☆reveals and broken hearts☆

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"Hey babe, you alright? You look nervous" Harry says with a snort as he takes a bite of his steaks, staring at Louis across from him.

"Oh? I'm fine, just tired y'know?" Louis says with a quick smile, picking at his own food.

"Well do you wanna head back home?" "No no, it's fine" Harry bites his lip, "Well I brought you here to apologize, for the other day"

Louis smiles, "It's alright" "No, it's not. I was a dick and I deserved it when you yelled"

"No you don't, if anything I deserved to be yelled at" the older boy says guiltily, not sure if he should say something now or later.

Harry grabs his hands, "You haven't done anything wrong, you we're reacting like any guy would. So that's why I brought you here, to treat you"

Louis smiles, wincing a little. "Thanks" "You're welcome, so just sit back and relax. I'll pay for everything" "Thad too much Haz" Harry shakes his head, "Anything for you babe"

The feathery haired man wants to hide in the bathroom stall and cry right but he had to hold it in, he had to tell Harry. "Haz? I've got something to tell you" Louis says, picking at his salad.

"Me too, but let me go first yeah?" Louis sighs, "Sure" Harry grabs both of his hands, smiling widely and Louis could even see the love in his eyes.

He had a lump in his throat, he couldn't do this. "The first time I met you Louis, I thought I hated you but turns out I actually admire you"

Louis smiles a little, watching Harry sit up straight. "Ever since I confessed my feelings to you in that pizza restaurant in the bathroom, I thought that was the best day of my life"

"Besides the sex" Louis says with a chuckle making Harry grin cheekily. "Besides the sex, but it was more than that. I really did develop strong feelings for you"

"Really?" "Yeah, you're funny, smart, and beautiful. I don't think I'll ever love any other guy the way I love you" Harry confesses.

Louis bites his cheek, "Y-You love me?" Harry nods, "Yeah, I've come to terms with that for a while now, I talked with Zayn about it. He told me what I was feeling is that same way he feels about Liam"

The older boy sighs shakily, not knowing if he should run away now or what. "I love you too Haz"

Harry grins proudly, "So Louis Tomlinson, will you be my boyfriend officially?"

Louis' heart stops a little, this was all he had ever wanted when he first saw Harry. "Well, boo? What do you say?"

Louis squeezes Harry's hands for a while before letting go with a sniffle, "M'sorry Hazza" Harry frowns, "What's wrong? Too corny?"

"No" Harry frowns, "Are my hands sweaty? Im sorry, I'm just really nervous, I've never told someone I loved them before besides my family and possibly Niall and Zayn " he says, wiping them on his hands before placing them back on the table

The curly haired man was waiting for Louis to grab his hands but it didn't happen, "Love, what's the matter?"

"I did something" "What did you do?" Louis wipes the tears from his eyes, "I-I kissed Niall" he says quietly causing Harry to snort. "What? Speak up"

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