☆*:.。. birds and bees .。.:*☆

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"Zayn can you come here for a second?" Harry asks fiddling with his notebook ignoring Niall's snickering. Zayn skips in holding Thor in his arms, "Hm?" "Sit, we need to have a very long discussion"

Zayn frowns setting his dog on the ground to wander around as he sits next to Harry. "A-Am I in trouble?" "No, I just want to talk to you"

"Oh," Zayn says simply. "Bout what?" "Well have you and Liam been intimate yet?" Zayn frowns tilting his head, "Huh?"

"Like have you two done anything mature?" Zayn thinks for a while, "Well I showed him my panties, and he said they we're pretty" Niall laughs covering it up with a cough.

Harry looks at Niall with a scowl before going back to Zayn, "That all?" "Well," Zayn drags out tapping his chin. "I modeled for him, he says I have a cute butt" he says with a giggle, his cheeks turning red.

"That's true, its so smol" Niall comments making Harry blindly throw a pillow at his face.

"So in the future, do you plan on doing anything? Like the next level?" Zayn frowns, "I don't understand, I thought I already went to the next level. Kissing and holding hands" Harry wants to coo and cuddle his kitten of a bestfriend.

"Well yes but that next level is sex" Zayn gasps holding his ears. "Told you this was no use" Niall says making Harry huff pulling Zayn's hands down. "Buddy would you rather your parents tell you or you're best friend?"

"Best friends," Niall corrects him before sitting in between the two. "I want some of this action" Zayn shrugs, "Well what about," Zayn leans in whispering. "sex" "Well you know that when you aren't comfortable with doing something y-"

"You say fuck no, and if they try again kick their balls. Works all the time" Niall says cutting Harry off.

Zayn stares at him horrified before covering his ears knowing what was coming. He heard muffled yelling from Harry who was clearly cursing Niall out who had a smug look on his face getting up to go to the kitchen

Harry motioned for Zayn to move his ears, "Ignore everything Niall said okay? As I was saying, if you aren't comfortable with something you say no very sternly" Zayn nods like a little kid.

"Alright, when you're ready to have, y'know, be sure it's with someone who you really trust"

Zayn nods again, he does trust Liam but he doesn't want to have sex yet. "Do I have to have sex now?" He asks frowning.

"Well when you feel like the time is right you can, if you don't then that's alright" "Alright, cause Liam says he's a virgin and he doesn't want to have sex yet either"

Harry frowns, "Wait what" "Yeah" Zayn says throwing a dog toy to Thor who happily retrieves it. "When was this?"

"Well the other day we we're watching this movie and it had a nasty part in it and Liam said that he wasn't going to do that any time soon"

"Really?" "Yup, then I said same" Zayn says scratching behind his puppy's ear. "Oh" "Yeah so don't worry, nothing is gonna happen"

"You sure?" "Positively sure" "Alright, so do you know how to have sex with a guy?" "You stick the penis up the butt hole"

Niall splutters his beer laughing, "That's a way to say it" Harry chuckles, "Well somewhat like that" Zayn nods, "I know how it works, I saw a picture of it.  Sometimes Niall leaves his laptop open and there's videos of it"

Niall clears his throat with a scowl, "What're you doing near my computer?" "Well you always leave it on the couch and I wanted to check the time but instead it showed a big man on top a small one"

"God damnit Niall" Harry says making the Irish lad shrug. "He has truly seen the gift of porn"

"Stop saying that" "Saying what?" "Porn" Harry says rubbing his temples. "Porn porn porn" Niall chants making Zayn cover his mouth giggling

"Sometimes I wonder why agreed to live with you two goofballs"

Zayn knocks on the door with the number 53 on it, "Liam?" He says loudly. Suddenly the door opens and its Louis holding echo whose gotten a little bigger.

"Hi Zayn, Liam's in his room" "Hi Loulou, hi echo" he says using his finger to pet her before walking inside.

He rushed to Liam's door before knocking on it, "Libear can I come in?" He heard stuff being knocked down and a rushed voice, "One second Zaynie!"

"Kk" Zayn says playing with the strand of his hair, waiting outside his door. Zayn glanced over to Louis who was shaking his head with a snort.

"He's been in there all day" he says making Zayn pout. After a few minutes Liam opens the door with a shy smile, "hi" Zayn took in his red cheeks and messy clothes.

"Hi can I come in?" "Yeah yeah" he says motioning him to come inside. Zayn smiles walking inside the warm room, "I missed you today, I texted you and you didn't respond" Zayn says with a pout

"S-Sorry, I was doing stuff" "Oh like what?" Zayn asks plopping on his bed. "Uh nothing really, counting my books"

"That sounds like fun, well do you wanna go to the bakery with me today? I was going to pick up some stuff for Niall and Harry"

"Uh sure, I have to go to the bathroom real quick" "I can tell, you have a Mr. Happy" he says with a giggle, pointing at the tent in his unbuttoned jeans.

Liam quickly covers it, "S-Sorry" "It's okay Liam" he says giving him a reassuring smile. Zayn nods watching him rush into the bathroom.

He plays with his bracelet humming a little before laying back on the bed. He frowns feeling something hard under the pillow, he lifts it up to see his laptop.

Zayn pulls it out gently opening it, his cheeks went red before quickly closing it. He slides it back under the pillow, it was those videos Niall watches. He sits up biting his nail before his stomach started flipping at the thought of Liam on top of him like that.

He quickly shakes his head so he wouldn't think about it anymore. Was it good to think about Liam like that?

"Okay are we taking the car or walking?" Liam asks finally out of the bathroom, his hair back to his normal and his clothes straightened.

"Can we take the car?" Zayn asks hopefully. "Ahuh, it'll be faster" he says grabbing his keys from his dresser holding out his hand for Zayn. He squeals getting up before taking his hand, intertwining them.

As Liam dragged him out his room, out the apartment, finally outside Liam opened the car door for him

"You're such a gentleman" Zayn says kissing his nose before climbing in his seat. "Only for you" Liam says cheekily before closing the door, going to the other side. Zayn huffs, he was gonna ask Harry about this video thing later

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