☆tats and oops☆

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"Leeyum say cheese!" Zayn says holding up his Polaroid, Liam does this smolder look making Zayn giggle a little

Zayn takes out the picture, fanning it slightly before examining it. "Liam you look so handsome" he says, showing his boyfriend the picture

"Thank you baby, you gonna put it on your wall?" Liam asks, glancing over at his boyfriend's wall that was filled with Polaroid pictures

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"Thank you baby, you gonna put it on your wall?" Liam asks, glancing over at his boyfriend's wall that was filled with Polaroid pictures

Liam admired them really, Zayn had pictures of some of his friend, family, and mostly himself and Liam. "Of course" the dark haired boy say, grabbing a tab to place on the back of the picture

"Can you give me a little lift please?" Zayn asks, pointing to the space on the wall where he could hardly reach.

Liam smiles fondly, picking up his boyfriend his waist making Zayn quickly place the picture in the spot.

"Thank you daddy" Zayn says with a grin when Liam sets him down. "You're welcome princess" the older man says kissing his cheek.

Zayn smiles, swaying slightly making puppy dog eyes. Liam sits on Zayn bed, raising an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Well, I've been thinking" "Ahuh" "You have pretty tattoos" Liam smiles, glancing at his arrow tattoo. "Thanks babe"

"And Louis has pretty tattoos, like the tic tac toe one. Then Harry has a bunch of pretty ones like the butterfly, the ship" Liam watches his boyfriend begin listing all the tattoos Harry has.

Wait, does he want a tattoo? "Baby" Liam says, snapping his fingers causing Zayn to stop talking. "Yes?" "Do you want a tattoo?" Zayn bites his lip, feeling shy. "Maybe"

Liam coos, "Really?" Zayn nods, "Yeah! Can I? Please? I wanna be apart of the tattoo crew" he says with a pout.

"But Niall doesn't have a tattoo" "Yeah but he says that he wants his skin to be forever soft, silky, and pure" Zayn says making Liam snort

"Alright, well are you sure? They kinda hurt" Liam says starting to get worried by how excited his boyfriend was getting, he didn't want him to get scared when the needle comes in contact with his skin

"It'll be okay, I'll be with you" Zayn says making Liam smile. "Aw Zee" he says making Zayn feel shy as he sits on his lap. "What kind of tattoo do you want? Hello kitty? A unicorn? Puppy?"

Zayn giggles shaking my his head, "No, right here," Zayn says pointing to the right side of his chest. "And here" he says pointing to the right side of his stomach.

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