☆*:.。. Please and Daddy .。.:*☆

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Zayn skipped down the sidewalk of the street, he was on his way to visit Liam at his job. He had a very important thing to ask him, as he turned the corner fiddling with his satchel.

He stopped to spend some time with Louis and echo like he usually does when Liam is at work, but today Louis had told him something that Liam has never told him

He was kinda a sad that Liam never told him, but he was going to interrogate him once he's inside the store. Zayn slowed down looking for the familiar comic store sign, Zap!

In his opinion, Zayn loves the name. He likes comic books as well as Liam, he hopes to get a tattoo that says zap.

When Zayn found the bright red sign he smiles walking up to the door opening it. Zayn smiles closing the door behind him. It was empty, Zayn smiles looking around. "Leeyum, where are you?" He asks in a loud voice

"Behind the counter Zee!" Zayn gently climbs over the desk placing his satchel on the floor. "Yknow you could've unlocked that latch babe and walked in" Liam says with a fond smile coming out the break room

Zayn blushes with a shrug, "But that's boring Li, besides I'm a ninja" Liam wrinkles his nose making Zayn smile poking it. "I have to talk to you"

"Yeah sure, lemme put the closed sign up" Liam says motioning him to sit down. Zayn nods picking up his bag before sitting in the seat, he watched as Liam closed the blinds turning the sign on the door around before locking it

"So what's up beautiful?" "Well a little birdie told me something the other day" Zayn says swinging his feet in the chair. "Ahuh and what was that?" Liam asks leaning on the counter smiling at him.

"That you like a nickname" "A nickname?" "Ahuh, wanna guess?" "Not sure what you're talking about Zee" Liam says tilting his head. Zayn gets up cupping Liam's ear whispering, "Daddy"

Liam eyes grow wide as Zayn giggles, sitting back down. "Who told you that?" He squeaks out, his cheeks turning red. "A little birdie" "It was lucifer wasn't it?"

"No it wasn't the devil" Zayn frowns cutely.

"No, that's what I call Louis Hun" "Ohhh, yeah it was Louis" he says wrinkling his nose. Liam facepalms, okay maybe he likes being called that but the was a secret Louis was supposed to keep.

"What about it?" "Well I looked up how to pleasure your man, since your my man. And it says calling that makes them like you more" Zayn says cheekily.

He repeatedly pokes at Liam's side, coaxing a giggle out of the older man before pushing his hand away.

"Zee I already like you, you don't have to do any of that" Zayn nods taking out his phone, "Yuh huh so I'm gonna call you daddy," he says making Liam's cheeks turn red.

"And you call me baby girl" he says reading off his phone before nodding.

"What are you reading from?" "A website Louis told me to look at" Liam pinches the bridge of his nose before extending his hand, "Lemme see" Zayn smiles giving him his iphone.

Liam eyes scan over and stops at the web address, that asshole had his innocent boyfr- well he has yet to ask Zayn to be his boyfriend.

But that asshole had him look on some bdsm site, stuff like that creeped him out. Okay maybe he likes watching that too but would never have the heart to do it.

"Zee you shouldn't be reading from this" "Why? Is it bad?" Liam nods making Zayn gasp covering his ears, "But Louis said it wasn't bad" he argues.

"Well he lied, I think he was trying to be funny" Zayn pouts, "I've been reading that for a week now, I feel like phooey"

"Phooey?" Liam asks tilting his head with a chuckle. "Yeah, phooey" "I don't know nor ever heard anyone say that" "Well I say it because I don't curse, it's bad"

"So you mean shit?" Zayn's cheeks turn red as he covers his mouth, "You cursed" he says, his voice muffled.

"Baby we're grown ups, we can curse" "So I won't get in trouble?" "No" "Promise?" Liam smiles nodding, "I promise darling" Zayn smiles, "Okay daddy"

Liam gives him a look, "Don't call me that" he says standing up straight.

"Why not?" Zayn whines standing up to face him. "Cause you're too innocent for that" Zayn raises an eyebrow, "M'not that innocent" he says before pouting.

"You are and I don't want anyone ruining how precious you are"

Zayn comes closer, until their noses we're touching. "I can be dirty" he says with a dark tone. Liam frowns staring back down at Zayn now dark brown eyes, they weren't the bright hazel he was so fond of.

Liam swallows hard backing up only to have Zayn follow him until he backed into a wall, "T-This is new"

Zayn gets closer brushes his lips against Liam's collarbone causing the older man to shudder. The small boy leans up smashing his lips onto Liam making the older man immediately kiss him back.

Liam whines a little when the younger boy kisses him ever so slowly, but it leaves him breathless as their tongues brushed against each other.

Liam was caught in a daze when Zayn sucks on his bottom lip before he pulls away from  placing a small kiss on Liam's birthmark. That was quickest, yet amazing kiss Liam has ever had

Zayn nips at it before looking up at Liam batting his long eyelashes pouting, "Please?" he begs.

Liam's brain becomes fuzzy because his neck was still tingling from that wet spot Zayn had given him, but also from that kiss.

When did he learn how to kiss like that? "Daddy?" Zayn asks caressing Liam's jaw covered in scuff. "Hm?" Liam asks oblivious to what was happening.

"Can I call you that now? And you call me baby girl? I can show you more stuff, kissing isn't the only thing I can get good at" Zayn says smiling sweetly at him.

Liam nods dazedly making Zayn jump squealing. "Yay! This is going to be fun, oh and I bought a hello kitty pen yesterday. Wanna see? It has glittery streamers at the top" He says before grabbing his bag.

Liam just leans on the wall for support as he adjust his jeans that have gotten tighter. He watches as his boyfriend rambles on looking for his pen in his bag

Did Zayn just manipulate him? Better yet, hypnotize him with those soft pink lips and luscious eyelashes?

This was a very new side of Zayn, something that makes him twitch a lot more than usual. To be honest with you, Liam was starting to like it

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