the couples loud moans that night when he had the stomach flu

"No promises" Zayn says, already dragging Liam to his room.

"What happened last time?" Gerald asks, his brown eyes glinting in interest. "Well let's just say I was sick and felt really weak. I had forgotten to close my room door and heard so many things coming from their room"

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